
the hidden Treasure heist

No matter how difficult life can be with efforts and perseverance and endurance and endeavours definitely will pave the way to a brilliant and bright future in life that leads to a great success in spite of limited resources.

Safa_Cozma · Action
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10 Chs

3. Jessica

Jessica on the other hand , was a pretty good looking attractive lady with blond hair wide green eyes ;she was very clever as well during all stages of her education at school which she had finished it with distinction.

Her family background financial wise was much better and her family owned a lot of plots of lands in the area they rented them for the available farmers to grow olives, potatoes and tomatoes in addition to corn during the season and once the season grows they tend to share the profits of the total sales with them based on 50:50 profit sharing arrangements .

Apparently ,oil business usually is a great worth while quite lucrative business ,depending on trees of olives available as at all their plots and of course depending on how prosperous is the season itself.

This prosperous business venture can give an output of 1500-2000 tins of olive oil during the Season which can be sold at 80-100$ Lebanese Lira equivalent each by then.

As a rich family in the area they were quite conservative and Jessica was their only daughter;she grew with a lovely family a loving good looking father;well known among his community fully devoted for his family and a well educated elegant beautiful mother both parents took good care of her and also she was well groomed and of course they wanted her to marry a rich guy who deserves their beautiful lovely only talented daughter.

Somebody ,who will take good care of their beautiful and pampered daughter and treat her with love and respect as it should be and can't allow anybody to flirt or make any casual unusual relationship with their adorable beautiful daughter whatsoever except for a serious relationship that leads to marriage.

Thereby blocking any attempt for any gossip that follows any young rich lady living in a conservative and closed society by then.

This principle is strictly abided by and adhered to among villagers and conservative societies and among all the religions.

The two couples on the other hand ,used to meet discreetly at the Church of the village after prayers and during and after school of the village which made it easy for both of them to meet and chat at length always without being watched because they were in the same classroom which was freshman class by then both students studied and prepared for Baccalaureate II scientific section being an excellent students in mathematics and physics of their class.

Jessica’s mind was always with Sami but her family restricted her freedom and because at village they tend to watch each other she avoided being caught with Sami thereby fighting with her father due to gossips from curious neighbors who report her movements to her father just out of malice which will curb her activities with Sami

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