
The Hidden Shield of the Uzumaki Clan

Kensei Hogo, Hidden protector to the Heiress of the Uzumaki Clan, Kushina Uzumaki, was sealed into Stasis Transportation Seal inside a scroll and given to her before she left by his father claiming the scroll would remind her of home in her time of need. Said scroll was forgotten due to the fall of Uzushiogakure happening shortly after and was later found by Hiruzen Sarutobi after Kushina’s death. He sealed the scroll into the The Scroll of Seals, due his limited knowledge of Uzumaki-style fuinjutsu, thinking it could have been a possible threat to Konoha that could only be accessed by Uzumaki Blood with the only known alive Uzumaki at the time was a newborn whose blood could have easily been taken by anyone. Kensei was then later accidentally unsealed after Kushina’s child found the scroll when they were tricked into stealing the Scroll of Seals. Kensei’s new mission is to protector her child as he would have protected her. *Author’s warning* I do not own anything you probably recognize from any known or licensed series. They belong to said owners and creators. The only things I could claim to own is any OC and the AU history that I tried to have match the original as best I can. Please point out any plot holes early so they can be fixed before they could possibly ruin the story. Thanks in advance for that and even reading this story.

Darach23 · Anime & Comics
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One piece story has started

The one piece story I have talked about in the last update is now out. As you guys can assume, I went with the White Tiger Mythical Zoan fruit story. Fair warning, I do plan on somewhat following the canon story. I will skip over arcs I just plain don't like. An example of an arc that I don't think matters to the main story is the one with Foxy. Davy Back fights aren't even mentioned after that as far as I can remember. I may end up doing it if I can think of a way to spin it with my additional characters introduced.

As from my other stories, yes it will be a harem story in the sense that multiple female characters are connected with the MC as his crew members but not all will be pursuing the main character as each will have their own reason to join the crew, both noble and selfish. Only about 2-3 characters on his crew will originally be from One Piece. I have spent the last few weeks figuring out how to fit the non-OP characters into the story and I think I did a decent enough job at it. The best I could do that is have them somewhat connected to the Strawhats in their backstory even if they were simply residents of the same island or were victims of the same traumatic event.

Like Luffy, I do plan on making my main character a morally gray character. Some crew mates will be the voice of reason while some will join on the hair-brained schemes the MC cooks up.

Any more questions please go to One Piece: Western Wind Blows the Sail