
The hidden king

As the leader of the Wolf King, he mysteriously disappeared, and during her journey to explore the truth, she discovered that things were not simple, leading to a journey full of courage and suspense.

Saltyalfalfa · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 29

Milia, upon learning the truth, left prison in unbearable agony, her disappointment in her father sinking her spirits. Only now did she deeply understand why Annia hated her so much, to the bone. These years, how desperate and pained Annia must have been, unable to find any reason for her father's abandonment, unable to comprehend his disappearance.

All because of Milia's lie, her unconscious admission that her father, Odessa, committed suicide, turned Annia's father from dead to missing. Only in the end did Annia discover the truth: the person who killed her father, using his body to vanish without a trace, how intense must her hatred be.

The atmosphere in the council chamber today was unusually solemn. The elders and representatives of the city's senior families were all present. Although the gods were not involved, the temple priests were also in attendance.

Liam presided over the approval meeting, with Osha, the chief priest, sitting behind him as the representative of the divine race. The venue across from them was filled with long benches, and most of the tribe's people had come, crowding in or standing at the door to watch.

Annia and Milia sat separately in the front row, far apart. Kenny sat in the back row, his expression wooden, determined to be a witness today.

Liam first read out the background of the matter, his voice loud and commanding, the audience silent. Liam was about to announce Morrison's crime when Milia raised her hand. Liam nodded, and she stood up, facing the audience.

"Before our leader pronounces judgment, I want to sincerely confess a long-hidden fact to everyone. Today, the true identity of the person who killed the ancient god Newkass is revealed."

All eyes were on Milia, especially Annia's, whose expression was particularly subtle, as if she could barely contain her restlessness, almost standing up. Burke quietly grabbed her arm.

Milia cleared her throat and continued, "The ancient god Newkass was indeed killed by this person, who poisoned him with sweet soup. His name is Odessa, my father. Ten years ago, my father did not fall to his death from a cliff. The one who died then was another elf, named Morrison, who is Annia's father."

A murmur arose, and the audience was in an uproar. Milia went on, "Ten years ago, when Morrison and my father Odessa were struggling on the cliff, Odessa rushed to the bottom of the cliff. Morrison was not yet dead at that time; he had the opportunity to save him, but he did not. Instead, he placed his family crest on Morrison, leading to this miscarriage of justice. And I, I lied to the old leader, Dadesa. I told him that my father had fallen to his death from the cliff. I have also committed the crime of concealment and shelter."

Kenny blinked several times in succession to conceal his shock. This was Milia's premature confession, nailing herself and her father to the pillar of shame.

Annia's lips trembled, the muscles on her face twitching uncontrollably. She staggered to her feet from her seat, Burke could no longer hold her back, and she glared in Milia's direction, her eyes almost spewing fire.

Milia turned toward Annia, her eyes meeting hers with sincerity. "Odessa didn't just kill Annia's father, Morrison, but also, driven by bribery, personally murdered the ancient god Newkass. He's guilty of two murders, and I provided false testimony for his faked death. Both of us are culpable and ready to accept the judgment of our leaders and priests, submitting to any punishment. On behalf of my father, Odessa, and myself, I sincerely apologize to the victim, Ms. Annia."

As she finished, Milia bowed deeply to Annia.

Annia's tears flowed silently, a smile on her lips. Unable to contain herself, she screamed at Milia, her voice sharp and cutting. "You! What right do you have to repent! You think this is enough? I will never accept your apology!"

Chaos erupted in the assembly. Burke stood to support the almost breathless Annia. Kenny, seeing the situation, snorted, quietly slipping away. He was of no use anymore, and Annia clearly would not fulfill her promise.

Odessa sat in silence, his face reflecting sorrow and regret. He watched as his daughter publicly revealed his identity and apologized to Annia. He did not speak, his emotions swirling inside him like the sea. All of this had been planned. Milia had visited him in prison and learned the truth of Morrison's death and their escape plan.

"Father, we can't run from this. We have nowhere to hide. Annia has evidence of your inaction and my involvement. This time, although you were coerced, there are witnesses to your actions. Let us face our sins honestly this time. Whatever the outcome, I will stand by your side." Odessa, listening quietly, nodded in agreement. He smiled, relief evident in his eyes. She was a brave daughter, so different from his own weakness.

This was their resolution. No matter where they went, they had to face their past. What regret could there be in facing it with loved ones by their side?

Locked in each other's gaze in the prison cell, this was their true moment of reconciliation, facing their true selves together.

In the council chamber, Liam, aware of Milia's decision, was unsurprised. He glanced at Priest Osha, who showed no emotion, and announced the trial's suspension.

The elders left for the chief's office to await Liam and the priests' decision. The city buzzed with the news of this bizarre event.

Milia's clinic bore a sign declaring temporary closure, warding off prying eyes. Meanwhile, Kenny persisted, making repeated visits to Annia's valley villa, probing her interest in gold and suggesting a collaboration to obtain it. He now resided in a secluded cabin provided by Elder Gabriel, who pressured him for the gold to finance his son's campaign for the upcoming chief election.

Relaxing in the restaurant, Milia smiled as Ethan entered. "Guess who's here?" she said. Looking up, she saw Heidi enter, still wearing a pout. Clearly upset, Heidi wasted no time. "What you did today was essentially shielding the real killers," she began, taking the glass of red wine from Ethan. "Your past mistakes are hardly worth mentioning, but this trial was your best opportunity to break free from your unreasonable father. Instead, you've become even more entangled with him."

Milia looked at the irate Heidi, pulled a chair closer, rested her head on Heidi's shoulder, and closed her eyes, exhaling.

Heidi pretended to push her away, wriggling a bit, but ended up reaching out to pat her head.

At home, Gabriel received an unexpected visitor—Annia, who arrived cloaked in black in the dead of night, unaccompanied. Uncertain of her intentions, Gabriel gestured for her to sit on the bench opposite his chair, and the attendants closed the door behind Annia.

"So, you?" Gabriel began, slightly hesitant, observing her.

Before Gabriel could say more, Annia smiled calmly. "I believe, in the current situation, what you need is a truly powerful ally, like me."

"I want to be the biggest supporter for your son's campaign for chief. I can offer money and certain privileges." Annia's voice was particularly calm, her straightforwardness carrying an undeniable power.

"Elder Gabriel, your alliance with Kenny was also because he could provide you with these, right? Now you should have realized that Kenny is just a middleman. My supporters and I value genuine strength and determination in a partner."

Gabriel chuckled nervously twice. For a moment, he dared not respond, nor did he dare to ask who Annia's supporters were. However, his eyes began to shine.

Liam and Ethan sat in the dimly lit tavern, their conversations tinged with gravity. These evenings had become a ritual after their long days, starting with dry discussions of their respective leads and speculations on case developments, then easing into personal anecdotes of past adversaries and battles. However, tonight's mood was subdued, both men still processing the recent trial's impact.

"How is Milia faring?" Liam inquired, his concern evident. Ethan shook his head, his expression somber. "She recently reunited with her biological father, only to be compelled by circumstances and conscience to publicly denounce him as a murderer, exposing her own faults. It's a heavy burden for anyone to bear."

Liam sighed deeply. "Milia is strong, and she has you and her friends for support. But my greatest worry now lies with the refugees in the Riverlands. Kenny and Thomas, despite their flaws, managed to achieve a degree of peace and reduce border conflicts. Additionally, the OLVE New Alliance, while questionable in its intentions, has provided much-needed aid to the wanderers, offering relief funds and shelters."

Ethan looked surprised by Liam's perspective on the OLVE New Alliance. "Are you suggesting you wish for the organization to persist?"

Liam furrowed his brow. "Given the current complexities, if the OLVE New Alliance were to cease operations, the refugees would face an immediate existential threat. The implications for the Riverlands' security are troubling."