
The Hidden Dragons

___--pov: Dylan--___ Dylan: so how do you find this Fiona girl? lizzy: can imagine Eric he is such a, a, I don't Even know what to call him right now even if he wanted to kiss her must it be infront of me Dylan: huh that not even what I asked her. Lizzy why are you so worked up about the kiss Lizzy: you know what screw this Fiona nonsense, screw Eric and his pretty face and hair screw his little girlfriend and her cross eye. Dylan: Lizzy are you jealous Lizzy: ppfff me jealous nah Dylan: then why are you angry about a mere kiss Lizzy: what mere kiss did you see how passionate she was and I'm not angry Dylan: good that your not angry he can kiss all the girls he sees we don't give a damn right Lizzy: you know what Dylan screw you Dylan: she left me I know she is jealous she's just too stubborn to admit it. hay lizzy wait up I thought we were going together

Divaxx · History
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22 Chs

My heart prayer

Lizzy: the three of us followed her quietly until we were standing in front of a huge wooden door that had two openings and there were two huge men standing in front of the wooden door with what looked like a body build well huge door huge guards oh no is this her torture room i whispered and asked Eric who was beside me

Eric: and what if it is

Lizzy: he whispered back what please if this a joke stop right now

Eric: I do not know

Lizzy: but you were in this school before me so you would know right

Eric: even if I knew I wouldn't tell you ever

Lizzy: Eric see I am sorry for calling you a donkey he he donkey lizzy this not a laughing matter I said to my self well I'm sorry for calling you names and all that in the past now

Eric: that doesn't still change anything

Lizzy: leav it your hopeless

Eric: oh now I'm hopeless what happened to sorry for calling me names and all that you just said

Lizzy: I only said it because I thought you answer my question

Pandora: would you both stop fighting you have already put me in so much trouble

Lizzy: how?

Eric: because ever havoc any of our class mate's make she'll do the bigger part that's why she keeps controlling our ever move like

a freak

Lizzy: oh now you want to talk to me huh

Eric: your so impossible

Lizzy: he rolled his eyes then stared at the guards in front of the wooden door,,

Guards: welcome Flora any problem

Flora: as a matter of fact yes

Guard: would you like to tell it to us or you would want to go in and pay a visit

Lizzy: are they the ones going to dig our grave , Flora looked at us for a moment then said she would like to go in by her self, ah I have to say my final prayer . oh Lord forgive me for all the mistakes and mischief I have been up to and all the food I stole when I was in the street and open heavens gate as I come . and if you save me from whatever is waiting for me I will stop being sarcastic I promise and I wouldn't look for trouble any more