
The Hidden Dragons

___--pov: Dylan--___ Dylan: so how do you find this Fiona girl? lizzy: can imagine Eric he is such a, a, I don't Even know what to call him right now even if he wanted to kiss her must it be infront of me Dylan: huh that not even what I asked her. Lizzy why are you so worked up about the kiss Lizzy: you know what screw this Fiona nonsense, screw Eric and his pretty face and hair screw his little girlfriend and her cross eye. Dylan: Lizzy are you jealous Lizzy: ppfff me jealous nah Dylan: then why are you angry about a mere kiss Lizzy: what mere kiss did you see how passionate she was and I'm not angry Dylan: good that your not angry he can kiss all the girls he sees we don't give a damn right Lizzy: you know what Dylan screw you Dylan: she left me I know she is jealous she's just too stubborn to admit it. hay lizzy wait up I thought we were going together

Divaxx · History
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22 Chs

Bad first day

we kept throwing food until I ran out of food so I hid under the table and i found Pandora under the table too she was freaking out

Pandora: oh no no no no , you it had to be you, so what if Eric was quite, his always quite at the table but noo you had to start a fight now we're in trouble

Lizzy: what trouble we were just playing

Pandora: playing ha did you just say playing oh if you knew what is coming for us your going to run

Lizzy: what do you mean wait are you about to roast me. I said going back shaking like a chick

Pandora: oh I will but not now we are already in big trouble thanks to you, I've got to get out of here

Lizzy: she said almost pulling her hair, I do not understand what trouble we were in so I followed her quietly

Pandora: oh no. were too late what I'm I going to do

Lizzy: what is wrong with her

Pandora: I am so scrud right now

Lizzy: there was Girl standing at the door of the dining area

Pandora: oh no Flora

Lizzy: who is that

Pandora: she is the senior prefect for torture she takes good care of spoilt brats with an order from the master in a bad way and she is here for you

Lizzy: oh I get why Pandora was freaking out, oh no oh no no no i can't get punished on my First day no no this is bad what will I tell Lara, Forget the punishment I am thinking about my status here what will my friend's say about me I will be a laughing stalk .

Pandora: were in trouble and your thinking about status your so selfish

Lizzy: I am not selfish..... what is going on here . the Flora girl said and the dinning area became as quite as a grave yard even I went to morn my biological parents I didn't even know but the orphanage made us do it as respect to the dead .

Flora: I said what is going on... oh so no one is willing to talk. alright then tell me who started this food throwing and why

Lizzy: every body pointed at me Eric and Pandora i was not surprised I am used to getting into trouble well that was before I met Lara and now I am not that confident because it has been over 4 years since I got punished

Pandora: me? what did I do, this is a misunderstanding you got it all wrong I didn't join them is it because I am close to her OK there I've moved I am not apart of all this

Lizzy: look who called me selfish

Flora: enough you three follow me , I have a feeling that this is going to be a lot of fun

Lizzy: oh I suddenly become cold her words sent chills down my spine is she going to burn me or even worse keep me in a fridge until I turn to an ice pop then she'll lick me until I finish or probably until I melt I'm as good as dead and she has a Scarry Ora that was not welcoming at all