
The Heroic Adventure of the Black Hero

After having a horrendous life as a wage slave, a man is summoned by a beautiful goddess with the goal of turning him into a hero. But due to the horrendous and cold personality of the hireling, the other gods branded him as a renegade, a "Black Hero". That's how Vandelion was born, and after managing to save the world, he has only one goal in his new life. "I want to live relaxed, doing whatever I want. Having riches and above all several wives. Including you, Goddess." This is how Vandel's bizarre adventure to achieve his dream and in the process save the world again begins. A comical and ecchi adventure with a hero out of the ordinary begins!

Siegburn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Prologue (Volume 1)

Point of View.

◇ First person or protagonist.

◇◇ Other characters.

◇◇◇◇ Omniscient narrator.

❤❤❤ Some girl's point of view.


Warning: I'm saying this now so you don't complain later; the novel will contain sexual scenes. They will be a bit graphic, but they won't last long unless the entire volume focuses on developing relationships with the main character.

There will be a lot of morbidity, but only when necessary.

There will be yuri, that's right, women kissing, and even incest, whether it's between sisters or mother and daughter or ancestor and descendant, but this will happen only in the sexual scenes, after that the subject will be dead out of bed.

The story will be a mixture of slice of life with development and world conquest as the protagonist wishes to live in peace, but must eradicate threats in the world.

The story is not serious despite all the talk.

It is a way to relax the author's brain after writing several serious novels.

Even with that, the novel is not taken as trash or joke, so it will not disappoint in harem, comedy or fights (neither in lore, lore for the author is something sacred).


Have you ever wondered what you're working for?

Yes, I'm talking to you.

Don't be scared ufufu.

You are like me, someone who has become bored.

Someone who lives a routine that should be called slavery.

Studying, working, family, friends.

All that tires you out in the end.

That happened to me too.

I worked day and night without stopping.

But unlike you, my job, which I've already forgotten, was focused on not being behind a cubicle or at a fast food counter.

My job was to be a God.

That's right, I am a God, that's why I can talk to you.

I was working so long that I lost interest.

For that reason, one day I discovered it unintentionally.

How wonderful stories are.

People, each one of them has a story to tell.

My interest in humans grew as I watched how someone homeless could become a multi-millionaire, or a man who had a happy life become a serial killer wanted by Interpol.

All humans are interesting. But I got to see them all.

For that reason, I ventured to observe the other worlds.

Every galaxy, every cosmos, every dimensional border.

Ufufu, I have become an otaku who enjoys stories a lot.

Why do I refer to myself as feminine?

I don't possess a gender like living beings, but thanks to a certain country that put out manga centered on every possible fetish you can't imagine, I've developed a quirk.

That's why my appearance to make you guys feel comfortable can be anything from a cute loli who tells you onii-chan to a mature older sister type woman.

But one thing is for sure, my name is something you can't pronounce.

Your heads will explode from trying to pronounce the first syllable.

For that reason, call me...yes, it's a good name.

I'm the "Storyteller", nice to meet you.

Now that the presentation is over, let's open our book of worlds and select the story we will see today.

I wonder who will be the lucky one who will show us his or her tragedy or victory?

I can't wait for it fufu.

I have finally made it this far.

It's been a long road, I suffered a lot but I finally made it.

I made it to the demon king's castle.

My name is Vandelion.

Although it may not seem so from my name and my red hair and golden eyes, I am a Japanese salaryman who was summoned to fulfill the job of a hero.

That doesn't make sense, does it?

What happened was a funny thing that to understand I must tell you a little about myself.

I worked all my life in a black company, they overworked me more than anyone else.

They hated me for no reason.

I wondered if it was because my teeth were crooked and disliked by others.

I wondered if it was because I was poor, but with hard work I made it in and the others had their families backing them up.

I never considered my life good when I was Japanese.

I killed myself studying to get into Tokyo University, I got my place stolen there, a rich kid who couldn't get in had his father bribe the administrators and they found the student with the most meager financial resources who couldn't protest.

To protest you would need a lawyer, which cost money, I had to bow my head and apologize.

Yes, they made me apologize after reporting them, I even had the letter in my hands indicating that it was accepted.

Without a lawyer, I could not go to trial.

They said just accept my guilt and they won't press charges.

I couldn't even work in a convenience store since they asked for a college degree.

So I had to go to work for a black company, where the sons of middle class families licked the boss's shoes to reduce its work.

The boss was your classic pig who enjoyed being given gifts and compliments.

I had no money, my childhood home had to be sold so my parents could pay for the special pre-college intensive course.

They were never good parents, my childhood was never good, I never had a pet or a friend as they considered me to be a nuisance in my life.

Thanks to the manga cafe where I said I was going to study, I was able to enjoy a little bit of life reading manga and watching anime.

Of course, it gave me just one hour a day to enjoy smiling before killing myself studying to achieve nothing.

I tried so hard, for what?

To end up in a company that exploited me from my twenties to my fifties.

They had me working almost 24 hours a week, with no vacations, no benefits and no way to go back to my small, cheap apartment to sleep.

If anyone tried to ask for a break after 3 days of energy drinks, the boss would give you a lecture where the bastard made you feel guilty.

Worst of all, instead of supporting you, your coworkers looked down on you.

They judged you, they judged me several times, even in retaliation, my salary, which was lower than that of a janitor, was reduced by the boss so that I would learn my lesson.

One day, I became seriously ill.

It was an unknown illness to me.

My money was going to my apartment rent, food and gas.

I couldn't even enjoy like many in going to look for women and unburden to them all that I had stored up.

I had to miss work after reporting my condition.

My whole body ached, I couldn't even move, my head was the worst pain of all.

It felt like my skull was being squeezed and I couldn't breathe.

After several hours of coughing like I was going to die, I received a message from the company.

The bastards fired me, saying I was not an employee worth keeping.

Therefore, they would not pay me for the month since I had committed infractions that I never knew about.

Due to the new law in Japan, retirement needs minimum 50 years of working in the same company or organization to be able to receive a retirement.

That's right.

My life was ruined, my life was shit.

Only death could save me.

It was there that I heard his voice.

"You, the one who wants a change in your life. The one who wishes for a better life."

"If you wish, I can give you a happy life. But that life cannot be obtained in a simple way."

"Even knowing that, would you like to obtain it?"

A woman's voice spoke directly into my head.

I couldn't tell if it was a hallucination or real.

But all I'm interested in was what she said, a better life than this.

Here where I have nothing, I can go to a better place.

If she is death itself, it would make me happy.

"I accept, I don't care what it is, I want to live a better life than this crap I call life."

"Very well, I will have you reincarnated in a different world. There, you will be the hero, a vital existence to defeat the menace known as the demon king."

It was definitely crazy to remember that day.

I never really expected it to be a genuine goddess speaking to me.

In fact, once I saw her, she promised me something and when I finish this, I will get it.

I was looking out the window of the demon king's castle located in the demonic realm.

Just like the RPG games, the sky was covered by dark clouds with lightning strikes the earth.

An army of heinous and horrifying creatures that would make even adults scream in terror, even atheists would believe in God if they saw them.

It's really funny that I crossed half the planet to get here.

I had no companions, people in both this world and my previous world were just as selfish and mean.

To achieve my knowledge in magic, swordsmanship and equipment, I had to pay for it.

But here I am.

A former Japanese salaryman who ended up in a fantasy world as a boy born on a farm.

It sounds ironic that such a person is a hero.

And, in fact, it is.

Because I'm not like other heroes.

I am special, I am something that one of the four celestial kings, Lovan the worm king called me.

"Black Hero."

A black hero is something similar to an anti-hero, that's because I don't save people, my mission is to be happy.

To achieve my happiness.

Many innocent people have died, but it's not my fault, while I was sleeping or training, the demon king's army was doing its thing.

What's more, even if I saved them, the very ungrateful ones would blame me for it.

They would tell me that I did not arrive on time, or it was my duty to see to their safety.

They would neither let me sleep nor eat for free and demanded to pay for my food.

So, I decided to use traps.

I stole food and water.

I stole weapons, grimoires, magical artifacts and equipment.

Even the very kingdom that made me a hero considers me a criminal worse than the demon king.

Funny isn't it?

They are to blame, I was happy to be in a fantasy world, but I realized that the world, no matter if it's fantasy or not.

It's full of human shit.

I don't really care if humans die or live.

I want to be happy, if I have to let thousands of children die to avoid being happy.

Am I an idiot?

There wouldn't even be a "thank you" from their side for my sacrifice.

They would see it as "normal" to die for them.

The celestial king, Fahrland of the storm was right, humans are not worth protecting, but I don't care about that.

The goddess promised me, that promise is what makes my heart beat with joy knowing that I am about to taste paradise.

My rest ended, in the distance I watched as the henchmen of the demon king approached, I made the army of the holy kingdom which the holy king himself who is the pope of this world, suffer my wrath thanks to them.

This is what you get for accusing me of raping the Holy Maiden's bitch and then wanting to capture me to get every drop out of my Goddess-blessed body.

After laughing that he will surely be dead, I walked down the long hallway connecting the corridor to the throne room where the demon king lies.

The minions, a bunch of goblins angry because I killed the goblin king Baishana, the last of the celestial kings, the one before him was the orc hero Spanner, it was difficult, but thanks to him I was able to get a very valuable item for this battle.

After taking a few steps, the door was destroyed by a strange black mist.

I jumped to the side and everything behind me was destroyed.

"What was that?"

"I finally got it, I finally got it."

A hideous voice came from that fog.

Inside that darkness, an amorphous octopus-like creature with a dragon's head covered in black mucus peered out.

"I did it, hero, I finally obtained my final form. You can die peacefully now knowing that this is what I look like when all my power evolved!"

"That voice... it can't be... Demon King Lucard!"

"No. Not anymore."

Replied the black amorphous mass laughing.

"I am now the Great Demon King Lucullus. Die, hero!"

His final form... he means he managed to break into the holy kingdom's sacred vault and steal all the miasma stolen from him by the first holy king and the first emperor centuries ago.

(Stupid incompetents!)

(They can't do anything right, they should all die for being inept!)

I cursed them inwardly, I had no time to do so thanks to their repulsive tentacles approaching me.

I pulled out my sword and slashed their tentacles.

"That sword, it can't be!"

The golden glow with dark aura intensified thanks to him.

"That's right, this sword is made from your only son."

"It was blessed by the hated bitch that one and now has the power of both worlds."

"The Holy Demon Sword Luxion!"

I activated an acceleration, physical reinforcement and healing spell every five seconds, all were level 100, something only demons can use.

Useless damn humans who can only go up to level 75, what use are levels if you can't go any higher?

I approached and started cutting their tentacles at a speed faster than a bullet.

I was exceeding 300 km/h being a mere human.

The Goddess' blessing granted me to break human limiters.

This world is almost the same as in that novel I read, the hireling who ends up in the world of his game and is an idiot lich with minions who idolize him as if he were a God.

Fortunately, I was able to take out spawns similar to them here and thus avoided my ruin.

My sword attacks were fast, but this monster's regeneration was superior.

As soon as I cut off a tentacle, it regenerated again.

"Fuahahaha. Hero, is that all you can do?"

"I feel a massage thanks to you."

"Have some real power."

The great demon king opened his mouth and various magic circles formed.

Just like a whip, he swung his head and that huge beam of demonic energy cut the castle in half.

Not only did it do that, the energy beam destroyed everything in a circumference around the castle.

It wiped out his own forces and allies included.

"Fuahahaha. Hero, look what I did using just a little bit of my power, you still dare to challenge me!"

"Of course I do!"

I walked away and activated several level 100 spells.

"My desire to accomplish this is more important than the fear I feel for your powers!"

"Holy magic of the lightning emperor!"

"Magic of evocation from the books of ancient forbidden texts, I summon you king of the ancient titans, Lexion!"

"Magic of sacred ice, frozen hell Cocytus!"

Everything around us froze.

Behind me, a giant with four arms and three heads appeared.

Then, my sword glowed thanks to a golden dragon covering the blade.

"This is not all!"

"I broke my limits once again!"

The reason why the demon king is a threat is because he is the only one who can reach up to level 300.

There are special humans who can surpass level 75 and go all the way to level 100 or level 110.

Those are the emperor of humans, the holy king and the holy bitch.

Then there is the hero who can go up to level 200.

So, he will surpass those limits.

"I will surpass you at all costs!"

"Cheating magic: Level Buster!"

There is a black magic that allows you to level up.

To achieve that magic, you must use your own life as a penalty.

Demons don't use that magic because they don't want to die, the demon king is its creator and every time someone uses it, he gets his life in exchange for a tiny percentage of his power.

The chance of dying when using it is said to be 85% percent, since the experience it sends you is around 100 thousand points or more.

Very ridiculous to me as I have never seen or felt that level up.

Consider it very stupid this gaming system in this world that some incompetent God created, as because of him the demon king was born.

And now I am paying for it.

I could feel my muscles contracting from the pain.

My bones fracturing.

My blood vessels burst.

"Level 250."

But I wanted more.

I needed more power, this wasn't enough to be able to defeat him.

"Level 300..."

My eyes filled with red liquid, my skin expelled blood, my eardrums exploded.

"... Level 400."


Much more.

More power.

Even if this guy is still level 300.

I must defeat him with everything I have.

"Level 500!"

I must use all my power to finish him off and stop him from regenerating again!

"Level Up to the max! Level 900!"

I exceeded my limits so much that I ceased to be a human being.

"It's over, great demon king! It's time to die!"

I lunged at him to finish him off.

Lexion was behind, he will give me many buffs needed to increase critical damage. Infernal ice froze Lucullus' body to prevent him from escaping, and the lightning emperor's attack is to destroy him at the cellular level.

"Die once and for all, you damned spawn!"

For a second, just for a second, I thought I saw him smile.

I struck it with all my power, succeeding in engulfing the castle and its surroundings in a golden light that swallowed everything in seconds.

I eliminated even the secret defenses that I had dodged and deactivated.

Many of them were teleportation, instant healing and revive.

Those traps were destroyed.

I was looking up at the sky to savor my victory.

I was tired, the demonic holy sword was almost destroyed.

I had spent every last ounce of magic power my body had.

"It's over, it's finally over."

"Of course it's over."


I heard a voice coming from the ground.

It was impossible to believe it had survived, but it did.

Out of the cracks gushed a black liquid that gradually formed until it showed the appearance of Lucullus.

One of its tentacles caught me.

"How... was it that you survived that?"

"That attack was a final one. It was the culmination of all my gathered power."

Lucullus laughed at me.

"'Fuahahahaha! You stupid human, did you really think something like that could kill me?"

"True, it was a definite and dangerous attack."

"But it was when I was a mere demon king. Now that I'm the great demon king, that kind of attack can't do anything to me."

"I simply divided my cells to spread them around so I wouldn't take any damage."

"That's not all. I managed to absorb your attack and now my level has increased to 1300."

"Level 1300! That's already ridiculously unfunny broken stuff!"

(Not even the most absurd and generic nonsensical novel would reach those levels of absurdity!)

(The author would be criticized by everyone for writing a nonsensical power that he himself would have no idea he did.)

Several of its tentacles morphed into heads, opened their mouths and magical power gathered in each of them.

"Hero, let me show you a small token of my seriousness. 1% of my power!"

Various dark rays were shot out of their mouths.

The length of the attacks was so extensive that they were lost in the horizon.

After a few seconds, a gigantic explosion occurred, the shockwave swept through the place shortly after it exploded something I think it is.

"That direction is perhaps..."

"The capital of the human empire, the greatest defensive barrier against my nation."

"It wasn't just them, the holy kingdom was also attacked, and now that the holy king is dead. The faith of the humans collapses and I will be the true ruler of the world."


"I thank you, hero."

He lifted me as high as he could and opened his hideous mouth.

"You'll be a part of me. Congratulations, an inept like you will live forever inside me."

He let go of me and I fell straight into his mouth to be swallowed as food.

It reeked like a cesspool. It was clear inside, but mucus was getting into my mouth.

I want to vomit.

"Fuahahaha. Now no one will be able to stop me."

"You heard me right God I defeated your champion, now I'll eat you so I can be the Demon God!"

I sighed.

"It's really disappointing that it ended like this."

"Oh? Are you melancholy?"

"Don't worry. Soon your kingdom will fall and after that─"

"I'm not talking about that you idiot. I'm talking about how it was so easy to make you eat me. I wouldn't have used all my power from the beginning, my bad."

"...What are you talking about?"

The great demon king was confused. I'm not surprised, it's just that no one expected this.

"Do you remember the orc hero?"

"Well, he told me that you had gone off to retrieve your stolen power."

"He told me to tell you that he hated you very much for turning him into his slave. He also revealed to me what your original appearance was like before the Four Great Gods sacrificed themselves to extract your power."

"He gave me a key to defeat your ultimate form, before I killed him I thanked him heartily as I also promised him that I would make you do the worst humiliation face in the world."

Lucullus was very confused, his smile returned after he calmed down.

"Fuahaha. Some ruse you're planning to escape. It won't do you any good."

"Of course not."

I picked up my sword, the inside was very smooth so moving wasn't difficult.

"I don't plan to escape."

I buried the sword...

"I plan to take you with me."

In my belly.

"This is the final requirement to activate the most dangerous dark magic in the world. Harakiri Blade."

The Harakiri Blade is a suicide attack according to the orc hero.

"To activate this magic, I needed to overcome my limits and fill myself with hope, after that I had to plunge into despair as I saw that I failed."

"And now, I will make a noble sacrifice, with those three conditions. I can activate it."

"Do you think cutting you off means anything to me?"

He said mocking me, time for me to start showing another expression on that slime face of his.

"Sure it does. Since I can use your forbidden spell."

"Ether Blast."


Lucullus finally reacted to my words.

"You're lying! You can't possibly know how to use it!"

"Of course I don't. I heard from that guy that you used that spell in the great war thousands years ago against those gods."

"The reason you're alive was because you sacrificed your humanity to gain power, then lost it and refused to accept it. Those being the conditions."

"Now it's my turn to use it."

No doubt from my words, Lucullus tried to disperse his body. I won't let you do it you fucking idiot.

"Hell's ice!"

Using my body as my epicenter, I once again froze Lucullus' body.

"This time you won't run away. Thanks to the fact that I discovered something he didn't tell me, I can destroy you this time without a problem."

Aether Blast is a level 100 spell unique in its existence, it is so dangerous that Lucullus when he was the former king of the conquerors Lucard, sealed this knowledge in a secret grimoire.

Its activation causes to destroy at atomic level the magic power that surrounds it, it is the same as radiation, but more powerful as I understood.

He kept it to use against some fool who wants to defeat him.

The only real way to do it is like this.

"I already completed all the requirements voluntarily as you did."

"The countdown started. any last words?"

I asked expecting a mocking reply.

"Please don't!"

I didn't wait for that scared child response.

"I'll give you anything you want! Cancel the spell!"

"Impossible. I can't cancel it, even if I wanted to, since you never wrote down how to do it."

"According to the grimoire, the explosion level is equivalent to 100 nuclear bombs of over 1000 kilotons."

"It's powerful enough to wipe out a continent like Asia."

"I beg you, let me go!"

"I won't. Do you want me to die alone? Are you an idiot?"

"Right now I'm like a toxic girlfriend. My radiation won't let you escape. We'll go to hell together."

Actually, I planned this from the beginning. I planned to die with the demon king, but I didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Because by dying, I will be able to see the Goddess.

Lucullus was so terrified that by all means possible he tried to break the infernal ice.

"You can't break it, it's useless. This ice was created thanks to my body. If you want to break it, you must kill me."

"Funny how things ended with the great demon king wanting to run away like a scared bitch."

"Aren't you a hero!"

He said suddenly. He seemed to have lost what sanity he had left.

"You're the hero, your job is to go back home and become the Savior King of mankind, if you die here you won't be able to enjoy the luxuries that are in store for you!"

"Actually I never cared about that."

"You won't be able to marry the princess of the kingdom, who is said to be the most beautiful woman in the world nor the holy maiden!"

"Doris is a whore, she sleeps with several men. Ann Grenda is a bitch who enjoys teasing and torturing the poor, the worst thing is that she hates men and is a lesbian, I'm sure she's a feminist."

"You won't be able to have children!"

When she said that, I was thoughtful.

I had a horrendous life with my parents, when I read manga, the stories I always avoided reading were the ones that had happy families, fathers taking their children to the park, mothers kissing their children goodnight.

A family dinner during Christmas.

"Having children would be great. Because it would give them the happiness I always wanted to have."

"You see? If you stop this, I'll make sure─"

"But I couldn't have a hideous woman for a wife and watch my children turn out hideous like her."

I raised my hand, slowly closed my fingers.

"It's over asshole, cry all you want like the whiny bitch you are."

I flashed my vulgar finger at him as I laughed happily.

"You goddamn hero son of─!"

The next thing I knew before I lost consciousness, I saw a beautiful white light engulfing all around me.

Lucullus' expression was fading like my surroundings.

I didn't even close my eyes, everything is pulverized and there was no dust left.

Now that I saved the world, let's go for my longed reward.


Congratulations, if you've read my Sword God novel, you'll be pleased to know that you've found the second most invincible character after Zelzeus.

Who is this Storyteller and what does her existence mean in this novel?

That's something only I know, and we'll find out together.

"She" has no official design, but I imagine her like this surrounded by a cosmic cloud. https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/es/post/show/e3aeb98de059cf3e4bb4a85a145279ba

Once again, I greet you with best wishes dear readers.

Your favorite author greets you.

Yes, it's like you are thinking "Another novel! But you just recently came out with a new one, get on with writing the other works you slacker!"?

What happens is that I was in a dilemma, that dilemma has to do with arcs and events that I would like to put in, but I can't do it because it wouldn't make sense.

That's why I decided to do this novel, a compilation of things that interest me, but that shouldn't be taken seriously.

Of course, I'm always willing to put my heart into everything, so this one will be no exception.

You will be pleased to know this.

I'll finish the material I have for now of this novel and I swear I'll start writing about Razel, the novel has already been a year since its last volume!

Same with Rudel, I had to get him an alternate route to write from discarded material from him.

I was also able to finally resolve the unease regarding the lore of my novels.

Since 2020 when I started writing, I wanted to write a novel, but I lacked material, I lacked lore, I lacked evolution.

And that novel won't come until the end of everything. When I have finished all my novels and I no longer feel that I lack anything to complete, I will bring out my final novel.

The novel I've wanted to do so much.

That's why I divided my lore into two: the gameverse and this, the heroverse, where Regulus and this new protagonist come in.

Now I won't take your time, enjoy this volume one.

Siegburncreators' thoughts