
The Heroic Adventure of the Black Hero

After having a horrendous life as a wage slave, a man is summoned by a beautiful goddess with the goal of turning him into a hero. But due to the horrendous and cold personality of the hireling, the other gods branded him as a renegade, a "Black Hero". That's how Vandelion was born, and after managing to save the world, he has only one goal in his new life. "I want to live relaxed, doing whatever I want. Having riches and above all several wives. Including you, Goddess." This is how Vandel's bizarre adventure to achieve his dream and in the process save the world again begins. A comical and ecchi adventure with a hero out of the ordinary begins!

Siegburn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Adventure 1 ─ The hero will live as he pleases

I opened my eyes and found myself resting in a garden.

Butterflies were coming towards me.

The sunlight was covered by several clouds.

I stood up, I should be exhausted and sore, but I felt as if it was the first time I had stood up after a long sleep.

I stretched my body as a sign of enjoying this moment.

The soft breeze touching my cheeks, caressing my hair and above all the birds singing.

I looked around me, just as I remember it from that time.

A large forest stretched to the south of my location.

Behind me were ruins and a half destroyed fountain.

I approached the forest, it didn't matter if I knew the way or not, it only mattered that I walked to the end.

Normally, when you walk in a forest you can feel the scorching heat of the sun.

The annoying insects, branches making you trip, steep or stooped paths and, above all, the pain in your feet.

But I didn't feel any of that.

The path was all straight, almost as if it was made by humans.

Small animals would approach me and bestow seeds, nuts, berries.

I accepted them lovingly.

Before I knew it, I enjoyed walking for the first time in my life.

If you could feel happiness just by walking, wouldn't that be wonderful?

Traffic wouldn't exist and neither would pollution.

I didn't realize that I arrived at my destination ahead of schedule.

In the center of the forest stood a huge pure white mansion.

I approached and opened the door as if I owned this house.

I walked to the end of the hallway, turned left to reach a door that connected to a closed corridor.

I opened it and automatically the environment changed to a very elegant one, it was a tea room.

There in the center sat a woman eating cookies.

She is a beautiful woman who wore a nun's habit.

Her long blonde hair was so silky it reached down to the floor.

Her facial features, from her long eyelashes to her small, delicate chin, was a work of art.

Her bright, radiant, ruby-red eyes stared at me.

In addition to looking extremely beautiful, her body was very erotic.

Her thighs were so plump that the flesh on those long white stockings showed that they would break.

That wasn't the only thing that could break, at a glance you could see her huge ass.

Her slim waist would make any model envious.

While her huge breasts were firmly in the air showing their perfect size and firmness.

Her red lips moved to utter the words I never before in my life expected to hear.

"Welcome, Hero Lion."

She calls me Lion since she seems to like that name so much.

"I have returned, Goddess Amylene."

Goddess Amylene is the goddess in charge of me, who watches over me so that I could fulfill my hero duties without a problem.

Of course, she being part of the gods in charge of several worlds has prohibitions imposed on her by the Supreme Gods.

She cannot help me directly and neither can she interfere in the human world.

That is why gods like her cannot defeat the demon king.

And they must send their archangels, which humans believe are gods.

"I watched everything, you did very well. You ended the threat and the world is safe."

"It is at last."

I held out my arms awaiting my reward.

"You can drop the protocol now."

When I said that, she smiled and came running straight to me.

"Darling! ❤"

Amylene's face showed how happy she was to see me.

"You did it, you finally did it!"

"You passed all the tests necessary for us to be together."

The tests she was talking about is something I discovered in my first life as a hero.

That's right, I've had many lives as a hero.

It seems that the hero summoning system of the gods is very mediocre.

So mediocre that the heroes themselves summoned were out of touch with reality in every sense of the word.

They would summon any lunatic with a thirst for power and blood.

This brought the quality of summoning down to looking for those with a non-sociopathic, non-evil desire.

People like me.

When I met my goddess, I was in this place, the Garden of Avalon.

This garden is the personal home of every god.

That is, the gods have their own homes located in an astral plane of some dimension.

It's a lot of information, but I didn't care to hear it.

I was only interested in what she told me then.

I can live in this place if I become a Half-God.

To do that, I had to defeat 100 SSS level demon kings.

Just like a game, there were ranges of difficulty.

The most dangerous of all was S rank, but thanks to the fact that the heroes summoned were all stupid psychopaths who abused their power since they were all resentful of society.

I was the only one who wanted to do these very dangerous missions.

Because of this, I have lived so long that I think I have lived to be over 2000 years old.

Amylene hugged me warmly as if she had been looking forward to this for a long time.

Indeed, she has.

"I still can't believe that because I've been watching over you from above all this time, I've seen all your victories, pain and agonies."

"I saw how you worked so hard to achieve your happiness. That made me slowly fall in love with you."

"Until finally, in the previous world, I confessed to you after seeing you lose your life to finish off the demon king Pethos."

"It was really dangerous that time."

"Worst of all, the world you sent me to was an otome game world, where the capture targets were fools who let themselves be manipulated by the heroine bitch who was a reincarnate."

"The other hateful bitch was the villain who didn't want her end."

"Thanks to the fact that I was a background character there, I was able to kill all the enemies while using them as bait. But that damn demon king actually turned out to be another student disguised as a background character, if it wasn't for your blessing granting me automatic regeneration, I would have died after being split in two."

His hug grew tighter when I brought up the subject of dying.

"Something wrong?"

Her cheerful smile faded as she looked at me with teary eyes.

"You were reckless this time too!"

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not sorry at all!"

"Do you know how distressed I was to see you getting beaten up, mortally wounded and rejected by everyone?"

"I could only confine myself to watching you end up in a state where if it weren't for my blessing you would have been dead from the start. Why didn't you ask for help?"

"I didn't trust those people. It was more dangerous to have them with me than away."

"You really didn't trust them?"

"You saw yourself how that boy I helped after he lost his parents, sold me to the heavenly king."

"If I hadn't helped him, I wouldn't have lost half my organs because of the flesh-eating virus they put in my body."

"It's not that I don't want to trust people. It's just that they're garbage a lot."


I gently touched her face, her skin was soft, those tears were honest and pure.

Just knowing that she cried every time when I was in danger, it made me feel really happy that I didn't close my heart.

"You were taking care of me, you are all I need."

"After all, my desire to be happy is more selfish since I can have such a beautiful goddess like you as my wife, Mylene."

I called her Mylene in affection.

Her eyes became moist and a heart appeared in them.

"Lion. I love you, I'm really glad we can be together forever here."

"Me too."

I brought my face close to hers, her eyes closed and our mouths met.

The feel of her full lips with mine was pleasurable.

The inside of her mouth was slimy and her taste was of fresh fruit.

Bringing our tongues together was an energizing cocktail of flavors.

The obscene sounds we were making increased to such a degree that I could feel my penis rising.

It touched Mylene's belly, she seemed happy about it.

"I'm so glad I chose this body for you."

"I'm not surprised."

Unlike the previous worlds, the body this time was a well-trained one, the muscles and stamina are superhuman.

But in addition to that, the height of the body reached almost two meters, it is the tallest I have ever been in my life.

But besides that, I must say that being endowed with a big member is reason enough to know that deep down she wanted my last body to be blessed in every possible way.

That's good for me, since I can enjoy her body in the same way.

My hands moved to her ass.

The softness and fleshiness of big ass was just like groping a soft fruit which is filled with juicy flesh to bite into.

My fingers buried themselves in her ass, moving like ants.

"Aah, umm, that feels good."

"Do you like it?"

"Yes. I like it a lot."

My hands moved rhythmically to grope her ass.

"I can't take it anymore."

"Let me taste it first. I've wanted to do it for a long time."

Mylene knelt in an obscene position.

Spreading her legs in an M-shape as she squatted.

My clothes were made of magical energy, so they were only an accessory, but being able to undress me was very satisfying to her.

As she pulled down my pants, my fully erect penis jumped towards her face.

"Aah! ❤"

"It's even bigger than it looked. Truly this is a weapon worthy of a hero, the trophy every wife wants from her husband."

As she uttered those obscene words, she placed her saliva around it.

Then she brought her lips close to the head of the glans.

Gently she gave it a kiss.

"Kissy kiss. ❤"

Gradually her mouth opened, pushing my penis deeper and deeper inside her.

The warmth of her mouth was extremely wonderful.

As if a wave of cool, wet heat hit me.

Using all her effort, she shoved my entire penis all the way down her throat.

Her puppy dog eyes seemed to be begging me for something.

"Does it hurt?"

With my cock in her mouth, she shook her head in denial.

"You want me to stroke you, don't you?"

This time the answer was even better.

She moved my penis with her tongue like a lollipop to her cheek.

Her index finger touched it gently, indicating that she wants to savor the moment, but for me to treat her with affection.

I placed my hand on her head and gently stroked it.

That made the suction power equal to a vacuum cleaner.

She used a lot of force, and my penis without letting go she began to lick it with her tongue.




Her head moved back and forth like a machine.

Her tongue played with the head of my penis, not letting it feel the slightest rest.

Her eyes that had hearts in the center only made me more aroused.

"Mylene, this is wonderful. I never thought the day would come when I would receive this kind of service in my life."

Speaking with her mouth full she answered me.

"I'm your wife now, you've earned the right to receive this and more, darling. ❤"

She said as she sucked on the head of the penis with intensity.

Pulling it out of her mouth, she placed it on her face.

Reminding me of adult movies, she placed my penis on her cheek and rubbed it lovingly.

"I was longing for this for so long. Now I can enjoy it for eternity."

Her hands touching my legs now went to my testicular area.

They gently massaged my boys.

"In this place lies the precious source of life. It's a pity you can't impregnate me..."

"Goddesses don't get pregnant?"

Covering her vision with my penis as she sucked my testicles she replied.

"Gods can have children, the problem is that they have reached a stage where they no longer care about anything, that's why they have left the world in chaos."

"But in your case that you became a Half-God after releasing your limits, you are on a journey where you can't impregnate neither goddesses nor humans let alone divine beasts."

"New gods like me take on your labor. But one day I too would be as bored as they are and do nothing."

"Or so I thought until I met and now we can enjoy the rest of our lives in this place, making love until we've had enough!"

She exclaimed as she licked up and down my cock.

"Use your breasts. I've been wanting you to use them for a while now."

"Fufu, these girls always bothered me that they are this big, but they grew to over 100 cm, try this wonderful G-cup that is destined just for you."

She lifted those huge breasts, spread some of her saliva and then pushed them aside, as if it was a double door opening, of the same one closing, she squeezed my penis as if she was going to destroy it.

"Oooh! This is wonderful! The pressure is wonderful!"

"Ufufu, of course, all the best in the world deserves my husband."

Mylene's breasts were not only huge, the feel of the skin was soft.

It was so soft you could easily think she uses some kind of cream.

The fleshy feel is not hard, just like her skin, it is soft.

The breasts squeezed my cock so tight it feels like a prisoner.

"Let's punish this bad boy for all the times he made me worry. divine punishment!"

She moved her breasts up and down using all her strength.

At first she picked them up from the base, which allowed me to play with her nipples.

Which were cherry pink and hard.

"Aah! Pull them more!"

She cried out as she moved her breasts parallel from side to side.

Like a mollusk, her breasts squeezed my cock so hard I could feel all my sperm about to come out in an explosion.

She moved her hands to clasp them together, now the pressure I felt from being in that breast prison was turned into a breast lock.

"You are not going to escape. This is a punishment, and punishments must be painful."

She said as she brought her lips to the tip of my cock to give it light bites.

"Come on, enjoy your punishment. Kiss."

"I can't take it anymore, Mylene!"

I grabbed her head and just like a cannon, I used all my strength to release a missile, which contained all my desire to spread my cum all over her.

It was just like an adult movie, my sperm shot out of my urethra and flew straight into her. Spreading all over her face, some of her hair and what was left fell on her body.

I withdrew my penis which was throbbing as if it was the first time in his life to release this much.

It was.

"This is the essence of life. It feels wonderful."

She said after bringing her fingertips to touch the sperm on her face and taking it into her mouth.

Like a tasty ice cream, she devoured it.

"This is my husband's. Since I can't have children, I'll at least leave it inside my stomach."

She went to get a cup of tea and poured all my sperm in there, then put cream on it and drank it all like it was the most delicious thing in the world.

"That was so obscene, I loved it!"

I shouted my truth without realizing that my erection didn't go away.

Mylene looked at it like a hungry beast.

"In this place there is no sickness or starvation, there is no stress either. Hence, the period of recharging your libido."

Watching how she bit the tip of her finger as she said, made me understand.

"That means... I'll never have it flaccid!"

"Only if you wish it to be flaccid. You won't suffer from loss of your seed either, the golden apples here have all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that living things need."

"Just eating one will give you 10 years of vitality."

I moved closer to her, put my erection near her navel.

"That implies we can make love all day, doesn't it?"

"I told you this place was paradise. Here you will only have to worry about your wife getting all your carnal desire inside her."

She rubbed my penis with her hands.

Just as I couldn't wait any longer.

"Let's go to the bedroom, our first time will have to be there as a newlywed couple."

Holding my penis, she led me to an adjoining room.

There a room fit for a king looked on.

The bed was of sufficient size for a family of five to sleep safely there.

She walked over to the bed and gave a nice jump.

She pulled the covers over herself in a very playful way.

"Husband, come for me."

Showing her face hidden in that sheet, she goaded me to become an animal.

"Here I come!"


I rushed to the bed and removed the sheet covering her.

There she was, her body was in such a beautiful position that it could easily be a work of art.

Her hair covered her bottom and her hands covered her nipples.

"I want this moment will be forever."

"I don't think that's possible. But we can repeat this forever."

I removed her hands and brought my tongue to her nipples.

"Aah, that feels so good."

She seems to be very sensitive in that area.

Her nipples were hard but soft at the same time.

My teeth nibbled on those pink buttons as my fingers sank into her soft breasts.

The sensation was just like trying to swim on top of a pool blanket.

You could feel the hard surface protecting what was underneath.

That only made me yearn for more desire to penetrate her.

I stopped biting her nipples and went straight to her lips.

The feeling from before came back, I don't want to stop kissing her.

I moved into a position where I could easily insert my penis.

I spread her legs, and marveled at that beautiful unexplored territory.

A golden jungle covered her to hide her.

She trembled slightly.

"It's embarrassing to have something like this happen to me..."

She said with a face full of shame.

Using the head of my penis, I lightly touched her sacred entrance.

No man had ever come here.

I would be the first and only one to do so.

She was very wet, she craved it so much.

Before I put it in I said to her.

"Mylene, I thank you for all you have done for me. It makes me happy to know that I was able to get rid of that horrible life thanks to you. I want you to be happy by my side."

Hearing me say that, the hearts in her eyes grew and she held out her hands for me to hug her.

"I told you, I never thought I would fall in love, it was because I was able to see you for so long that you made me develop these feelings."

"Come, make me your official wife with this act of love."

I moved to her lips and slipped my tongue into her mouth.

At the same time my penis entered her divine pussy, opening step by step.

Slowly, steadily, I pushed my manhood into her womanhood.

Until I touched something similar to a fleshy wall.

I used all my strength and destroyed that wall by driving my penis deep into her cervix.


In this world there should be no pain, but the expression she made shows that she might have felt something uncomfortable.

"I-I'm sorry."

"D-Don't worry about it. I just decided to create an artificial sample on this body to simulate the breaking of her hymen."

"Because it's based on a real one, the sensation of breaking is too."

"So it doesn't hurt anymore, does it?"

"No. But it is true that I can feel how your penis is too big for my insides. Move slowly please."

I didn't understand if the pain I felt was also a product of replicating the hymen or just pretending to mimic a sensation of virginity loss.

She hugged me with all her limbs so as not to let me escape.

I moved my hips back and forth to pull my penis out and back in.

"This feels...so sublime."

I don't know if it's because this is the first time in my entire long life that I've tasted a woman. Or is it because sex always felt like this.

My penis was being wrapped in a gentle, fleshy sponge, with suction cups squeezing it.

As if thousands of mouths were sucking and kissing it while lubricating it.

Sex is wonderful!

"Mylene... Mylene... Mylene."

"Darling... darling... Lion..."

I moved my hips without thinking about anything else than moving the hips.

I called out to her every time I firmly penetrated her insides.

She was calling for me too, apparently the discomfort was fading away until it turned to pleasure.

She began to moan with intensity.

"More...move more..."

She was enjoying it no doubt.

I lay down beside her, lifting her leg, firmly grasped her fat thigh and penetrated her hard.


She made that sound after I began to touch the tip of my penis to the entrance of her womb.

"It feels rich, darling. It feels so good."

"I feel good, too."

"Just imagining that I'll be able to do this, every day of my life here makes me move with more fervor!"

"Aah! Mmm! Haa!"

The panting and moaning intensified.

"Mylene. are you going to come?"

"I don't know. I have no idea if that's what it's going to be."

"But I love it. I love it when you penetrate me!"

"I love feeling your body, your skin, your feelings."

How I could come and come again a great many times.

I decided to finish with one of my favorite poses when watching adult movies.

I put on while still penetrating Mylene.


She was quizzical as I lifted her up firmly gripping her thighs.

Her legs were reaching up to her head.

In this position, anyone could see how our genitals connected.

She resumed quite powerfully the penetration.


She cried out in bliss as he penetrated her as I charged her.

I couldn't see her face, but a mirror to the side of me reflected her face.

Her tongue was out of her mouth as she gasped.

That made me increase my cock strength to savor her moans even more.

"Something's coming."

"I feel something coming."


That's when her first orgasm occurred.

Her pussy squeezed me hard.

Fluid spewed out of her urethra.

I could feel the pulsing and contractions of her muscles.

"This isn't over."

I pulled my cock out and gave her a half turn.

"Now it's my turn to finish."

This time I loaded her in profile.

The pounding her ass made as I penetrated her motivated me not to stop.

"I love you."

"I love you so much."

"I want to feel this forever."

She exclaimed as she hugged me tightly.

"Me too."

"I don't want this happiness to be taken away from me. I fought hard for it, I won't let it be taken away from me!"

"Mylene, take it all! Take my sperm!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I'm cumming! How yummy it is to cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!"

With one last penetration, I released my sperm inside her.

She released her moans of bliss.

We kissed passionately.

You would think that after a session of wonderful sex, rest would come.


"He's up again."

"That's the wonderful thing about it."

Again my penis rose. There was no retractable period.

"We can have sex for eternity. As husband and wife."

"Yes. That's very wonderful."

Again we kissed and resumed our marathon sex.

I don't remember how long it lasted, maybe it was hours, days or even months.

But suddenly I got tired and collapsed on her chest.

When I awoke, I found Mylene sleeping peacefully beside me.

I was awakened by the birds singing outside the window.

When I awoke, I was awakened by an annoying alarm clock which meant only horror to me.

Getting dressed with no interest in going out, eating breakfast without savoring the food, to go to work almost a whole day for a whole week for years.

Right now I had in my arms a beautiful blonde-haired woman sleeping on my arm.

I gave her a kiss on her forehead, inadvertently waking her up.

She was slowly lifting her eyelashes, her beautiful red eyes watching me with fixation.

"Good morning darling."

"Good morning, goddess."

We kissed each other good morning.

I never thought this was possible for me.

It still seems surreal to me.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"I'm supposed to be able to eat only golden apples, right?"

"We can also eat fruits, vegetables and even desserts."

"There's no meat in this place, sorry."

(Milk, yogurt and cheese there are. They are cow products, but there is no meat.)

(I won't think about it, I'll just enjoy every moment.)

"In that case I want─"

*Ring, ring*

Suddenly, the sound of a telephone echoed in the place.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's the gods' personal communicator."

"What will they want now?"

"I told them I was done with my duties since you saved several worlds of very dangerous difficulty."

She got up and went straight to grab whatever was causing that sound.

As she stood up, she snapped her fingers and her usual clothes appeared out of nowhere, covering herself with small butterflies of light.

I did the same and plain clothes covered me.

"This is very useful."

I went behind her and saw her in the living room, she picked up an old phone, it wasn't that old, it was one of those phones that you had to use your finger to dial.

(That's very old fashioned.)

I said to myself after spying her.


"Yes, it's me."

"Yes. As I reported, the hero defeated..."

She suddenly fell silent.

"No. But this is a breach of my obligations."

"I established something, can't you..."

"... Is there no one else?"

"... Everyone! Really everyone?"

"I understand. Thank you for asking for my help."

She hung up the old phone.

I watched her not moving for a while.

Suddenly, she grabbed the phone and threw it against the floor.

"Those whippersnapper's miserable pieces of divine garbage!"

(Whippersnappers...too old a word for me.)

I approached Mylene to ask what happened.

From her expression, she seemed to be urgently requested.



She came crying to my chest.

She jumped on me, causing me to fall.

"What happened to make you like this?"

With tears on her beautiful face and a booger peeking out she said to me.

"I'm so sorry!"

"Those assholes... those useless gods say to rush to a world to save it."

"Wait! What the hell was that?!"

"I performed my duties as a hero."

"Why should I put myself in danger again when I defeated all the SSS-ranked demon king threats?"

"Guh. This is worse."

"How can it be worse?"

What she said made me understand how dangerous the situation was.

"There's a group of heretics who want to revive the Demon God!"

"It's the ultimate enemy of the gods!"

"... You must be joking."

Will the world not let me be happy?

Damn you world!


It's time to enjoy some fanservice from the perfect Goddess, which for those of you wondering.

She's a fusion between Lecia and Amy, so I combined the best of two worlds to form a solar system!"


A detail I didn't say in the prologue, but I say it now.

In this universe of heroes, my protagonists will have a strange reason to call everyone as if they were a "lion". That's right, Regulus also means lion.

Enjoy this chapter, because I already warned you in advance everything that would happen.

Siegburncreators' thoughts