

Now that the young Hugo has finally escaped out of the city in a boat paddled by Eva the maiden, She had paddled for hours, night came and she was tired but kept on her the faith because she knew she was carrying the future of the world,she was really hungry no food at the same time the young baby laid in a cloth with his mother's braclet tied to his neck the baby also was tired, and gave out a loud cry as he has not been fed of anything in the last few hours ,gripped by the cry of the baby Eva thought to herself 'what shall I give to you '

As the case seemed there was nothing she could offer she took up the child dipped her hands into the water dropped some into the babies mouth he chuckled as she did so ,she smiled and sang baby Hugo a song.

Slowly and readily did the boat moved as it sail over the waters. Hugo has been put to sleep she dropped him on the boat as she continued the sail.

Having lost the baby and the girl Artaxerxes, being bitter and angry ordered for the search of the baby Hugo , his magicians and sorcerers pondered on what to do as they traveled back to Sparta .

They got to their radiant and astonishing palace with great joy , young women men of the city sang praises to Artaxerxes as he walked majestically to his abode. The Spartan soldiers spread across the city in search of the baby boy .

The day broke as Hugo and her protector continued their journey to the lands of the elves. Which was instructed by the queen before her death. She gradually paddles to the bank of the river in search of what to eat to keep surviving, the baby see tied to herself with a cloth.

Gentle breeze blew across the shore of the river as she stepped her foot on the floor , wall into the beautiful forest she was tired and out of strength yet she pressed on:

As she proceeded into the woods she found trees of different fruit. Gently dropped baby Hugo as she plucked some to eat . She squeezed some of the water into Hugo's mouth for food. Now she gathered a lot more . Tied them up girded herself up as she walks towards the shore .

Oh! Where could the baby be one of the soldiers thought as he rode his horse, his name also was Apollo , he was one of their best soldiers having great skill in magic and combat. He rested and did some incantations as to find where the baby was located , in a glimps of light did he see the exact location of the boy.

Apollo took his sword as he rode his horse down the river in search of the baby ,bustle and fast did he ride as to capture the baby.

Eva, having gotten enough supplies to last them for the great journey said 'I smile as this brand new hours are before me . I vow to loved fully and protect Hugo '

Got to her boat and continued her sail across the river, at this moment Apollo was close but he continued to ride with speed.

Eva got to point where the river split it was now a problem to decided where she should turn she took the right path , plain and without hills , on the other path was a quiet and horrifying looking place.

The baby chuckled as she paddled in the right route: within a waterfall the sound of a pine forest of a thousand years old sailed the young Hugo and Eva .

As she sailed the boat hit a rock in the river little did she know that the path was a rocking one.

She narrowed through the obstacles with fear as she heard the feet of a horse run towards her , up on the bank of the river was Apollo riding fast as fast as he could, Eva was terrified as this point but kept paddling fast the path was not of the best waters as the river flowed faster than usual.

Apollo drew out an arrow , shot it straight at Eva she dodge it but it took gave her a scratch on her right hand . The river was sloppy, she was headed for a steep fall over a rocky ledge into a plunge pool below..

She tried all she could at this point nothing else could be done rather than jumping out into the fall she took up baby Hugo as she jumped from the cascade . This moment Hugo launched another Arrow at them the arrow at this time tore a piece of her cloth sticking it to the ground on the other end.

She closed her eyes and jumped for a moment she felt herself hang and suspended, free of everything . Then gravity took over, and she plunged towards the pool, instinctively she pulled her arms and legs in,keeping her squeeze shut,her velocity slowed as she hit the waters with the baby in her hand .

Apollo got to the fall and found her gone , with only the piece of her cloth stuck to the floor with the arrow , she got to it looked saddened as he had lost them both.

He brought out a pigeon tied the piece of cloth to it as he sent it to the king as a signal of his location.

Evening came ,

she suddenly opened her eyes, this was the first thought that came to her ?

'Where am I '?

She tried to move her limbs she couldn't she had been tied, both her legs and arm, she sat up heard baby Hugo cry, she had been captured by the dwarfs they gave the baby cow milk to keep him calm.

Then came one of the dwarfs to where Eva was tied for questioning .

'Who are you?

He asked ,a wisp of silken blond hair blew across her cheek as she lift her heads up said 'I'm from the land of Corinth , going to the lands of elves to protect the baby for he is the future of the Corinthians'.

Then the dwarf sat quietly as he listened to story of her journey . He then went to the king of the dwarfs told him what has happened , Herod was the name of the king at the time.

Herod the dwarfs Found her harmless and ordered a released , she was given a bath along side with the baby , they gave her a new garment as she carried the baby in her arms . She was also given a place to stay .

Herod demanded that she should be brought to dine with them at night she was given a lovely roasted pig and a sweet wine .

Lovely display of music was performed by the dwarfs to entertain the guest. They sang melodiously to her, she was so happy because she had a very long day before.

' Now I will ring for a bottle of wine and we will talk about ur future journey' said the king Herod.

Eva nodded vigorously 'yes my life works ' she said as they all went to bed ...