
The Heroes’ Reincarnation

Six Heroes had completed their destiny, slaying the Demon King. The Gods and Goddesses, wanting balance to their world, decided to send the Heroes into another universe. They wouldn’t go unrewarded however. The Gods and Goddesses gave the Heroes one fate-twisting chance before sending them off into their new lives. The Heroes found themselves in the future of earth. Separated and with no way to contact each other. They joined the newest game release, A World’s Legacy! The first game to succeed in a fully immersive VRMMORPG. The Heroes join the launch in hopes of coming into contact with each other. What adventures awaits our heroes? Well there is only one way to find out... ————————————————————————- Author Note: I am inexperienced in writing novels. This is my first ever novel so I apologize for my inevitable mistakes and inconsistencies beforehand.

UnableToOpenDoor · Games
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625 Chs

Dusted Bright

Travis was only alive thanks to his life saving item.

After Muryl threw him into the wall he was covered in dust and brick, but he did not sit idle. Slowly several white circles formed across the sides of his body. Then a white halo appeared above his head.

Travis forced himself up and launched skywards. Just in time as well, for Muryl slammed down onto the rubble.

'Are you confident on taking this guy down with just my power?' -Lumen

'You seem to be downplaying yourself, though my answer would be no.' -Travis


Travis fell downwards, repositioning his swords he prepared to strike. Once he hit his desired position, he swung with all his might.

Muryl ignored the swords. Instead he threw a punch towards Travis, dead set on exchanging blows.

This was not a worthwhile exchange.

Travis teleported behind Muryl and stabbed forward. The Demon expected this and turned, his fist flowing along.

With a duck Travis managed to dodge the blow, but soon saw a knee heading towards his face.

Lifting his swords he managed to block, but took damage in return. He slid backwards from the force, arms trembling from the effort of staying straight.

Muryl scratched his neck, "Like some bug clinging onto its life. Escaping by a hair each time, how annoying. Just die already."

Extending a hand a wave of flames shot forward. Travis watched as the sea of flames approached. His heart calm, his eyes steady.

How many times had he come across a fight like this? Where he was incredibly outmatched? Where he faced certain doom?

No matter what, he would never fall.


"Quite the obscure place for a Guild House."

Nimin scratched his head, "We have our… circumstances."

The Guild House mentioned was a simple cabin in the middle of a small forest. As if intentionally hiding away from the public eye.

Inside was clean and neat, basic furnishings added to the out-in-the-wilds cabin feel. Through a closer look Akiol noticed some wear on some of the furnishings. Indicating constant use.

Nimin sat on a chair, "I think some proper introductions are in order."

The team nodded and began introducing themselves one at a time.

The Sorcerer started, "Hundred Green, but I am often referred to as Hundred."

The Defender was next, "Eerie Gaze, you can call me E however."

"Parole, please call me Para." The Priest said.

"Fare Toll, similarly you can just call me Fare." The Thief introduced last.

Clearly pleased with the introductions Nimin controlled the flow of the conversation, "This is our small and humble Guild."

"Isn't there more of you?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Usually a Guild requires ten people, am I wrong?"

"It's five… Perhaps the information you got is false."

Akiol believed it to be a difference in Continents rather than something else. So he forcefully changed the subject, "Then, what is it you wanted to chat about?"

"It's not often we see fighters of your caliber, I'd hate to seem like I'm bragging but my Guild isn't your average Guild. My friends are quite skilled. Yet you defeated them like it was nothing."

"You aren't bragging at all, these four are indeed quite skilled. They just have some flaws like any other fighter."

"Yes, but you handled them easily."

"I have a bit of experience."

Nimin paused momentarily. He observed Akiol with a closer look. As if searching for something specifically, "Then, are you an opposer of her?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Are you an opposer to Miss Perina?"

"Forgive me, but who is Miss Perina?"

The Guild tossed looks at each other, by their movements Akiol could tell that they were most likely messaging each other.

Nimin refocused his attention, "Then I'll have to ask you to forgive me. My question clearly was pointless."

Nimin gestured outside, "Could I perhaps ask you for a spar?"

The four others were stunned momentarily. Hundred was the first to speak against it, "Are you serious? You barely know this guy!"

Nimin rose an eyebrow, "But you fought him though right?"

"This is different! You should be well aware of your strength, asking strangers for a spar isn't something you should do carelessly!"

"I wish to grasp his abilities better."

"I'm telling you-!"

Akiol interrupted, "I'm sorry, but I don't have an issue with the spar. Is there something I should know about?"

Smiling brightly Nimin shook his head, "Not at all! Let's go out back then!"

Hundred felt defeated.

The reasoning behind his rejection was simple. Nimin was no ordinary player. His strength was amongst the top of players. So much so that rarely anyone would dare claim to be above him, besides the few boastful kind.

With very little information about Akiol, Hundred was afraid that Akiol would be afraid of Nimin's strength. The last thing he needed was more rumors going about their Guild.

Since Akiol accepted… there was no stopping the duel. Hundred felt a headache coming along, but dragged his feet outside to watch.


"U-Uhm, hello?"

Stars walked around, feeling blinded by the brightness of his surroundings. It was like a palace, decorated with gold. So much so Stars felt like a single light source would be enough to brighten the whole palace from just the reflections.

"Hi~! Look at you! You're so cute~!"

Stars cheeks were being pulled by a beautiful woman. Dressed in a luxurious golden armor set her entire body seemed to glow. Despite the menacing outfit, however, she held a face of joy.

"Erm, who are you?" Stars managed to say despite his cheeks being ripped apart.

"Oh enough about me, who are you~? Such a small one, I never knew I had such a small brother!"

Feeling overwhelmed Stars answered, "Breaker of Stars, but you can call me Stars."

"Stars~! Such a cute name~! Oh you're so adorable!"

She let go of his cheeks, "Forgive me, I had thought you were going to be a bit violent so I dressed in preparation for that."

She snapped her fingers and golden casual clothes replaced her armor. Clapping her hands the space around them warped and Stars found himself on a fluffy couch.

Lifted a cup of tea to her mouth, wherever she got that from, she introduced herself, "I'm Golden Glint. You can call me Big Sis Glint though~!"

"Then, Big Sis Glint… Who are you?"

"Oh right into the juicy questions~ I've been wondering the same thing about you! You're clearly created by Borus, as am I. Yet I haven't heard of a Sword being made."

"It's the same for me… I didn't think any Spears were made."

"Oh~ To think that something as adorable as you would have remained under my radar! I am one of the Two of the Six Spears."

"The Two?"

"Borus had created Six Spears, four before he ascended to Godhood, two after. I am one of those two. Created from a pure source of Light. With my golden color, my name was obvious from there."

Glint placed her tea down, "What about you?"

"I am one of the Twelve Swords. Eight before godhood, four after. I'm one of the four… created from a blackhole singularity."

Glint moved and sat next to Stars, "You're like the opposite of me~!"

Stars ignored Glint momentarily as he pondered an important question. Just how many other creations of Borus existed? Of course there wouldn't just be swords! Why didn't he think of that?

He was snapped out of his daze when Glint poked him. She smiled, "You should go back to your Wielder, it seems like a duel is going to happen."

Stars nodded, "Thank you for your hospitality."

"Aw~ Don't worry about it Stars! Although I'm hesitant to fight you, I'm sure you're strong enough~!"

"Akiol probably won't lose anyway."

"Nimin isn't some run of the mill fighter~ I guess we can only see the results! Do come back though~ I'd love to chat again!"


Stars figure slowly faded away. Glint smiled happily, "So adorable. I hope his wielder is someone good~ I'd hate for them to be a terrible person."

Shrugging she returned her clothes to their armor state, "Well, Nimin has a good sense of character. I'm sure he'll be able to tell regardless."


Nimin twirled his spear, "Simple rules, first to get hit thrice loses. Hits include any damage done to the body, otherwise you're free to block, parry, and counter-attack as much as you please. Any questions?"

Akiol asked, "Is there a time limit?"

Nimin pondered for a moment before answering, "I'll leave it up to Hundred to decide if the match goes on for too long. Otherwise no."

Having one more question Akiol asked, "Skills? Including Berserk ones?"

"Berserk Skills are a no-go. But from one skilled fighter to another, do we really want to use Skills?"

"Then no Skills."

"Sweet. Hundred, count us down!"

Hundred sighed, "I honestly can't believe I'm doing this. On go! Three… Two… One… Go!"

Neither of the two moved, instead they waited patiently. Waiting for one side to make the first move.

Took the weekend off, was feeling a slight burnout and didn’t want to force myself.

Chance of double release tomorrow, but no promises.

UnableToOpenDoorcreators' thoughts