
The first match

Inspired in a game, Mobile legends.

Lunox is my best pick.

sorry I'm just a beginner in making stories.

Chapter 1

In the the land of dawn a champion named Lunox was in a battle the battle consist of 5 teams, Lunox is a mage hero in their squad, at the first minute of the game, Lunox goes midlane together with her partner Grock. Grock is a tank type hero, deals with a massive damage when activating his second skill.

The opponent of them is a marksman named claude and also a tank named Minotaur.

Cluade is high damage dealer marksman with his partner the monkey named Dexter they are unstoppable with their 3rd skill blazing duo.

And Minotaur is a tank with massive very good crowd control.

The battle in the midlane is so intense.

Lunox reached level 4 and activated her ultimate she is so strong, she uses chaos assault and spam her skills and that she manage to get the first blood.

As the battle continues lunox get the first blood and knocked claude but Mino manage to survived the two man clash in middle lane, meanwhile in the top the solo lane man named Leomord a fighter type hero

is in great danger his opponents are two dangerous heroes named Hanzo and Diggie, Hanzo is an assassin and Diggie is a support, Hanzo is not a joke in the game he is strong and was given the name the strongest ninja in the land of dawn, the battle is intense but unfortunately Leomord can't defend himself even with his horse Barbiel the might of the strongest ninja and his support Diggie.

And lost their first tower in top lane.

But in the other side of the lane in bottom lane another comrades of Lunox is Kaja and Karrie,

Kaja's role is fighter/support and Karrie is a marksman and their opponent also a solo lane named Thamuz. The battle was horrific but luckily Thamuz escaped the death fate of his in the hands of the mighty heroes and forcibly retreated to their base, and lost their tower.

In the middle lane they manage to get the second tower and Lunox continuously being aggressive and have score of 3-0 in the match.

But we can't underestimate their opponent.

The battle is so intense that its almost tie. In the 10 minutes of the game.

Lunox said "be careful guys we are in the late game now" Lunox as the team leader screamed she said "be conscious and stay sharp, beware of ambush"

The team lead by Claude wants to get the Lord so that it can help them but the team lunox is already positioned in the bushes, and ambush them!!

they clashed the fight and there will be always a loser team Claude wiped out and team Lunox get the Lord

and gets the the victory.

A intense battle finally ended. A close fight between

team Lunox and team claude a 15 by 12 in favor to team Lunox.