
Chapter 2 Grand Tournament, Joining the tournament

The battle for the grand tournament has began!

Lunox: This is my ultimate dream! the long wait is over guys lets register now so that we can join the contest.

Karrie: Naaah! we can't win in that contest dream on Lunox! HAHAHA

Grock, Leomord, Kaja : yeaaahhh ( their face are hopeless).

Lunox: Come on guys!! Lets go! stop messing around, remember our game last week! Its so great dont be discouraged guys, we are a team and a team is always supporting each other ❤️, so come on guys.

Team: okay we're in.


And they proceed in the town square and register for the tournament.

Lunox: Wow.... The best of the best teams are here I'm so nervous guys.

Grock: Don't look at them you're just paranoid, you'll lose your focus if you think about it.

Karrie: Juust goo with the floow girl.

Team: yeah... lets go already! stop chatting around.

In the front desk.

Layla (Receptionist) : Good morning guys, how can I help you.

Kaja: We are here to register for the tournament ma'am.

Layla: No problem sir, here is the application form and just put your names and the name of your squad.

Leomord: Ooppps.. We don't have a name for our squad, hmmm? let me think.

Grock: Rock Squad!!

Karrie: Don't be silly grock you're the only Rock in here.


Grock: Huhuu, you're so harsh karrie.

Lunox: What if LEGENDS?

Team: Yess that's it!! WE ARE LEGENDS!

Layla: Okay sir and ma'am? You are officially registered in the tournament.

The tournament is consist of 10 teams, 2 bye teams and it means it is a 9 game match.

And if you lose you are wipe out!

Do you have what it takes to be the champion?

The tournament will start 7 days from now it means you have 1 week to train and study about about your opponents.

So do some research and train really hard.

Good luck LEGENDS!