
The Hero Fell From Grace

"I was the Hero who defeated the demon king and brought peace to the world of Astoria so why am I on the verge of death" {Initializing System} "What" {525600000 hours remaining} "You have to be kidding me" Cover Art does not belong to me if you are the artist and want me to change it plz tell me

CaptainFlapjack · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

"Why is there an elf in front of me am I not on earth" Dexter was lost in thought only to snap out of it when the woman in front of him asked, "With all that blood on your shirt you must be hurt somewhere let's go to a hospital". Dexter looked down to see his entire shirt was covered in blood but before Dexter could do anything he felt a piercing pain in his head.

{System Installed}

Dexter fell to the ground in pain and was grunting in pain, memories of someone else began to flood Dexter's mind. The woman looked at Dexter and called an ambulance "The ambulance should be here soon" hearing this Dexter stood up and started to run away.

As Dexter came to a stop he sat down on a bench "My head feels like it's going to split open, and I have to check something" Dexter got up and went to a small pond that was near him. Dexter looked at his reflection and it wasn't him, it was that of a high schooler "This explains why the elf woman kept saying calling me kid".

Dexter sat down to organize his thought because his and the kid's memories were starting to get mixed. As Dexter began to dig into the kid's memories he got an understanding of who he was, the body he was currently in was called John and was the youngest son of the Lancaster family. As he searched deeper he found a clue as to why he was in John's body.

"I see now, this boy was the laughing stock of his family and was called the trash of the Lancaster family, he lived a life filled with hardship, constant mocking, and belittlement" as Dexter looked at his reflection he saw the blood on his shirt and another memory played in his mind, it was that of John taking a bottle of sleeping pills and ending his life.

Everything started to make sense "The voice I heard in the void was that of Johns, even at the end of his life he was apologizing to the family that treated him like trash. He blamed himself for being weak and wished he was stronger so his family could approve of him"

"Because of you John I was able to escape that hell and come back to the living world so for that I am forever grateful, I promise every person who caused you to take your own life will suffer a miserable end and the strength you yearned for I will give you power strong enough to kill a god"

Dexter kept concentrating to find more information about this world "So this is earth but it's the year 3022 but there isn't any information on why I saw an elf and could sense magic" as Dexter was searching through John's memories he heard a familiar voice.

{System Ready}

A robotic voice rang through Dexter's mind "This voice it's the same as I heard before I was trapped in the void and got all of John's memories"

{System Ready}

Dexter heard the voice once again "Who are you"

{I am a system made to help its host}

"Why can I hear you in my head"

{That is because the host body and I have fused}

Hearing this Dexter closed his eyes to check if what the robotic voice said was true "I can sense something attached to my heart, is that you"

{That is correct}

"What if I just removed it from my heart"

{Then both you and I will die}

"If you and I have been fused how come you didn't say anything while I was in the void"

{It takes time to fuse with a host and for you, it was 525600000 hours}

This confused Dexter the year was 3022 on earth and from what he can recall he was summoned in the 2000s "That's 60,000 years but only a thousand years passed on earth so how could you have fused with me"

{Time moved faster in the place host was stuck in so 60,000 years was only a thousand on earth}

"Okay but why are you fused with me"

{The system was made to help the host grow stronger, just say status to start}

With hesitation, Dexter spoke aloud "Status"


Name:?????? Level: 1

Race: Human Class: Hero

HP: 100 MP: 100


Strenght: 10 Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10 Stamina: 10

Sense: 10 Points: 0


Titles: None Inventory:

Shop: Locked

Skills: Mind Resistance(Max)


"Why is my name blank"

{Your name is Dexter but the body you're occupying is Johns so I didn't know which one to pick}

Dexter thought for something with a robotic voice it spoke like a real person "Even if this body isn't mine my name is still Dexter"

{Understood I will change it}

{Name changed to Dexter Lancaster}

"Lancaster?" Dexter was going to tell the system to change it but thought he could keep the last name to honor Johnin someway.

"What is the shop and why is it locked" Dexter kept examing the screen in front of him and wanted to know all about it {The shop is locked because of your low level and once you unlock it you will be able to purchase spells, skills, weapons, and even legendary items} hearing this peaked Dexters interest "When can I unlock the shop" {Level 10}.

"Getting to level 10 should be easy" Dexter spent an hour asking the system question and with each answer he got more excited "I guess you weren't lying about helping me grow but first I should find more information about this world" with Johns memories Dexter knew where he lived and went on his way to his new house.