
The Hero Became a Succubus, and the Only Way to Level is to… What?!

Kanae Toyomi is an effeminates eighteen year old boy fresh out of high school, who, through a series of accidents, is mistakenly sent into a fantasy world with RPG elements. The problem? He is sent there as a succubus, and the only way to level up is to... Cover by Valerian https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit?fan_landing=true for more chapters

JamminRabbit · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 5 - Sex-Trafficked Succubus

Kanae had been bound, gagged, and thrown into the cage with the other captured women. Among their races were elves, beastly humanoids, and humans. They stayed on the opposite side to be as far from him as possible. Even in the same situation, demons still terrified them.

Wherever they were being taken, a whole night was spent on the move. Calling it a bumpy ride was an understatement. The road eventually evened out to a smooth ride, likely on a stone paved path due to the soft crunch from the wheels.

"We're close enough. Cast the spell now," Ingrid could be heard ordering her companions.

"Silence Field!" Mox uttered from the front of the wagon.

A spell to make them quiet?

Kanae could still hear. In fact, the pleasant sound of crashing waves, horns from mooring ships, squawking birds, and people shouting over each other were clear as day. A salty breeze also reached his nose. Were they near an ocean?

The caravan lurched to a stop. Kanae peered through a very thin gap in the cover. Very briefly, a guard that appeared to wear the same outfit as those from Orturic approached the wagon. He shook the chains to get the guard's attention. The other captives even joined him. They made a lot of rattling noise, but it was as if the man didn't notice them.

"Halt! You know the rules with Port Customs. Show us what you got here," the guard demanded.

"I'll take it from here." Someone in more decorated armor put a hand on the other guard's shoulder.

"But sir—"

"You're dismissed. There's beer waiting in the mess hall," the commanding voice said.

The grunt guard complied.

"Guard-Captain." Ingrid greeted with a condescending tone and handed him a large pouch. "Your agreed upon payment."

"This the shipment? Looks heavier than your usual load. Going to have to pay extra for the weight fee." The guard-captain grabbed a handful of the cover as if threatening to pull it off.

"Oh, don't be like that—"

"One word from me to the capital city of Radevic ends this whole operation. I can have you locked up for jeopardizing our kingdom's alliance with the Ortesian Empire by bringing prostitution to Port Kandis," he said.

Ingrid heaved a sigh and handed over another bulging sack of coins.

"They are waiting in Warehouse 5. Pleasure doing business with you." The guard-captain stepped aside for the caravan to start moving again.

"Go fuck yourself," Ingrid snarled on the way in.

It seemed shady dealings were going on underneath the higher powers' noses, and the guard-captain was in on the scheme. Judging by the women in captivity and what was said, they were running some sort of illegal sex slave trade.

The wagon came to its final stop. Kanae and the captives were corralled out of the cage into a warehouse. Wooden boxes and crates were piled as high as the ceiling, forming the perfect private barrier to their unlawful activity.

"Alright, ladies. Your new life starts here. Look sharp for your new masters," Ingrid cracked a whip next to some poor girl's feet.

"Is that a succubus?"

"Looks like the auction will be very exciting this time around."

"I'm told having sex with one is a taste of heaven— assuming you aren't drained to death."

Half a dozen bastards in fine clothing were seated at an out of place dining table with wine glasses in hand. Their eyes glued to Kanae like a prized catch from the sea. He was about to be sold and sex trafficked.

Something like this would have been terrifying back in Japan. However, Kanae was neither a girl or a succubus back then. As a grown man, no one gave him a second glance. Here, his body was molested by perverted eyes that made him hot all over. This was like a rape fantasy come true. To be made to serve and fucked in a brothel as a sex slave—

Kanae shook his head. Fun as it might sound, he would never see Edina ever again or defeat the demon lord in such a state. There had to be some way to get out of this mess, but the damn collar shackled away his magic.

If nothing was done, how many men would have their way with him? Day in and day out, having sex like a beast in heat—

Focus, damn it!

Attempts to scare himself about the situation only turned him on further.

"As you can see, we have a special catch today— a succubus. It is only appropriate we start off with her. A fine specimen, very busty for the chest-lovers out there. Young, shy in appearance, and at a low level of 7. Easily tameable to suit you and your customers' every needs," Ingrid presented like an expert saleswoman.

Each description was making Kanae more wet.

Tameable? It left him shuddering with excitement.

"You don't expect us to buy without properly inspecting her, would you? For all we know, you dressed her up to be a succubus," one of the rich men said.

"Please, be my guest." She smiled, then pulled the gag out of Kanae's mouth and whispered, "Behave or else."

The earlier three who made comments about Kanae got up from their seats. Thick hands slipped underneath the fabric to cup his breasts and rub his nipples. Another man reached behind to tug on the tail. The last had other ideas. He raised the wine glass up to Kanae's face, and the smell of alcohol caused him to wrinkle his nose.

"Young, indeed. She doesn't know the taste of wine," the man said, caressing Kanae's lips before sticking the finger into his mouth.

Being fondled in front of an audience was exciting Kanae like nothing else. He lustfully licked and nibbled the invader's tongue. Someone's hand was brave enough to explore his wet crotch and went as far as trying to stick a finger in until Ingrid cleared her throat.

"I think that's enough," she said, eliciting from them a disappointed sigh as they returned to their seats, redder in the face than before. "We will begin the auction at 500,000 gold."

The one whose finger Kanae licked shot a hand up. "600,000!"

Thus began the bidding war.



"One million!"

"Two million!"

For some reason, even though it was his life being bidded on, Kanae started quietly cheering them on to spend more. While he had yet to learn the full worth of gold in this world, it was thrilling to be lusted after such that they would spend exceedingly high amounts of wealth for him.

"Ten million!"

"Fifty million." The shocking bid came from a beast man donning a tricorn hat which hid the eyes of a predator.

Only silence followed after that. Everyone else's bid stopped there, and they were agonizing over not being able to spend more.

"Fifty million, going once… going twice… sold to Redmane Solas!" Ingrid declared with money signs in her eyes.

"Damn you, Solas. Where did you even come up with fifty just lying around?" one of the men asked.

"Redmane Company's been taking a lot of contracts from Radevic to guard their borders. Their armies aren't enough. It's making me a rich lion. Don't worry. For a bargain cost of 500 grand, you can have a lay with the little lady in my ship later." Solas flashed a toothy smile.

As Kanae was pulled aside for the next woman to be bid on, his chest was pounding and eyes spinning faster than ever. There was no mystery what Solas was planning to do with him.

500,000 gold. People were going to pay 500,000 gold to have sex with him. Being a succubus was turning out to be a lot more interesting than he thought.

Solas' heavy footfalls alerted Kanae to his presence. The beast leaned down so their eyes would meet.

"You should be happy." His deep, growling voice made Kanae shiver. "A succubus prostitute is going to be very popular. Think of all the sex you can have. Your body will make me a lot of money."

Breathing heavily, Kanae returned a meek smile that was dripping with hunger.