
The Hero Became a Succubus, and the Only Way to Level is to… What?!

Kanae Toyomi is an effeminates eighteen year old boy fresh out of high school, who, through a series of accidents, is mistakenly sent into a fantasy world with RPG elements. The problem? He is sent there as a succubus, and the only way to level up is to... Cover by Valerian https://www.patreon.com/jamminrabbit?fan_landing=true for more chapters

JamminRabbit · Fantasy
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19 Chs

A Priest and Succubus Take on a Quest

Kanae awakened the next morning facing Arenade, who was herself still sound asleep. He was reminded that they had fallen asleep together. Although they were technically still very much strangers to each other, the fallen demigoddess was willing to humor his wishes. With her mouth closed, she was a lot more bearable. Attractive even.

In Arenade's character sheet, her race was written as high elf. Did all elves have obscenely large boobs like the pair Kanae was currently squished against?

Fighting the urge to grope Arenade in her sleep, Kanae peeled himself out of bed. By the time he got changed and threw on the cloak, the elf began to stir awake.

"Hhhnnnnghh!" Arenade stretched both arms above her head and let loose the most unattractive yawn imaginable, then sprawled her entire body out on the bed now that he wasn't in it. "Boy, does it feel good to sleep in a bed again, and not behind some rotting wooden barrels."

"Quit lazing around. We've got quests to do and gold to earn. Otherwise, it's back to sleeping behind barrels," Kanae warned.

As Arenade's eyes adjusted to the morning light, she saw him and started feeling herself up as though insects had climbed all over her.

"You didn't defile me while I was asleep, did you? I know succubi like you can't control your inhibitions, especially in the presence of someone as divine as myself!" Arenade squinted suspiciously.

"No, I didn't." Kanae rolled his eyes, then made exaggerated groping motions with his fingers. "But if you stay in bed any second longer, I will."

Instead of convincing her out of bed, that only seemed to anchor her further. Arenade threw the sheets over herself and poked a head out.

"Cut my divine ass some slack! I was sleeping in filth until yesterday. Just let me lay here a little longer to enjoy—"

Kanae pointed a finger at her. "Turn Horny."

"IIiieee— ahh! H-How brazen of you… to cast such an… indecent spell on me…" Arenade shuddered underneath the sheets, her face red and breath shallow.

"Oh, there's more where that came from if you don't pick up your slack," Kanae threatened.

"Y-You wouldn't…" she stammered.

Both of them went downstairs to begin their lives as adventurers, but one of them wasn't in full control of her body.

"We would like to take this quest, wan~" Arenade barked like a poodle, tongue hanging out and panting as she handed Sara the quest notice they had picked from the board.

"Uhmm… Is this some sort of weird role play you two are acting out?" Sara cautiously took the paper and adjusted her glasses.

"Arenade is just practicing animal sounds on the off chance we need it, right?" Kanae asked his new adventuring companion.

"That's right, wan~" she excitedly replied.

The receptionist signed off on our quest to exterminate puffersheeps, an invasive and low level monster species that roam the fields around Orturic. Before taking on higher level quests like fighting dire beasts in Turic Forest, they needed to get a hang of working with each other.

"Since you two appear to be new at this, I should inform you that quest notices are enchanted with a bit of magic to track your status. Complete them as detailed to receive the full bounty. Additionally, on top of the reward, merchants in town may also be interested in purchasing parts from slain monsters. The wool from puffersheeps, for example, are often sought by tailors and seamstresses," Sara explained.

That was good to know. They would have gone out to slay sheeps without bringing anything back.

A day had gone by and the receptionist's charm was still in effect. Kanae could sense it around her, like a cowl thrown around her shoulder. Keeping the spell on her didn't deplete his magic. It appeared to be a cast once and left be sort of thing. However, there was no telling what would happen if someone else were to realize, or if it one day came undone.

As the two were about to leave, Kanae remembered to ask something important and returned to the receptionist.

"Did you happen to see a squirreling by the name Edina come by here?" Kanae asked.

"Edina Hackett, is that right? She accepted a hobrat removal quest a day ago and hasn't returned yet," Sara said.

"Isn't that bad? Is she in danger?" The worst case scenario flashed through his mind.

"Oh, not at all. Hobrats may be pesky, but they aren't violent. It also isn't uncommon for people to take their time with quests or abandon them entirely, so this might be one of those cases," she explained, the calm certainty in her voice reassured and put him at ease.

Glad that Edina was more likely fine than not, Kanae left the receptionist a message to give her in case she did come back while they were away.

With the quest in hand, Kanae and Arenade set off to the puffersheeps' location. As soon as they were out of the city, he ended the charm effect on the elf and was immediately attacked.

"I hate you! I hate you so much! Making me act like that in private is one thing, but in front of other people? Aaaahhhh! Everyone will think I'm some pervert that gets off on acting like a dog!" Arenade cried.

"Look, if you won't listen when asked, I'm going to make you obey. Now quit whining and let's get this quest done." Kanae picked up the pace to avoid her onslaught of punches to his back.

The assault came to a stop when they exited the city. Arenade became distracted by a mixed-race group of children playing in the dirt, their sunken cheeks were dirty and clothes in tatters, but they laughed all the same. It didn't seem to matter what world they lived in, there would always be folks living in squalor.

"What's wrong? Reminiscing about living in poverty?" Kanae poked fun at her.

Arenade turned the other cheek and ignored him.

Finding the puffersheeps wasn't difficult, and Kanae understood real fast why they were considered monsters and a menace. There were only ten, but the entire side of the hill had been grazed into oblivion. If this continued, they were going to eat up the landscape.

"I'll be over here while you do all the work!" Arenade waved.

"Get over here, you useless demigoddess! Don't put it past me to charm you again!" Kanae yelled, successfully drawing the moping elf over.

"Fine… I'll show you. Witness the powers of a demigoddess— Plant Growth!"

The overgrazed field began to regrow and then some. Thick vines emerged from the ground, entangling the puffersheeps.



"Nice work, Arenade!" he cheered. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but strangle them all at once to finish—eh?"

All ten puffersheeps were unfazed. Like their name implied, the monsters puffed up their bodies and became bloated enough to break out of the vines, then deflated to return to the ground. The Plant Growth spell did have one positive effect. Now the monsters had a freshly regrown field to graze on.

"Nice work, Arenade," Kanae repeated.

"It's not my fault I don't have any offensive spells! The Supreme One took away my divinity, and with it, all my skills and levels. Minor Heal and Plant Growth are all I have on me," Arenade complained with tears welling at the corner of her eyes.

When Kanae double-checked his own character sheet, he received a harsh reminder that he also had no offensive abilities. They were all sexual in nature, and he wasn't interested in getting it on with monster sheeps.

While trying to come up with something, Arenade suddenly walked past him to confront them.

"Puffersheeps are weak monsters between levels 1 to 3. What if we just whack them really hard?" Arenade picked up a fallen tree branch and whacked a puffersheep on its head. The monster inflated instantly and bodied her off the hill. She rolled back down to Kanae, stars in her eyes.

"Hey, great plan." Kanae applauded. "You sure showed them."

"I don't see you trying to do anything!" She shot back to her feet in a fury.

Kanae scanned the area for anything that might be useful and found none. His eyes caught sight of a group of four male adventurers passing by on the road below. Sometimes, the best offense was having other people fight the battles for you, and as a woman, he had just the right weapon up his sleeves.

"I'm going to need you to act like you're in pain," Kanae said.

"What? Uh…" Arenade threw herself to the ground, clutching her leg in agony. "Hss… aahh… my leg… my—"

"Turn Horny." He magically stimulated her nether regions.

"Aaaahhh! S-Stop this instant… nngh… I can't… aah… hahh… Oh, gods… mmm…" She writhed helplessly on the ground, seemingly on the verge of climaxing.

"That's better." Like a damsel in distress, Kanae pleaded to the adventurers for help and loosened his cloak to give them an eyeful of cleavage. "Excuse me! We're having trouble with a quest, and my friend is hurt. Do you think you can maybe… help us out?"

"S-Sure, we'll be happy to help!"

The four defeated the puffersheeps with ease and even gave them a couple of health potions. All Kanae had to do was act cute and sugar them up. Arenade even earned enough experience to hit level 2.

Like Sara mentioned, the quest notice really did keep track of their progress. It was marked complete and only needed to return to the hall to turn it in.

"Thank you so much! You guys are really sweet. Maybe we can meet up in town later?" Kanae winked, snuggling up to one of the larger beastman.

As they left, each of them started bickering over who Kanae was actually interested in. Being the opposite gender was amazing. He could never have gotten people to do something like that for him as a guy. They would have looked at him weird otherwise. As a girl, however, he didn't even need to use the charm spell to get his way.

"Watching you act like that is gross." Arenade pretended to gag.

"You're just jealous that I'm receiving more worshippers than you." Kanae turned his nose to the air and grinned.

Puffersheep Lvl. 2



Aggressive monsters with a bottomless appetite. Puffersheeps bloat up when in danger to ward off attackers.





Too bad Arenade didn't know that beforehand.

Using a pair of shears they borrowed from the adventurer's hall, Kanae and Arenade went to shave the monsters. They came away with four large bags of wool which sold easily in the marketplace, then turned in the quest to receive their reward. Altogether, their split came out to a hundred gold each. Not a large sum by any means, but enough to live off of if they continued doing this daily.

Kanae stepped out of the hall to get some fresh air while waiting for Arenade to return from her walk so they could eat. The fallen demigoddess only came back, gnawing at a piece of bread in her mouth.

"What happened to eating together?" He put both hands on his hips.

"Oh, don't worry about me. Figured I'll settle on bread and some water. This divine body of mine doesn't stay in form itself, you know?" Arenade proudly stuck her chest out, but deflated like a dead puffersheep as her stomach growled.

The pouch of gold hanging on her waist was looking lighter than it should after their quest.

Arenade slinked past him, and as Kanae was about to follow her inside, he spun around to the sound of overjoyed children. The same one from this morning. They had in their hands paper bags full of bread.

He suspected that they pickpocketed her, but more likely than not Arenade would have complained to him if that happened. No way she actually was actually being charitable? That Arenade?

Sighing, Kanae went in after Arenade and treated her to something nice to eat.

Later, they were retiring for the evening when Arenade got into his bed of her own volition.

"What?" Arenade returned the stare as if this was expected. "You're going to charm me into sleeping with you again anyway. Just get in so we can hit the hay already."

However, seeing the sheer nightgown cling to her voluptuous body and accentuate every curve pricked at Kanae's hunger. He climbed onto bed and got on top of her.

"W-W-Wait a minute. I said we can sleep together, that's it!" Arenade stuttered, the reservation and apprehension in her voice only serving to entice him more.

"Our deal was that you'd let me feed off you when I want, and I'm really hungry… Don't worry, I'll make you feel really good." Kanae gulped as he had her pinned beneath him.

"Nngh… F-Fine… this was a long time coming anyway. Go on. Do what a succubus is supposed to do!" She squeezed her eyes shut.