
The Hermatic World Of Magick

This is mystery based novel , in this novel everything about the Magick and black magick has been described. though it is a fictional Novel but some history based informations have been revealed on it .

Shaplasadi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 7

<p>Sunburned copper complexion. A tall, handsome man is standing by a Black Sedan car , twenty yards away from the women's hostel.<br/><br/><br/> He has a camera in his hand. <br/>He is fixing the resolution while standing outside the car. <br/><br/>Looks like he is waiting for someone .<br/><br/> Sitting inside in the car is another young man who looks just as handsome and dashing as him . <br/><br/>The name of the guy standing outside of the car is Shadhin Raihan, and the name of the guy sitting inside the car is Danesh Bagh .<br/><br/>Both of them are Bengali but carried British nationality . <br/> Both are work in the same office. Both have the same profession. According to their profession, their job is to gather information.<br/><br/> Their office tasks them with finding information. <br/><br/>And they dedicate themselves to find that information, many times they have to face danger while finding any secret information. <br/><br/><br/>Both guys are come here to see a most beautiful girl in this world . <br/><br/>They Heard that the boys of Oxford have lost their minds on this beautiful girl . <br/><br/>She is so beautiful that everybody's eyes are stuck on her face. Her name is Kuhon Majumder. <br/><br/>Now Shadhin Raihan has only one task to seduce this haughty beautiful girl and make her his house wife. <br/><br/>Shadhin also heard that the girl is extremely intelligent. Very good at studies. But very indifferent about the real world. <br/><br/>After about half an hour, Shadhin came to the hostel. Many girls are going inside. Their faces are caught in the focus of the camera. <br/><br/> But can see the look of those girls who are simple and ordinary .<br/><br/> Shadhin thinks, for whom he came here , if she does not go out today, then it will be useless for him to carry the camera so hard. <br/><br/> <br/>Danesh Bagh is still sitting inside. He has no interest in looking at any beauty. <br/><br/> He is very happy after marrying Charlene. But Shadhin needs a wife, so he needs to find out a very beautiful girl out of ordinary girls. <br/><br/> Danesh and Shadhin have been friends since their childhoods . <br/><br/>As it does not go on Shadhin without Danesh at the same to Danesh about Shadhin . <br/><br/>In the focus of Shadhins camera, the image of a beautiful girl was caught by from coming out from the gate of the hostel. <br/><br/>Shadhin just astonished by seeing the form of the girl. <br/><br/>She is and angel in human form can be said in one word. The girl looks no less than an angel in a blue silk gown and pearl necklace.<br/><br/> As soon as the girl's face came into focus, Ten to Twelve pictures have been clicked by Shadhin Raihan . <br/><br/>She has a partner with the girl, Shadhin has no eyes on her partner .<br/><br/> Because the angel like beautiful girl is too much enchanting to seeing her . <br/><br/>And there is no doubt this is the girl called by name Kuhon Majumdar. <br/><br/>Leaving Danesh in the car, Shadhin Raihan followed the two girls. <br/><br/>As he followed them, they moved to the very back of the boundary wall of the hostel. <br/><br/>After coming to the backside of the hostel, he just amazed and said himself Wow , I never thought there is such a beautiful natural environment in this area !<br/><br/><br/> Shadhin had no idea about this landscape, so he felt a little surprised, and the sweetness of the beautiful Kuhon's and the beauty of the cherry blossoms brought immense peace to Shadhin's eyes. <br/><br/>It is a perfect place to make love. <br/><br/><br/> Independently, many people have come to see the natural beauty of the lake. <br/><br/> Kuhon and her partner are standing on the embankment of the lake. That time Shadhin also stood next to them and took a few more pictures of Kuhon. <br/><br/><br/> Kuhon caught of Shadhin while he taking her snaps .<br/><br/> The sight of the girl made him chest trembled . <br/><br/> It seems like the arrow of love is shooting from her marble like apple of the eyes . <br/><br/> He had never seen eyes before that could speak freely . Shadhin has read many things in her momentary glance. <br/><br/>Enchanted gaze is like an arrow of love stuck in the heart of the chest. <br/><br/>Shadhin heard the girl that she is telling her partner that the uncivilized photographer was taking pictures of us.<br/><br/> Shadhin to heared that he did not stand there with them and moved back. As he moved back, he saw Danesh. <br/><br/>Danesh is coming here to blowing out cigarette smoke. <br/><br/> Seeing Shadhin he said, the place is beautiful, isn't it? <br/>Shadhin replied , yes, very beautiful place. Danesh said, I got a call from the office, we have to go now. <br/><br/>Shadhin handed over his camera to Danesh and said , you go and sit in the car, I will come in half an hour.<br/><br/> After leaving Danesh , Shadhin sat on the bench next to the Kuhon . <br/><br/> He will leave sometimes later so he looking at the girl till today. <br/><br/> The girl is also looking at him again and again .<br/><br/> It means that she is curious about him . <br/><br/> The cell phone kept in the pocket is vibrating, it seems that a message has arrived. <br/><br/>Shadhin checked the message, Danesh has sent a message - come quickly, go to the office and submit the file. <br/><br/>The mind of the Shadhin does not want to leave this enchanted girl . <br/><br/> Since it is office work, he has to go. <br/><br/> At the time of leaving he thought how it would be if he being surprised this beautiful girl a little bit ? <br/><br/> So he wrote in a note in Bengali letters, "It is very nice of you, Kuhon Mazumdar." See you again and bye . <br/><br/>Handing the note to the girl and he left for his car from the lake side .<br/><br/><br/>In the next morning , Kuhon asked to Martha, where are we going today, Martha? <br/><br/> <br/>Martha said, today we will visit London city. And today I will give you a treat from me.<br/><br/> Kuhon said, yesterday you gave me so many gifts. Then why are you giving a treat again today?<br/><br/> Martha said, because there is a special reason, for that I am giving you a treat. <br/><br/>kuhon said, your special reason is your boyfriend? isn't it ? <br/><br/>Martha said, assume that's right. <br/><br/>now It is 2 : 30 pm . <br/><br/> Martha and kuhon are waiting for a train at the Baker Street subway station in Oxford. They both are going to visit Tower Bridge, a famous place in London. <br/><br/>This is Kuhon's first journey out of Oxford. <br/>She feels very happy. She is happy for one more reason. That is, going out with a roommate like an elder sister is very comfortable for her .<br/><br/> Kuhon and Martha are standing in the station compound. Martha came today in dark beige velvet palazzos and silk tops of the same color. <br/><br/> And chocolate color leather jacket is worn on the tops. Dark red lipstick is applied on the lips. A light pink blush on her cheeks and her dyed maroon hair spread over her back. she is wearing a pair of green travel shoes. <br/><br/><br/> There is no doubt that Martha is a unique beauty. Her personality is also very strong.<br/><br/> Kuhon noticed that Martha was looking at her again and again, avoiding her eyes and a secret smiling on Martha's face is visible . <br/><br/> Kuhon find Martha's behavior seems very strange. <br/><br/>Today kuhon dressed up herself <br/>according to Martha's words. <br/><br/>She tied her long hair up and braided it. She put the lipstick dark maroon color in the lips . <br/><br/> Wearing dark purple satin shirt and maroon velvet belt over denim jeans and white sports shoes. <br/><br/> And She wore them all according to Martha's request. Martha and kuhon are about the same height. But Martha is thinner than kuhon . <br/><br/> Within five minutes the train had arrived . <br/><br/>After getting on the train, Martha took a ticket to go to Tower Bridge station . <br/><br/>It took 2 hours and twenty one minutes to reach London Tower Bridge from the Oxford. <br/><br/>Arriving at the Tower Bridge side , kuhon just mesmerized by seeing its massive structure and beauty.<br/><br/> The place is crowded with tourists. Although the Thames is not a very big river, it is the most famous river in London. <br/><br/> And the city of London is built around this river on both banks of the river sides . <br/><br/>Thousands of poems, stories and novels have been written about this river. This river has a lot of unknown history too . <br/><br/> Tower Bridge is a part of the Tower of London that connects one end of the tower to the other. <br/><br/>This area is crowded with tourists . After a lot of walking around, Martha and Kuhon entered a famous French pastry shop for eating some pastries . <br/><br/>The pastry shop is named "La Patisserie". The pastry shop is huge . <br/><br/> Hundred kinds of cakes and chocolates are arranged inside the pastry shop .<br/><br/> It is not a cake and chocolate shop, but rather a cake and chocolate museum. <br/><br/> Cakes and chocolates are arranged in rows. <br/><br/>All kinds of colors and aromas of fruits and flowers are used in the dishes. Cake and chocolate artists use a variety of techniques to add variety to their masterpieces. <br/><br/>They have brought out the beauty of cakes and chocolates with their works of art. <br/><br/> Cakes and chocolates alone can easily be compared to Michelangelo's sculptures. <br/><br/>The pastry shop is full of customers. Everyone has come here to get a taste of authentic French pastry. <br/><br/>Martha and kuhon like cakes and chocolates .<br/><br/> Martha and Kuhon both are standing in the line of food counter with serial numbers. <br/><br/>Waiting for their number to come, when their serial number will come , as if they will eat cakes and chocolates and bless themselves .<br/><br/>After waiting for half an hour Finally their number came. <br/><br/> When Martha and kuhon were ordering cakes and chocolates at the counter, a guy from the side of Kuhon ordered the same kind of cakes and chocolates also ordered.<br/><br/> Kuhon took 7 types of cakes and 6 types of chocolates. Martha bought about 10 items of cakes and 5 types of chocolates . <br/><br/> When Kuhon turned around to see the man ordering the same food as her , To seeing the guy her heart started beating fast .<br/><br/> This man is the photographer of tomorrow from the lake side of kuhon hostel . <br/><br/> The man gave a smile as she met her eyes to his . Kuhon also returns a smile for the sake of politeness. <br/><br/> Cakes and chocolates were taken so they left the counter and started looking for an empty seat. <br/><br/> And the sake of good luck, they got an empty seat for both of them. Martha and kuhon , while the cakes and chocolates are set on the table at their sit kept , the whole table was filled with cakes and chocolates.<br/><br/> Martha and kuhon took all the cakes gluten free. Each cake is made with almond flour instead of regular flour. <br/><br/>And all the cakes are honey based , sugar free and the chocolates are semi sweet too .<br/><br/>kuhon took cake items are Honey Based Lemon Cake, Vanilla Cheesecake with Strawberry Punch, Decadent Chocolate Cake, Victoria Sponge Cake, Castella Cake, Coffee Cream Cheesecake and double layered chocolate brownie.<br/><br/> And there are chocolate items—chocolate mousse, chocolate ganache cake, chocolate truffles, chocolate balls, chocolate sauce and white chocolate roll pie. <br/><br/>There is no doubt that these are very rich foods. Fortunately, there is no fear of getting fat after eating so many cakes and chocolates. <br/><br/> Because they both took micro size cakes or say one bite size cakes and chocolates . <br/><br/>Martha and kuhon are sitting on the table arranging the cakes.<br/><br/> A tall, broad and very fair person is sitting at the table next to them . He is smiling at them to seeing the collection of the cakes and chocolates. <br/><br/>After a while the photographer came and sat next to the man. <br/><br/> The photographer also took the items what kuhon took. <br/><br/>However, they are not micro size , they are regular size, big cakes and chocolates. <br/><br/><br/>Pointing to Martha, kuhon said, have you seen that photographer?<br/><br/> Martha was so busy to eating cakes and chocolates so she didn't pay any attention to Kuhon words. <br/><br/>Kuhon thinking to ask the man, how did he know her name? <br/><br/> but she decided again, not to say anything to that person , if I talk with him before, may be he will think that I am probably interested on him . <br/><br/><br/> While eating chocolates and cakes , kuhon realized that she can't taste the food because the photographer next to me is distracting her from her foods .<br/><br/><br/>He is looking at kuhon again and again and whispering something with that fair man. <br/><br/>kuhon feelings uncomfortable, unable to concentrate on food . <br/><br/> But Martha is eating with full appetite and continuously saying awesome test; Fabulous and Yummy. <br/><br/>Suddenly the photographer approached kuhon and said, "Can I order coffee or any other drinks for you?" <br/><br/>Kuhon got surprised to see the way the man spoke with her . He is asking her like they have known each other for a long time. <br/><br/>Before kuhon could say anything, Martha said no, we have eaten too much, now we can't have coffee.<br/><br/> This time the photographer said to kuhon again, I see, you can't eat much , will you take the parcel? need to be packed ? <br/><br/> Kuhon naturally said no thanks . I will end up eating all at here .<br/><br/>The photographer said his name is Shadhin Raihan. <br/><br/> Kuhon also politely said "I am Kuhon Majumdar" although the man named Shadhin already knows a lot about kuhon.<br/><br/> This time he laughed and said, "Nice to meet you Kuhon." <br/><br/>Kuhon asked him, "Are you from Bangladesh or do you live in London?" <br/><br/> Kuhon asked but the person named Shadhin did not give any answer. <br/><br/>When he didn't any answer to kuhon , Kuhon started to feel very uncomfortable .<br/><br/> He is ignoring her questions which means he is ignoring her . Kuhon just burning with anger. <br/><br/>Kuhon ate all the cakes and chocolates without another word. <br/><br/> Before she finished eating the cakes and chocolates, the photographer guy got up and stood at the counter to pay the food bills . <br/><br/>And the fair guy told to kuhon , if you want to know about him, come to the lakeside of your hostel tomorrow at four in the afternoon.<br/><br/> And the fair guy said to Martha, for your food No need to pay the bills. To the photographer pointed the fair man and said, he gave the all ours bills . <br/><br/>But Kuhon protested and said why should he pay our food bills ? <br/><br/>The fair man also got up and left kuhon and Martha without paying any attention to her words. <br/><br/>The photographer standing at the counter , Kuhon looked at the guy , when she looking at him , he smiling at kuhon . <br/><br/>And he is glanced at kuhon with full of attraction . Kuhon understand that he is playing with her mind. <br/>He tried to create a desire forming on kuhon to attract him . <br/><br/>Kuhon said to Martha, why don't you forbade them to pay the bills ? <br/><br/> Martha said, how will I know about them at the bar that they are paying our food bills ? <br/><br/> You must pay his debt on time one day, then it will happen equal . <br/><br/>what do you say kuhon asked ? ,where can I find out him to pay his debt? <br/><br/><br/>Martha said, it is very easy , you are meeting him tomorrow afternoon. <br/><br/>I said, how did you know that I was going to meet him tomorrow afternoon? Martha said, why not you want to go ? <br/>You should meet him. If you don't meet him then you will not know nothing about him . <br/><br/> And I think it is better for you , you should know about the man. It may be that your father has sent him from your country or it may be that the person is your secret lover , who seeking your love . <br/><br/>I said, how is it possible to love a stranger ? <br/><br/><br/> Martha said, that's why I'm telling you, meet him. Find out about him, then he will not seem like a stranger to you. <br/><br/> Besides, you also seem to have liked the man. Kuhon said, how did you know that I liked the man?<br/><br/> Martha looked at her and gave her a sweet smile then she replied, even if your face doesn't say much, but your eyes say a lot of .<br/><br/>Your face language can lie but your eyes language never lies .<br/><br/>To heared Marthas opinion kuhon doesn't know why does her heart beat going faster and she also thought that , <br/>is it really that I liked the man in my subconscious mind ?</p>