
The Hermatic World Of Magick

This is mystery based novel , in this novel everything about the Magick and black magick has been described. though it is a fictional Novel but some history based informations have been revealed on it .

Shaplasadi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Chapter 6

A lot of people have gathered on the side of the lake. Everyone has come to enjoy the beauty of cherry blossoms. I saw some sketch artists are also came here .

Beautiful scenes of flower beds, cherry blossoms trees and the babbling water of the lake .

Sketch artists are sketching this beautiful scenery on the white art paper .

Photographers are capturing in their cameras the beauty of this earthly world in the form of a bride.

From the young generation to the old generation, everyone has come to observe the glorious beauty of nature, beautifully adorned by the touch of monsoon spring.

Some people are sitting on the lake embankment, some are sitting on a bench under the cherry trees .

some are walking on the street holding the hand of their partner. Most of the people came with their partner.

But some are single too .

Those who are single can be tourists, because many of them are carrying photographs cameras. Martha and I first came and stood on the bank of the lake.

The waters of lake are light green in color but as clear as crystal .

Small pebbles are clearly visible under the shallow water. The falling petals of the cherry blossoms are floating on the light green water.

From a distance, it looks like a pink flower pattern on a green cloth.

A photographer is standing three or four feet away from us. Looks like a tourist.

No words, no messages , that photographer kept taking pictures of mine and Martha.

I said to Martha, Look, the rude photographer is taking pictures of us without any permission.

Martha said he isn't taking pictures of us. He is taking pictures of the lake.

I told Martha, I saw he took our pictures .

I wanted to look back that photographer . I saw that the photographer had disappeared.

I said in my heart, Let's be saved. Anyone in such a situation would feel embarrassed.

Martha and I stood by the lake and talked for a long time.

I told to Martha that Mc Well sir wants to give me tuition.

Then I told about Natalia what I had talked about with her today.

Martha repeatedly forbade me not to go anywhere with Natalya.

Martha also said that Natalia is a dangerous woman.

I asked Martha , what kind of dangerous?

Martha said, I will discuss about her later. Let's go and sit on that seat now.

We sat on the bench under the cherry tree. The sun is going down.

The sky coloured is containing reddish now.

Five yards beyond our bench I saw again that photographer on the other bench he is sitting .

The man is sitting like watching the sunset but he is looking at us again and again.

Now I noticed that the man had no camera in his hand. That means the man did not come alone.

The camera must have been handed over to someone else.

The photographer man is looking at us with his arms outstretched and his legs crossed.

The man is wearing black stripes on white

Shirt, jeans pants and white shoes with double soles.

The hair is cut in an army style. The charm of the state is visible on the face of cleaned shaved face .

It is not understood what the man was impressed by.

The fair skin color has been tanned .

his Age would be thirty to thirty two.

Big eyes with brown cornea .

About six feet tall and athletic broad chest figure . Undoubtedly he is the most handsome and charming guy .

But the sitting style looks like a gangster. I know gangsters are very dangerous.

I started to get scared thinking that if the man has any kind of bad thoughts about us.

So I said to Martha, come on Martha, it's been a long time since we came here .

Martha said, why ? is there a problem? don't you feel good here ?

I said, it feels good, but look at the person next to you? He is looking at us again and again. If the man has any bad intentions about us?

Martha said to me, you are a very suspicious girl, you cannot trust anyone.

That's why you haven't fallen in love with anyone .

Martha said, the man looks very handsome. Seeing such a handsome person does not make you want to love?

I didn't know what to say to Martha.

Martha added, I think the photographer is looking at you. You are so much beautiful girl that why that man or anyone would be forced to look at you again and again .

Who does the man think he likes you?

I said, what can I do for that ?

Martha said, you did not like the man?

I was surprised and said, I don't know nothing about that guy .

And besides, it is not enough to have external beauty, you also need to have character traits.

Martha now asked in an angry voice, how do you know that the character of the guy is not good?

I said, I did not say that the character of that person is bad or the background is bad.

I just gave an analogy that it is not only if the outside is beautiful, but if the character is good then the person is more beautiful.

This time I was very angry on Martha, because she was quarreling with me for a stranger!

Martha and I were talking while the photographer came up and stood in front of us.

Then he handed me a small paper and left .

I told Martha that the man must have heard our conversation.

Martha said, he could hear, he was not sitting too far away from us .

Martha said to me , open the paper, see what is written?

I opened the small piece of paper with a timid heart.

"You are very nice and very beautiful dear Kuhon Majumdar. See you again and bye "

My name and surname are written in Bengali letters .

I was surprised that the man knows my name and surname too .

And he is a Bengali.

I said to Martha, it's amazing, you know, Martha, the man is a Bengali and he knows my name.

Martha asked to me , do you have any relative or familiar one in London or Oxford ?

I replied: I have no relatives in London except a cousin brother .

That cousin is also now out of London.

I never saw that cousin though, and my cousin never saw me either.

Martha said, then is there nothing to worry about for you! A stranger knows you but you don't know him ! isn't that strange ?