
Chapter 2: Battlefield

"Wow... This looks similar to the Great War, doesn't it Lucifer?" (Azazel)

"... Why are we placed in this kind of dimensions" (Lucifer)

Lucifer sighed while looking around the field, where almost no life form whatsoever is found within a few kilometres from they're location. The only thing visible in their sights are broken establishments and ashes falling down from the sky, burning their skin as soon as it touched them.

"This aren't normal ashes, so it seems"

Azazel muttered while writing her new found information into her notepad as she covered herself with an armor of divine magic, while Lucifer covered herself with [Crimson Armor].

"Weird... Its far too quite in here"

Lucifer muttered while looking at the blood red sky above them as they begun to explore the area, but unfortunately for them they found nothing worth noting for.

"There are 3 humans in that establishment, should we check it out, Azazel?" (Lucifer)

"We need information, we can't just wander into the unknown after all" (Azazel)

"Indeed, but... find 100 members in this desolate place, quite funny" (Lucifer)

"Normal humans would have died from this ashes alone... We can make a conclusion that we are either in a apocalyptic dimension or..." (Azazel)

"A war started among powerful races of this dimension, is it?" (Lucifer)

"Correct, Lucifer-san" (Azazel)

"Tch... As usual, it is the nature of all living things to start a conflict with one another" (Lucifer)

"Now, now Lucifer, if it weren't for that evolution wouldn't have taken place, Lucias could still have been a walking monkey if it weren't for evolution" (Azazel)

"... I guess you're right" (Lucifer)

Lucifer nodded before they started walking towards the ravine where both of them sensed the presence of humans.

"Hmm... Weird, I feel something... An unfamiliar life form is rushing towards them" (Azazel)

"... Then we should hurry, we don't want our source of information to die on us" (Lucifer)

"Let's go" (Azazel)

Both of them used teleportation as they rushed towards the bottom of the ravine filled with cylindrical pillars.


"Shh... Do you hear that?"

One of the humans whispered towards the other 2 while holding a large camera, projecting various information about the dwarven race as the other 2 recorded it on a piece of paper on the ground as quickly as they could.

"... Something's here, let's leave!"

The white haired human ordered the two as they immediately grabbed all of their equipment, preparing to run away from the ruined hideout.

"Aley, don't bring anything that contains spiritual energy"

The white haired man ordered one of his companion who was hurriedly trying grab the camera like object.


"If you want to die the go ahead"

"Damn it!"

The orange haired man cursed before the 3 of them hurriedly ran away to escape the hideout, but stopped as 2 figures appeared in front of them.

"We made it in time, Lucifer"

"Yeah just in time"

The white haired man stared at the two of them with his back cold eyes before slowly taking out the dagger that he brought on his back.

"I suggest that you don't pull that dagger of yours, human"

Lucifer warned the white haired human as she slowly released her killing intent, staring at the humans in front of her with her blood red eyes.

"Don't scare them, Lucifer" (Azazel)

"Don't be too naive, Azazel. Even though they're weak, we can't let our guard down" (Lucifer)

"It's much easier to extract information from them when they trust us, Lucifer" (Azazel)

"... Fine, as long as they don't try and do something funny, I won't do anything to them" (Lucifer)

"Good, now then"

Azazel walked towards the 3 humans who had a wary expression on their faces as they stepped back as Azazel came close to them.

"Don't worry, we mean no harm, we just want to ask a few things"

Azazel smiled brightly towards their them as she removed her aura to make her look harmless to the humans.

'... Can we trust them?'

The white haired man thought while staring at Azazel's kind smile.

"Ivan, Aley, stand down"

"Are you sure about that, Riku?"

"Just do it"

"... Aschente"

They both lowered down their weapons causing Azazel to smile wider as she went closer to them without hesitation.

"So, what do you want to ask us?"

The white haired man cautiously asked Azazel who was taking out her notepad.

"Can you tell us where we are right now?"


"Can you tell us where we are?"

"... Where in the ruined hideout of the elves, the hideout that they used to study the plans and strategies of the dwarves"

"Hmm... Then-"

Azazel tried to ask another question but was interrupted by a massive earthquake that shook the entire establishment alarming the 3 humans as they prepared to run away.

"Don't worry, it's just a small fry, just answer our questions, I'll deal with the it myself"

Lucifer stopped them in their tracks as a giant slug like creature came out of the ground, charging towards the 5 of them.

"If you want to die then don't drag us down with you" (Riki)

"Die? From that? Don't make me laugh human"

Lucifer arrogantly said before creating a ball of concentrated demonic energy on her palm as she turned around and aimed it towards the giant slug.

"[Extinction Ray]"

Lucifer casted as a beam of blood red mana launched towards the giant slug obliterating everyone around it as it blasted a large hole behind the original location of he slug.


Lucifer said as she turned around to face the humans who wore a shocked and terrified expression on their faces as they stared at the destroyed terrain behind her.

"Can you answer our questions now?"

"... Fine"

(Note: can you tell where they are?)

-with Tobiichi and Miku-

"So much for our harem plan"

Miku sighed in disappointment as they walked through the cemetery that they spawned at.

"Let's hurry up and complete the quest"

Tobiichi impatiently said as they both hurriedly tried to find the exit out of the cemetery.

"Even though I already confessed... then this happen... unacceptable" (Tobiichi)

"Calm down, Origami, we can't rush this quest since our faction depends on it" (Miku)

"I know..."

Tobiichi gritted her teeth while Miku sighed from her actions.

'Well, I kind of understand her feelings, if I was placed in her situation... I don't want to even think about it'

Miku thought as she unconsciously released some of her magic aura and killing intent from the thought of that situation.



Tobiichi lazily turned her head around as she saw a giant bear with shining red eyes running towards them.

"How annoying" (Tobiichi)

"My, it's a bear, how cute~" (Miku)

"Sometimes I question your aesthetics, Miku"

Tobiichi muttered as the giant crown behind her broke down onto several pieces, pointing it towards the giant bear as she prepared to blast a light beam towards it.

"You two!"

But before she could even finish casting her spell, a boy with grey hair and hazel brown ran towards their location as he blocked the claws of the giant bear.

The large claws pierced his body causing him to spat out blood.


A girl wearing a frilly magical girl outfit shouted as she saw the boy getting killed by the bear, gritting her teeth in frustration.

"Damn it! I will lose points for this"

The magical girl muttered under her breath as she raised up the giant chainsaw in her hand, pointing it towards the giant bear

"Tch... I'll avenge you, so rest in peace, you two hurry up and get out of here!"

"That's quite an assumption"

The boy said under his ragged breathing from being pierced by the bear.

"Don't talk! You're wounds are severe! Just give up all hope"

"I already given up hope in you!"

The boy shouted at the magical girl while Miku and Tobiichi watched the show with amusement.

"That guy... is an undead?" (Tobiichi)

"Indeed, is he a ghoul? It's very unlikely for him to be a zombie since his skin hasn't decayed yet" (Miku)

"... I think we should help him, it seems like he can still pain even though he is immortal" (Tobiichi)

"Then let me"

Miku walked to the front, smiling towards the boy as she summoned an organ in front of her.


She called out the name of her angel as she placed her fingers on its key and begun to play a song.


She said as the silver pipe of her organ swung towards the giant bear, destroying its body in half as it quickly dissipated into yellow particles causing the boy to drop down to the ground.


"You! How dare you steal my Megalo!! I needed it for my test!!"

The magical girl shouted at Miku while pointing her finger at her with an angry expression on her face.

"You should have killed it in an instant rather than spouting heroism that you didn't have. Didn't you see that the boy was in extreme pain" (Miku)

"He is going to die anyway!! I could have avenge his death!!"

"Don't jinx me, I'm not dead yet"

The grey haired boy interrupted her as he got up from the ground while the holes in his body is slowly regenerating.

"How are you still alive?!"

"I'm a zombie after all"

"Y-you, You're not human?!"

"I just told you that I'm a zombie"

The grey haired boy said in annoyance.

"This is interesting" (Miku)

"We should hurry up and complete the quest" (Tobiichi)

"I know, do you think that those two are a good candidate?" (Miku)

"Them?" (Tobiichi)

Tobiichi pointed at the two quarrelling their lungs out as the girl suddenly raised her hand up and released some of her magic towards him, but outside of her expectations. Her clothes disappeared into particles causing her to become flustered as she covered her body while kicking the boy on his crotch causing me to fall down on his knees due to pain while the girl continued kicking while shouting.

"Give back my magic! This instant! Immediately! Now! Now now now now"

"I don't think they are" (Tobiichi)

"Don't be like that Origami" (Miku)

-with Lucias and Yuu-

[Master, what are we waiting for?]

"We're waiting for some miracle!"


"I already spread my magic signature around this town, so I will be informed whether or not this Lala Satalin Deviluke enters this town"

[How can you be so sure that she will enter this town?]

"...Gut feeling, I guess"

Lucias answered while washing the dishes along with Mikan, Yuuki Rito's little sister.

"What are you two talking about?"

[It's my imaginary world, Mikan-san]

"Yeah, I'm playing around with her to keep her from being bored"

"That's very nice of you, Lucias-san"

Mikan smiled at Lucias as she wiped her hands and turned off the faucet.

"Guard the house while we're gone okay?"

Mikan reminded as she left the kitchen wearing her school uniform.

"Don't worry, Mikan-san"

Lucias smiled at her as she left the house to attend school.



"I'm going to continue my search, guard the house for me, alright?"

[Sure, just be safe]

Yuu wrote on her notepad as she stood up as walked in front of Lucias.

[Where's my goodbye kiss?]


Lucias asked in confusion while Yuu tapped the pad with her pen, glaring at him as she held out her drawing pad close to his face.

"I don't thin-"

[Think what exactly?]


Lucias immediately answered as he felt a chill ran down her spine whole looking at her violet eyes... the same feeling that he felt from the other girls when he tries to refuse they're request for any intimate actions.


Lucias helplessly sighed before moving her bangs away as he kissed her forehead.

"..." (Yuu)

Yuu pushed him towards an empty seat with a displeased expression, confusing Lucias , before sitting down on his lap and wrapping her hands around his neck as she moved her head closer.

"Like this" (Yuu)

Yuu said before sealing his lips with her own, hugging his neck tighter as she enjoyed the taste of his lips.

Lucias was shocked at her actions but didn't push her away as he wrapped his arms around her hips, closing his eyes to fully enjoy their kiss.

"Why do I feel like this?'

Lucias asked himself as Yuu, who was taught by Modeus, inserted her small tongue between his teeth while Lucias wrapped his own tongue around hers before completely invading her small mouth with her tongue.


Yuu moaned from the pleasure that she felt as she struggled to keep her breath.

Lucias who noticed her trouble in breathing, slowly separated from her while licking her soft pink lips as he looked at her dazed eyes.

"How sweet"



Lucias caressed her milky white cheek before wrapping his right arm around her back, pulling her closer to engage in another deep kiss.


Yuu moaned between their kiss before passing out in his embrace, waking up Lucias from his lustful state as he immediately checked her condition.

Lucias who checked her heartbeat, sighed in relief before lifting her up in a princess carry and walking towards the room that Mikan lended to her.

"Just sleep tight"

Lucias said as he gently placed her down on the bed, kissing her on the forehead before he disappeared from the room.

'I can't calm down'

Lucias thought while jumping from roof to roof as he held his rapidly beating chest, trying to control his emotions that burst when they kissed.

-Back to Azazel and Lucifer-

"Hmm... So our guesses were right, Lucifer. The stronger races are at war with each other with the strongest race 'Old Deus' starting the war to obtain the 'Star Cup' that gives them the ability to do everything" (Azazel)

"But a war that lasted for 40,000 years... This is much worst than the Great War of our world" (Lucifer)

"Indeed but this is a great chance..."

Azazel said with a smile while Riku looked at the two of them with his cold eyes.

"Thank you for saving them, Lucifer-san, Azazel-san"

The red haired woman wearing aviator goggles, bowed her head towards the two of them in gratitude.

"Ah... Don't mention it, we did it since we also need something from them" (Lucifer)

"But still, thank you, if not for the two of you, none of them could've returned"

The woman said with a grateful expression on her face while Riku clicked his tongue at them.

"Hey, Riku, don't be rude to our benefactor"


Riku ignored her as he stabbed his dagger into the plate of food on the ground.

"So what's this 'chance' that you mentioned?" (Riku)

"We were sent her for a mission by our master, that is to gather individuals that can join our ranks, and we can obtain that using that 'Star Cup'" (Azazel)

"What?" (Riku)

"Why don't we work together, Riku, our goals are quite aligned don't you agree? You want to stop the war and we want to obtain the star cup, which we can use to stop the ongoing war in this world"

Azazel said with a bright smile on her face while Riku and the red haired woman stared at her with wide eyes.

"Tch... How can we an imanity, the weakest race, be of any help for you, Azazel?"

Riku said in disdain while looking at Azazel.

"You underestimate you're race far too much, Riku-san. What if we tell you that our master is an imanity like you?"


Riku and the woman muttered in shock while staring at both the demon and angel in front of them.

"It's true, unlike the other races, imanity is far more intellectual than the other races, they're biggest strength is that the other races underestimate them, with that they're actions shows no bounds whatsoever. Your struggles for survival has sharpened your mind and senses, that's why I can tell... that in every possible problems, hundred of solutions have already formed in your mind, Riku-san"

Azazel honestly stated her records from observing them.

Which caused Riku to be in deep thought while looking at Azazel who was holding her notepad and pen in her hands.

'If an imanity like us was able to subdue this monsters to work for him, where is he now when his own race is in the brink of extinction'

Riku thought as he remembered their power, that rivals even the gods of Old Deus.

"... where is this 'master' of yours, Azazel?" (Riku)

"He is not... here... Let us say that we belong in a different world"

"Different World?" (Riku)

"Yes, a world that will face the same fate as this world of we don't stop 'them'. That is why all of our comrades are separated in different world to gather allies to protect our world"

"Do you think I'll believe you?" (Riku)

"It's your choice if you believe me or not, Riku-san" (Azazel)

"..." (Riku)

"But in exchange we will change your world, Riku, we just need your help" (Azazel)

"... What do you want me to do?"

Riku asked with a sudden determination written on his face as looked directly at Azazel's eyes.

"We first need, information. We need to capture one of those Ex-Machina, specifically a prūfer type. We can't plan if we have no information on our own enemies, Riku" (Azazel)

"And you think that's easy to do? Let me tell you all of them are mentally linked to one another, so if one of them is captured, the others will know immediately" (Riku)

"... That's true, Azazel, it's either we capture and interrogate the other races or find a way to extract information from the Ex-Machina. There are no Ex-Machina that is willing to work with another race except their creator, Holou, an Old Deus"

"... I guess you're right... I didn't consider the other variables, so we can only obtain information through those means... Wait, what about the camera thing that we sensed inside the ruined hideout?"

"... It only contains information about the dwarven race, Azazel" (Riku)

"Its better than having nothing, Riku" (Azazel)

"..." (Riku)

"So we're going back there, huh? Then Riku can you guide us their, or any of those two who were with you before? Don't worry we will ensure they're safety" (Lucifer)

"I'll go, so when are we going?" (Riku)

"As soon as possible, Riku-san" (Azazel)

"Then let's go, we can't waste anymore time"

Riku said as he prepared all of his equipment and protective gear before saying his goodbye to his self-proclaimed sister.

"Please take care of him"

"Don't worry, he is an important piece to our plan, there is no way we're going to let anything happen to him"

Lucifer reassured her before following Riku and Azazel as they walked out of the colony.

"Then please be careful"

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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