
The Heretics (Gamer X DxD)

Disclaimer: I don't own the gamer, date a live, helltaker, high school dxd, the pictures, or any of the characters/anime/manga used in this fanfiction. I don't owe the ideas for the skills,grades of items etc. as well, it is based on other novels, games, or manhwa/manga that I read from the past. : I don't win anything with this fanfic. The book has the same name on wattpad all credit to the author VladFallen. this is just a COPY

MissRias · Anime & Comics
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240 Chs

Chapter 12: Reinforcement's Arrival

"Follow me!"

Morgan ordered as she quickly ran towards the direction of the supply lines of their enemy where Lucias is currently holding the reinforcement of the opposing army by himself.

"The marshall is in danger so hurry up and increasing your pace before we're too late!!"

A lieutenant from the Forsaken Faction's army shouted in a hurry as they all hurriedly ran at full speed to provide aid to Lucias before he gets too overwhelmed by the army through their numbers.

"That reckless man really faced them all by himself!"

Morgan complained as they arrived at their destination but all of them froze in their spot due to the scene that was in front of them. The land in front of them was completely destroyed and scorched until no snow remained on top of it while piles of ashes littered the ground. In some parts of the land had several crimson spikes with several bodies skewered on top of it. Creating a disturbing scene that made many human soldiers frown.

"Let's continue"

Morgan said as she fearlessly stepped into the destroyed land like she wasn't bothered by the piles of bodies having on the crimson ice protruding from the ground. All of the soldiers looked around their area with a trace of awe on their faces since they can imagine the intensity of the battle that happened here. All while the awful smell of burnt meat and blood assaulted their noses. Making many of the human soldiers frown in response.

"The marshall did all this?"

One of the human soldiers asked in bewilderment before the putrid scent of waste and blood assaulted them. Making all of them stop in their tracks before looking forward where Morgan and Grayfia were dazedly staring at the large mountain of demon corpses. Stacked against each other as their blood created a small puddle beneath them. Coloring the snow on the ground with their blood as a single person standing on top of the mountains of bodies. Drenched with the color of their blood, especially his fist that was dripping with small droplets of blood.

Making many of the human soldiers who haven't witnessed what their Marshall was capable of stop in their tracks and stare at him with a complicated expression on their faces.

"You're late"

Lucias said as he walked down the piles of bodies with a light smile on his face. Wiping the blood off his fist and gauntlets with the uniform that he stole from the corpses of the demons.

"Looking at you... I think you succeeded in capturing their camp"

He said before standing in front of Morgan who had a weirdly prideful smile on her face for an unknown reason. Looking at him with a rare smile before she wrapped her arms around his own.

"You can set up camp in the duke camp that you call captured. Reinforcements are arriving tomorrow so prepare your armies. We'll be attacking the Archduke camps when they arrive"

He said as he pushed Morgan away from his body as Anastasia grabbed his other arm with her own. Making him helplessly smile in response.

"Let go, I'm covered with blood right now"

He said to the two girls by his side as they all walked back to the Duke camp without letting their guards down in case an ambush occurs.

"I don't mind... we can take a bath together once we go back to wash off the blood on our body"

Anastasia said with a light smile on her face before glaring in Morgan's direction.

"Do you wish to join us, Morgan le Fay?"

She asked while looking at Morgan with a mischievous glint visible in her eyes. Making Lucias look at her with a slight frown on his face.

"Why are you asking her that?"

"She has the same features as Artoria so I thought that you're planning on taking her in your harem? Is it not the case?"

She asked, causing a complicated expression to surface on Lucias' face. Ever since he took all of the Artorias, including Okita Souji, in his care. His own harem started to look at him weirdly like he had a strange obsession with Artoria.

"I'm going to say this again but I don't have a weird obsession with Artoria"

"Yes, don't worry we believe you"

Anastasia answered with a fake smile on her face like she didn't believe nor trusted his explanation at all. Making Lucias helplessly smile in response.

"You girls are just so... never mind... I'll be returning to my own army... so I won't be staying for long"



All of the soldiers saluted as they greeted Lucias who entered the temporary bathhouse that they built by using earth and water magic. Making Lucias smile before raising his hand in front of him.

"I'm here as a fellow soldier, not your superior. You can all relax, and just call me casually. I hate being called by that title while we're on break"

He said as he removed his clothes one by one. Revealing his toned and muscular body to the rest of the male soldiers who all sighed in relief. Watching Lucias sit down at one of the empty small wooden chairs below a large container of warm water being heated up by the fire mages inside the bath.

"... I imagined marshall to be more... strict but he looks kind of friendly... I think"

One of the soldiers whispered as Lucias washed his body thoroughly. Washing off the dried blood on his skin before walking towards the artificial hot spring that his subordinates created. To help the soldier avoid dying from stress and cold. Especially when he needs them in top shape for their full-on attack tomorrow.

"Ah~ That hits the spot"

He muttered as he submerged himself in the hot water with a relaxed expression on his face. Ignoring everyone who was staring at his shaft with a look of surprise and defeat on their faces.

"As expected from the marshall, so he has those many women by his side for a reason"

"He's a monster in both the battlefield and bed"

"... What the fuck are they talking about..."

Lucias said with an awkward smile on his face, trying his best to ignore the weird conversation that his subordinates are starting regarding his sex life.


A soldier who sat down beside him called, causing Lucias to look in his direction with a light smile on his face.

"You can just call me Lucias"

"T-Then Lucias... we want to ask you a question... if it's right with you"

He asked causing Lucias to give him a thumbs-up, approving his request to ask a question.

"How many of them can you handle at once?"


Lucias remained silent while looking at the soldier in front of him with a weird expression on his face. Not understanding why they were so interested in his sex life.

"... Why are you guys so interested in this?"

"You're a hot topic around the alliance because of the number of excellent women by your side, so of course many people are interested... but of course if you don't want to answer, we're alright with it!"

He said while the other men inside the bathhouse all waited for him to answer with a flash of curiosity in their eyes.

"... All of them"

He said. Surprising many of the men inside the bathhouse as whispers suddenly devoured the entire place.

"For how many days is that?"

"... 2 months if all at once"

"You can hold on for that long?"

The man asked out in surprise as he looking at Lucias shaft before looking at his own, causing a flash of disappointment to appear on his face.


Lucias watched their varying expressions with a complicated expression on his face, not knowing what to say in his current situation.

"Lucias-sama! Please take me in as your disciple!!"

"No way"

Lucias quickly rejected with a 'smile' on his face, causing the man to look at him with a pitiful expression on his face.

"It's something that you'll learn naturally through experience, so there's no need for me to teach you guys anything. Be confident in yourselves"

He said as he patted the man's shoulder before another man suddenly walked towards him with a serious expression on his face.

"I heard that 5 girls will be staying at your camp, are you-"

"That's something that you don't need to know"

-With Barghest-

"We can finally rest! I'm getting sick and tired of seeing corpses every day"

Boabhan Sith said with a slight pout as she along with Rias intruded Lucias' temporary tent. Something that the soldiers back at the base prepared under the request of Irina and Xenovia for... unknown reasons

"Boabhan Sith, is master not back yet?"

Barghest asked as she got out of the small kitchen. Wearing a white apron that emphasized her incredible figure.

"Not yet, we separated yesterday so he went a separate path from us. I heard that he's already coming back with her highness today"

She said as she hurriedly ran towards Lucias' bedroom and throwing herself on the bed before hugging Lucias' pillow. Burying her face on the pillow as she started to sniff her master's scent.

"Oy! Baobhan Sith, don't act like a pervert on master's bed!"

Barghest scolded with a light frown on her face, causing her to grin in response.

"What's the problem? It's not like he minds it anyway"

She said as she watched Barghest enter the small cooking area of the tent in a hurry.

"Cooking something for master? Cook some for us to, Barghest"

Baobhan Sith shouted from the bedroom, while Irina and Xenovia prepared the large table outside the tent.

"I already prepared a feast for master, I think it's enough to accommodate all of us"

Barghest said as she went outside and placed several dishes on the table with a slightly nervous expression on her face.

"Why are you so nervous, Barghest-san? I'm sure Lucias will like your cooking"

Irina supported with a kind smile on her face. Making Barghest blush as she pointed her finger towards Irina.

"W-What are you talking about!? I'm not nervous!"

She said before Lucias suddenly appeared behind her. Making her jolt in surprise before looking at him with slightly flushed cheeks. 

"W-Welcome back, master"

She said while looking at Lucias who had a gentle smile on his face. That was a large contrast to how he looked when they were on the battlefield. 

"Hmm... Thanks for the feast"

Lucias said with a trace of gratitude in his voice before grabbing a bite from the bread in her arms. Catching her by surprise as she suddenly retracted her hand.

"It's good"

Lucias honestly praised. Making Barghest look at him with a bright expression on her face.


"Yes, why are you doubting yourself? You always seem confident back then"

Lucias asked. Sitting down on a nearby seat.

"I-Is it not weird?... Someone like me cooking..."

She asked causing Lucias to smile in response.

"Not really, I think this side of yours is really cute, Barghest"


She stuttered as she shyly averted her eyes from Lucias who had a teasing smile on his face.

"Stop teasing her too much, Lucias"

Irina said as she walked towards him and gave him a short kiss on her lips. Making Barghest who was watching beside them to profusely blush in response.

"Then, let's eat. Your new servant placed all of her efforts into preparing this feasts for you"

-with ???-

"So we've finally arrived"

A major general wearing a thick winter coat muttered as their aircraft carriers landed on the coast of Greenland. Releasing hundreds of thousands of soldiers and Valkyries onto the ground as several military vehicles were all dropped gently to the ground. Occupying a large area at the southwest side of the country due to the immense number of forces that they brought with them.

"Major General, the area is clear. Should we continue our advance?"

A soldier asked through a radio, making the man look back towards the tall Valkyrie standing behind him. The woman that was in charge of the army that the Norse Mythology sent as reinforcements.

"You heard him, do we continue?"

"Yes, it's better if we arrive before midnight. Moving such a large army would only attract the attention of the opposing army if we stay here for a longer period of time"

She said as she checked the large golden sword in her hand with a serious expression on her face.

"Then, let's continue. They already have a soldier stationed to guide us to the base once they meet us. It's better to move before those creatures start to become active"

He said causing the Valkyrie from before to turn back towards the units of her own army. Signaling for a few of them to go first and act as a scout to avoid any dangerous encounter with the enemy.

"All soldiers prepare yourselves! We'll march to the base for tonight!"

He said looking at the 5,000,000 troops that the Russian Federation and Norse Mythology sent to Greenland as reinforcements to aid Lucias in recapturing the country.

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