
Chapter 54: Sleight of Hand

The following day, Akuma woke up early and prepared his swimming trunks and other necessities for swimming. He wore a t-shirt and jeans. After he finished packing his things inside a sling bag, he went down to eat breakfast. He sat down on his chair at the dining table.

"Hey, Mom. Where's Yuurei?"

Akuma drank the orange juice that was in his glass.

"She left early. She said something about going to the water park with her 'Onee-san'. So, is that girl your girlfriend?"

His mom looked at Akuma while standing behind the kitchen counter.

"Ugh. Not this nonsense again. No, she's not. Yuurei just decided to call her that."

"But I wouldn't be opposed to it. She's cute, just like when your mother was young."

His mom put her hand on her cheek as she smiled and closed her eyes.

"Huh? Is that so?"

Akuma didn't look at his mom. He just took a croissant from in front of him and took a bite.

"I, Jizen Sourei, swear that when I was young, a lot of guys confessed to me."

Sourei put then her hand on her chest as she stared at Akuma with a stern face.

"I didn't need to know that. It's kind of unsettling."

Akuma glanced at his mom for a moment and then looked away.


After he finished eating, Akuma stood up while carrying his sling bag. He put the bag on his shoulder and said goodbye. He checked the messages on his phone as he left the house. Yuurei sent a message saying that she went ahead of him and that she will go to the water park with Angelie.

"We live in the same house and she chooses to go together with someone else. I can't believe that girl."

Akuma shook his head after he read Yuurei's message.

He then rode the train going to the water park. There were a few people heading to the same destination as it was already the start of pool season. Most water parks only begin operating by the start of summer.

He arrived at the water park earlier than the agreed upon time. Akuma waited near the admission counter. After a few minutes of waiting, Angelie arrived. She was wearing a loose t-shirt together with a ruffled skirt and sandals. She was also carrying a beach bag with her.

"Why are you alone? Where's Yuurei-chan?"

Angelie approached Akuma and stopped in front him.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Isn't she with you?"

Akuma raised his eyebrow as he glared at Angelie.

"What do you mean by that? She's living together with you. Of course, she should be with you!"

Angelie clutched her beach bag as she glared at Akuma.

"I wouldn't ask if she was with me! Here, she sent me a message!"

Akuma took out his phone and showed Angelie the message Yuurei sent earlier.

"What? But she said in a message that she's going with you and that we'll just meet here."

Angelie then took out her phone from her bag and showed Akuma the message Yuurei sent her.

"That girl… Don't tell me she set this up?!"

Akuma tightly gripped his phone.

A message alert suddenly sounded from his phone. Immediately afterwards, Angelie's phone sounded a message alert as well. They both checked their messages simultaneously. They received the same message from Yuurei. The message said that Yuurei realized she would just be a nuisance for the both of them and decided not to come. Also, that they could enjoy their date much more without her around.

"This wasn't a date to begin with! Damn it, Yuurei!"

Akuma almost threw his phone on the ground. He was able to stop himself at the last moment.

"Somehow, I could sense Yuurei-chan was up to something. But this is too much…"

Angelie kept staring at the screen of her phone.

"It's because you indulge her with all that 'Onee-san' nonsense."

Akuma glared at Angelie.

"Huh? What is wrong with her calling me that? Anyway, shouldn't you be the one who cleared up her misunderstanding already?!"

Angelie pointed at Akuma while holding her phone.

"Well… No matter how many times I explain, it's like she's seeing and hearing something else entirely…"

Akuma averted his gaze from Angelie.

"Yeah… I get that from her, sometimes…"

Angelie put her finger on her chin as she looked up.

"Can't do anything about it now. I'll just scold her later."

After Akuma let out a sigh, he started to walk toward the admission counter and entrance.

"Huh? Where are you going?"

Angelie stared at Akuma as he walked away.

"I'm going inside. I want to swim. It's already hot out here."

Akuma stopped walking but didn't look back at Angelie when he replied.

"I see. Well, I should go home, then—"

"Go ahead. I'm sure you haven't learned how to swim, anyway."

Akuma continued to walk again.

"I have! I, no, Yuurei-chan and I worked hard together!"

Angelie shouted at Akuma.

"Oh, really? Then, I don't mind seeing you fail miserably."

Akuma turned around to look at Angelie.

"Well… I'd really like to show you, but there's this thing Yuurei-chan asked from me. I-I don’t think I can do that…"

Angelie looked away from Akuma as her face turned red.

"Is that an excuse I'm hearing?"

Akuma smirked while staring at Angelie.

"No, it's not! It's just… you know…"

Angelie rubbed her hands together.

"How about this as an incentive before you chicken out. If you can beat me in swimming for one lap, then I'll work hard during our swimming training sessions. That is, if you can actually swim now."

Akuma looked at Angelie condescendingly as he continued to smirk.

"Fine! I'll take you on!"

Angelie grasped her skirt tightly.

"Good. Let's settle this inside. I'll show you how it's done."

Akuma grinned at Angelie.


The two entered the water park after paying the admission fee. There was a line of people that wanted to enter the water park. Most of them seemed like students and couples. Of course, Akuma and Angelie looked like the latter.

Inside the large, covered water park, there were many different pools. There were pools with water slides. There were also slides that required one to ride a swim ring while sliding down. There was a large pool that had artificial waves. There were also regulation-sized pools with lanes. Restaurants and food kiosks could also be found inside the large complex.

They went on their separate ways to go to their respective changing rooms. They decided beforehand to meet in front of the Olympic-sized pool where they would hold their competition. The said pool had several lanes that swimmers could use to train or have contests with. There were guides on which direction a swimmer should go to avoid bumping into each other while swimming.

Inside the changing room, Akuma quickly changed into his board shorts for swimming and removed his shirt. He left his remaining things inside the locker provided. Once he finished changing, he went out to the pool area. He immediately went to the pool where they decided to meet at. He was facing the pool as he stood poolside.

"Let's finish this quickly. I don't think I can wear this any longer…"

Angelie stood behind Akuma.

"Don't rush your demise. We'll make sure there is a clear winner today—"

Akuma turned around to face Angelie. When he saw her, his jaw dropped.

"Don't stare at me!"

Angelie was wearing a yellow two-piece swimsuit with strings. She was holding her arm to somewhat cover her body. She had a very nice figure which was usually hidden by her school uniform or loose casual clothing.

"What are you wearing?!"

Akuma covered his very flushed face with his hand.

"Yuurei-chan said she wanted to see me in this swimsuit! Since I owe her a lot, I did it! Though she didn't come, I didn't bring another swimsuit, so…"

Angelie averted her gaze from Akuma as she also severely blushed.

"Is this your plan to distract me?!"

Akuma peeked through his fingers to look at Angelie from top to bottom. His face was still red.

"I said don't look at me!"

"Then how are we supposed to swim together?!"

"Look away or something!"

Angelie pointed at Akuma as she glared at him.

Other people, especially the male visitors, started to stare at Angelie. Then some of those people commented that Akuma was an overprotective boyfriend that didn't want others to look at his girlfriend. Some said that Angelie was pitiable since she just wanted to look good for her boyfriend. Others remarked that guys with hot girlfriends tend to be severely conscious of themselves, thus they lash out on their girlfriends just like what Akuma did.

"We're being talked about again, aren’t we?"

Angelie closed her eyes.

"Damn these onlookers. Everything they said were wrong. Well, maybe except for one thing."

Akuma looked at the people who were staring at the two of them.

"Which is?"

Angelie opened one of her eyes and peeked at Akuma.

"Like I will tell you!"