
Chapter 53: Sisterly Bonds

After Hana's swimming lessons were done, Kiba lay down on the poolside, facing upward. He had his hands and feet stretched out. He breathed heavily with his eyes closed.

"Will you be able to live?"

Mimi crouched, her buttocks almost touching the floor, near Kiba's head. She placed her hands on her knees as she looked down on Kiba.

"If I say something about how close your legs are to my face, I feel like you'll push me into the water."

Kiba peeked through one of his eyes and looked at Mimi.

"I'm too tired to push you, but maybe I can cover your head with a towel instead so that you can't breathe?"

"You're scary. Please let me rest without worrying about my life."

Kiba closed his eye again.

"Anyway, me and my sister were planning to eat outside before going home. She asked if you wanted to come."

Mimi continued to stare at Kiba in her crouched position.

"Oh really? So that I can be interrogated further into admitting crimes I didn't commit?"

Kiba smiled while he kept his eyes closed.

"There's no need to worry about that. I already explained to her that there is nothing going on between us. Or never will happen, for that matter."

Mimi then glared at Kiba. After hearing this, Kiba immediately stood up.

"What are we waiting for? We can't keep a young lady waiting."

Kiba energetically walked toward the changing rooms. Mimi's gaze followed Kiba as he walked away. She then let out a sigh.


The Furui sisters and Kiba went to a nearby fast-food restaurant. Kiba offered to pay for the food of the sisters. They accepted without any fuss. After ordering burgers and a drink, they all sat down on a four-seater table inside the restaurant. Mimi and Hana sat beside each other, while Kiba was on the opposite side of them.

"Well, I guess I should thank you for treating us to this food."

Hana looked away as he talked to Kiba, although she kept glancing back and forth at him.

"No, no. This is my thanks for letting me join you sisters. Especially you, Hana-san."

Kiba smiled at Hana. When she saw this, Hana's face turned red.

"Now that Mimi said you weren't a couple, my opinion of you has improved a bit. You're not that bad, I guess…"

Hana turned her face away from Kiba and closed her eyes. Her face was still flushed.

"Oh… What do you mean by 'not that bad'?"

Kiba smirked as he leaned closer toward Hana while he sipped his soda through a straw.

"I'd like you to stop teasing my sister now, Kiba-kun."

Mimi made a piercing gaze at Kiba.

"I was just asking an innocent question."

Kiba backed away and laughed before he started to eat his burger.

While eating, Kiba kept on asking questions about the two of them to keep the conversations going. Mostly it was Hana who answered while Mimi kept quiet and only answered sparingly. When they were done eating, the sisters said goodbye to Kiba. They also agreed to meet on the same time the next day.


The sisters walked toward their apartment. They were walking slowly due to being tired.

"Hey, Mimi. I'm glad to have spent this time with you."

Hana looked up at the starry night sky.

"Where is this coming from, Hana-nee?"

Mimi glanced at her sister.

"I realize we're not really that close… We have different personalities, so I guess it was inevitable. But when you came to me for help, I was really glad. You usually don't rely on me, you know? You're more of an older sister type than me."

Hana giggled while still looking up at the stars.

"I'm glad you realize your lack of taking responsibility as the older sister."

Mimi looked away.

"Hey, I was just praising you!"

Hana glared at Mimi.

"It didn't feel that way. It felt like you were passing all the responsibilities to me."

Mimi glared back at her sister. They then both laughed.

"You've changed, you know. You kept things to yourself before without complaining, which was why people took advantage of you."

Hana looked at her sister directly in the eyes.

"I guess I didn't mind it before. But now, I have to speak out more. Not just for me, but more importantly, for my friends."

Mimi averted her gaze from her sister and looked forward.

"I see… So… Is Ketsueki-kun part of those friends?"

Hana then looked away and blushed a little.

"No. Definitely not. He is the minion of that Demon Lord. He's not as bad, but we can't let our guard down around them."

"Who are these people you're associated with?!"

Hana grabbed Mimi's shoulder and looked at her sister intently.


A few days have passed since Angelie and Yuurei started their swimming lessons. It was already the weekend. The two of them met at the public pool in the morning since there were no classes. They were now inside and were changing into their swimsuits.

"You've really improved, Onee-san! You can practically swim on your own now."

Yuurei talked to Angelie as she put on her swimsuit.

"It's all thanks to you, Yuurei-chan. You're such a good teacher."

Angelie smiled at Yuurei as she also put on her swimsuit.

"Well, there is one thing I need you to teach me, Onee-san…"

Yuurei stared at Angelie's chest.

"Huh? What is it, Yuurei-chan…?"

Angelie felt Yuurei's gaze on her. She subconsciously covered her chest area with her arms.

"How… how do you… make them as big as yours…?"

Yuurei then looked at her own chest and then grabbed it with her two hands.

"Uh, I don't know how to answer that…"

Angelie awkwardly smiled at Yuurei.

"Oh well. That chest of yours is probably one of the reasons why Onii-chan is entranced with you—"

"He's not! Let's go, Yuurei-chan."

Angelie slammed her locker door and hurriedly put on her swimming cap. She tried to hide her flushed face from Yuurei. She then walked out of the changing room.

(Onee-san is so modest! But I understand her feelings. Until there is that other girl lurking around, she can't proudly say she has my brother in the palm of her hands. I will make sure to help you, every step of the way, Onee-san!)

Yuurei pumped her fist as she closed her own locker. She clearly didn't understand Angelie's feelings.


The two of them practiced until a bit after lunch time. They decided to finish for the day and get lunch somewhere nearby. When they exited the public pool, they went to a restaurant that specialized in curry. Angelie ordered the Pork Cutlet Curry, while Yuurei got the Hamburg Curry.

"I feel like all we've been doing is eating."

Angelie laughed as she ate a spoonful of the curry with rice.

"We were burning it anyway while swimming, so no harm done."

Yuurei smiled as she chewed her own curry.

"Yeah, I feel like my legs will give out anytime… But I still need to show that lazy Demon Lord that I've learned how to swim. Maybe we can invite him to watch us tomorrow? Can you help me with that, Yuurei-chan?"

Angelie sternly looked at Yuurei.

"Oh, that's no problem, Onee-san. Let me handle it! Although, I do have a favor to ask from you…"

Yuurei averted her gaze from Angelie.

"Sure. I can't deny any requests from you at this point."

Angelie giggled and continued to eat her curry.

(Oh, Onee-san. I've been waiting for this moment! You could say I have prepared in advance so that when this moment arrived, I would be ready! Onii-chan will finally get rid of that other woman once he sees how wonderful you are… in a real swimsuit!)

Yuurei hid her true thoughts with a disarming smile.


Yuurei explained her favor to Angelie. Even though Angelie was hesitant when she heard about it, she agreed in the end due to being indebted to Yuurei. Angelie and Yuurei went their separate ways after eating. Yuurei then went straight home.

Once she arrived in their house, she ran straight upstairs. She knocked on Akuma's door. She announced that she will be coming inside and opened the door without waiting for Akuma's response.

"What did I tell you about coming into my room like that?!"

Akuma was lying down on his bed and reading a manga.

"You're not doing anything as usual, anyway."

Yuurei scoffed at her brother and looked at him with disdain.

"What do you want this time? This better not be another blackmail…"

Akuma sat up on his bed and looked at Yuurei.

"Well, it's nothing as bad as last time. This time, I just want to go to a water park with you! Onee-san will also be there to show off her swimming skills."

Yuurei smiled at her brother.

"Why can't we do that in the public pool? I just have to see it, right?"

Akuma raised his eyebrow at Yuurei.

"We've been going there for days! We wanted to celebrate as well by going to somewhere fun."

Yuurei put her hands behind her as she continued to smile at her brother.

"Fine. But I'll swim, too, since it's hot already. You better have no complaints about that."

Akuma lay back down on his bed.

(Oh, I will definitely have no complaints. And you two will surely have fun.)

Yuurei turned around and sinisterly smiled.