
Web Saturday..with twists

Wame didn't have the courage to look at Tefo. She was ashamed of herself. What suddenly got into her?

" I suppose you recollect all your unholy acts.

.." Tefo said.

" What happened?..I remember drinking juice…then I went to Kin's room" she said as she blinked to remember. " Then…I saw you!…" she said as she held her temples.

Tefo approached her and started massaging her temples gently with circular movements. He was so gentle and considerate. Wame looked at him without blinking for a while.

" Well..I'm surprised you were actually hurt after Kin kissed Meghan…that you decided to seduce me!"

" Seduce?..I'll never" Wame yelled.

" I Know you remember…Wame"

" Okay what else?" she looked down out of shame.

" you begged me to kiss you and I did."

" wait!" Wame pushed him away. "What happened after that?.. don't say we_" Tefo interrupted.

"We certainly did! What could I have done if you were set on seducing me?" Tefo chuckled and slowly approached her from the back.

" you did this to me last night!" he rounded his hands around her waist and leaned on her.

" You said ' you are hot when you ride a bike…can you give me a ride ..I promise I'll hold on tight just like earlier'" Tefo mimicked Wame. " so I couldn't back out!"

" plus you said you wanted some supplementary nutrients from me so I couldn't back out?"

Wame got off him and sat on the couch with her hands on her face. " You could have stopped me! Why did I come here again!.. now I had a one night Stand for my first time...I'm just disgusting"

Tefo was just joking but she took him seriously. " jeez don't cry…I was just kidding..even if it was true what's the big deal"

Wame couldn't believe it. She breathed and rejoiced. She stood up and hugged Tefo tightly.

Tefo pushed her away as he felt his blood pressure rising. He looked at a different directions and changed the topic.

"I gotta head to Star Bright, go and shower, I'll go to another shower."

" wait…why are your lights blue?

.last time when I was here they were normal"

" Uhm! What a dumb question.. obviously maintenance da!" "and don't ever imagine having a one night stand with me!… You are not of my league." Tefo said.

" I'm sorry for troubling you but I never drank any alcoholic drink." Wame said.

" Then how did you get drunk?" Tefo asked.

" I think the juice was spiked!" she exclaimed.

" okay.." he suspected someone " who ever did this had motives..could it be Meghan"

Tefo turned to face a different direction and asked her a weird question.

"When a person is drunk they often confess. You really admire Kin that you even cried after seeing him kiss Meghan…What if it was me would you react the same?"

Wame was surprised. Somehow his ask had a lot of askance and Wame couldn't align a proper reply so she also asked. " what do you mean?"

Tefo turned back and walked towards her with a serious face. However his eyes reflected a lot of anguish. Wame could see that he was moving too close. Wame also stepped back slowly until her back came in contact with the wall.

Tefo however stood four feet from her. This time he didn't do what he normally did. He wasn't flirting like he usually did.

" I said if I brought you here as my girlfriend and then you saw me kissing another girl would you have been upset?"

Wame looked away and exhailed. She had to answer him but she wasn't sure she wouldn't hurt him.

"answer me please" Tefo's gloomy voice softly said.

" I don't no but since I don't have feelings for you, why would I be upset…"

Tefo felt a lot of anguish choke him a little for some reason. He swallowed and looked at her. "Does this mean you have feelings for Kin?"

" well…nothing like that!" Wame stepped away but he pushed her against the wall.

"Wame answer me…do you like Kin or not?"

He asked with impatience.

" Tefo stop..it. Even if I love Kin, why should I answer to you?" she pushed him away.

" So you have feelings for Kin now!" Tefo concluded. " take a shower I'm going to shower too." Tefo said and slammed the door heading to the kitchen.

He took out a glass jar from the fridge and poured some water in a glass. He paused when he remembered how drastic he acted with Wame. " why did I do that!" " I must have scarred her… what if she hates me…"

Tefo went to Nelly's room. He entered without knocking and found him kissing some unknown girl from the party.

" Stop that!" Tefo said as he went to seat on the bed. " get out!" he pointed the girl.

" or maybe Nelly should go?"the girl asked." you are my faves in the band"

"Ey! don't mess with my brother..get out! and again thank you, next" Nelly said.

"Jerk!" The girl took her shoes and left.

" Nelly sit here"

Nelly noticed his worried face and sat next to him.Tefo looked at him and hugged Nelly. Nelly was surprised.

" Dude! What's wrong?" " Are you okay…"

" Yeah I'm okay…its just that I've never felt empty in my life."

" what do you mean?" Nelly asked.

" I wish I was just a player like you something.. because you don't seem to worry about anything."

" Is this about Lone?" Nelly asked.

" Well….it's just that..I don't no if life will be great if my parents get back together. I don't trust my dad."

" What?" Nelly was shocked.

" I walked on them kissing..all I know is ever since my mom went to Canada, dad turned into a serious womanizer."

" don't worry Dude. I've always believed uncle Henry loved Aunt Kesa… My parents never agree on anything but they still love each other. You see love can conquer all differences and love changes people." " people often feel impatient when they witness their love drifting away…just have faith and your dad will reform, he will never let your mom go again"

Tefo froze for a sec. " Are you really Nelly or his carbon copy?" Tefo asked. " You never cease to amaze me…what do you know about love?"

" I might not believe in love and might be the youngest in the band but I'm knowledgeable and experienced than you three…" Nelly stood up.

" You jerk! How many girls have you made out with?" Tefo laid on his bed.

" To be frank…I don't know dude. how the f**k am I suppose to know" " As for you, it must be Kelly and Lone right?"

" Actually…it's Kelly, Lerato and Aisha…"

" Or maybe Wame too?" Nelly added a comment trying to extract information from him indirectly.

Tefo rose from the bed and approached Nelly. He felt like laughing. If only Nelly knew how Wame tortured him last night yet he couldn't do anything to her.

"Nelly, don't talk about Wame…I will never do anything to that girl. She's not my type. She came up to my room drunk last night after seeing Kin and Meghan kissing…she was crying as if she's Kin's lover."

"She kept on praising him. Telling me how cool, talented and hot Kin is. I was pissed off. She shouldn't tell me even if it's true !"

" ohh! Nimo was jealous!.. I know Wame can be super cute sometimes especially after Kin gave her a make over, poor you, tempted the whole night and Fighting jealousy…"

" No Dori..I'm not even moved by Wame…" " plus…I want to shower, Wame is using my bathroom"

"okay suit yourself…or maybe just go and join her" Nelly joked.

" Stop it …"Tefo punched his chest.

" why are you backing out.. Don't you know that Kin also has a girl in his room."

Tefo raised a brow. He was shocked. Could it be that he was with Meghan. " he's with Meghan?"

"not Meghan but..he's actually with your biggest fan Andile..they shared a hot kiss last night."

" What?" " Yikes! Let me go and shower." Tefo went to shower.


Aladdin came in his room and met Kelly exiting the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. He looked away and started speaking.

" I'm sorry about last night Kelly..I didn't mean to do that to you. I don't know what got to me."

"Aladdin it's okay…but for now brother please excuse me I want to get dressed…isn't it funny.. I once came here as Tefo's girlfriend but now I'm here as a part of the Jensen family."

" Okay…I'll leave" Aladdin exited the room and he bumped into Andile just coming out of Kin's room.

" sorry!" Andile apologized.

" sorry too…Andy" Aladdin said." I have to adjust to calling your name after all we are going to be family."

" What?…do you mean?"Andile asked.

" My dad is getting married to Kelly's mom..you didn't know?"

" What?….wait…you mean Kelly is now your sister and you will officially be my cousin and Tefo too" Andile hugged Aladdin and ran down stairs happy.

" what was that for?"


Everyone met at the dinner table to feast. Since Khali was kind of the only one without a room partner, he decided to cook. The time was around 8 a.m.

There was silence and weird gazes around the table. Everyone had a story to tell about last night.

Aladdin was in the middle of Kelly and Andile. Kin sat next to Andile and faced Nelly.on the other side was Wame in the middle of Nelly and Tefo. Khali finished setting up and sat next to Nelly.

Kelly grimaced at Andile and rolled her eyes at Wame. Nelly's eyes moved around as he chuckled continuously.

Since everyone had both smooth and rough experiences from last night Nelly broke the silence. " By your faces…you guys had a great night" he laughed.

" Poor Khali..did you have to be love sick?""anyway… Kin here can tell us." Nelly moved his gaze to Kin who concentrated on spreading butter on a slice of bread.

Kin paused and glared at him. " what?…don't even start"

" Okay…bro but maybe Andile wants to say something" Nelly was set on teasing them.

" Me?.nothing..I'm just enjoying this..thanx Khali" Andile tried to cancel the topic.

" Andile?..how did ..I don't get it" Wame was shocked.

"As always Thato was angry and then I decided to come find you but I heard you were drunk and all but thanx to my Canadian we will not get into trouble."

" can someone tell me why Andile and Wame are here?" Kelly asked.

" Just shut it Kelly..we get you are the rich cousin but we also acquaint with celebrities. "Andile made air qoutes.

Wame's gaze was fixed on Kin the whole time. She didn't understand how or why. Last night she felt sad after seeing Kin kiss Maghan.

Kin avoided looking at her because he felt guilty. He concentrated on the food. Wame remembered what she did last night to Tefo. She tried to seduce him.

" Wait…I also tried to take off his pants, I snatched his vest.." she slowly remembered and battled the memories inwardly. " Did I really say he's hot when___" " and I said what! ....juic__" she got choked by the juice and coughed as she dropped the cup on the table. The thoughts of what she did revolted and disgusted her.

Tefo fastly turned by the sound of her cough and robbed her back slowly. She turned to look at him after feeling a hand on her back. Tefo was wearing a straight face without any smile.

" you care a lot Tefo, did you….screw her last night?" Nelly said it to see Kin's reaction.

Tefo looked at Nelly and moved to look at Kin. A mischievous grin drew on his face. " Not yet?…let's say I might have dropped a trailer last night."

Kin raised a brow and looked at Wame and Tefo. Wame was shocked. Kelly and Andile were confused. Khali remembered what he did last night with Wame, he introduced her to Lisa as his fake girl but he somehow liked her presence in the Penthouse.

Aladdin suddenly remembered something,for some reason he couldn't forget some incident that happened a year ago when he visited Botswana. " That girl was one of a kind…freaky!" he thought and laughed to himself. " I wonder where she is?" he thought.

" Wame can we talk…in the kitchen?" Kin asked.

" sure!" Wame stood up and followed Kin.

" Yikes guys! This Wame girl seems interesting." Aladdin said and Andile smiled at him.

" Canadian!" Kelly called

" which one?" Aladdin asked.

" Tefo off course" Kelly emphasized.

"yes…" Tefo didn't look at her

" I just wanted to say..I'm over you and I'm ready to start off as your relative…" Kelly said and Tefo exhailed in relieve.

" Thank you Kelly..now let's start off" " high five!" Tefo raised his hand.


Wame leaned on the counter and Kin stood a distance from her. She was nevous and dazed by the whole situation.

Kin folded his arms and and leaned by the fridge which was a distance from Wame.

" I think Meghan spiked your drink…we a temporary cctv for the party." Kin said. " and I'll make her pay!"

" Ohh! Thank you…why do you resist your pretty girlfriend" Wame asked.

" Not as pretty as you…" Kin retorted and acted normal.

Wame's eyes dilated and her mouth hanged open. She didn't previse for such a reply.

" Don't be shocked, afterall I invested a lot into this look," "at this pace you have definitely fell for me Miss thieve!" " How jealous you were, when Meghan kissed me.." Kin smiled.

" I wasn't jealous..I'm just new to all this"

Kin moved closer and exhailed with a grin.

" how can I ever cheat on a cuttie like you?" he paused and Wame didn't have anything to say. She was just flattered.

" Was that what you expected me to say Wame?, Now that you paid me you are free." Kin snapped his fingers.

Wame almost giggled thinking Kin was actually saying all those things genuinely but he was just teasing her.

" And I won't forget….Is it true Tefo kissed you last night?"

Wame hasitated to answer. " well ah__ no I don't" before she could conclude Kin striked his index finger on her lips and leaned closer.

" Nevermind if.." he moved closer to her and Wame leaned on the counter. She could feel the forces that came with him. She was in his magnetic field. He held her chin and studied her lips. Wame also got lost in his thick eyebrows and that eyebrow piercing that made him even cooler. His lashes kept a on swaying as he blinked.

"if… you liked it then…I don't mind doing a replay while you are sober because you were drunk last night" he said in low voice bit his underlip.

She was feeling week and at that moment if Kin had other sinister plans , he could easily get away with it.

" Kin stop!" Wame yelled.

" shh!.. don't make a noise…" He slowly leaned in. Wame could see his lips slowly approaching hers. Kin raised her chin a little to raise her face up. Wame closed her eyes and paused her breath. " could Tefo be right about liking Kin..but I thought I had a thing for Nelly..wait.. Wame this is chaos!" She screamed in her head.

Kin smiled upon seeing her shut eyes and mouthed "so innocent, fragile and adorable.." He moved back and flicked her forehead.

Wame opened her eyes and raised her brows.


" Did you just wait for my Kiss !…now your role as my girlfriend is over." Kin walked out to the others and Wame remained behind holding her heart.

She didn't know this new feeling in her heart.she rewinded back to the time Kin pinned her to the counter and studied her lips. She smiled and fantasized gabbing him by his skipper and kissing him badly.

"Shake it off Wame!" she Shaked her head and went to the others.

It was weird to the others seeing Kin and Wame coming in with smiles. They decided to stand up and depart.

On their way out Tefo got hold of Wame's hand and asked her a question. "what did Kin do to you?.." he wisphered.

" Nothing!" Wame grimaced.

Tefo moved his head to her neck and whispered. "Dont forget you tried to seduce me first… if you desire to be my prey then don't meddle with Kin"" what if I change my mind"

Wame was confused, lately she didn't understand the Canadian. He was kind of weird. She admitted that his low voice when he whispered spread goosebumps all over her skin.

Tefo finished talking and prepared to go to the car but Wame held him back. She didn't have a valid reason but this time she acted as to her heart.

Tefo smiled and dragged her into his arms. He looked at her eyes. "Wow!..you can't let me go…you really like my body..last night you actually forcefully slept on me." " Heads up to drunk Wame."

" Well__ thank you for helping me last night" she fastly said and hugged him tightly. She really needed it. She closed her eyes and inhaled in his scent as she burried within his arms.

Tefo was shocked. It seems whenever she hugged him or said something, he suddenly freaked out. He liked teasing her and flirting but whenever it was Wame doing any such he felt weird.

Judah came in yelling. " Yo! Nimo we gotta__" he paused upon seeing the sight of Wame inclosed in Tefo's arms and Tefo seemed to be smiling.

Judah smiled and Shaked his head in astonishment. " Early cuddles or what.lets go, you've got a concert!"

Wame released herself and avoided eye contact with Judah, she ran to the car.

"Tefo…is she your prey now?.."he placed his arm around his shoulders. "Or you want to hit Kin's girl"

Tefo chuckled and smirked. " Kin's girl" he made air qoutes. " tried to seduce me last night! She wants me but I won't budge!"

" so you were really seduced?" Judah asked.

" I'm a Dude! obviously yes but she's just not of my taste..just don't tell a soul."

" Fine"

A star Bright Car was waiting for the Heirs. Aladdin called his driver and he left with Kelly.

Judah transported the two cousins.


Meghan stared at Kin's photo on her phone still crying. She just loved him too much. She saw a text from an unknown number.

___Let's meet at the nearest park_____

She stood up and fixed her face on the mirror

She rushed out and went to the park.This time she didn't take the guards thinking it's Kin. Immediately when she arrived two men in black approached her and one of them injected her with a small needle and the chemical drew in her body. She fell unconscious and they dragged her in a van.

The man made a call " Hello Benji, I've got the girl tell madam!" he hanged up and drove to the warehouse.


For the plan to work Judah drove in the yard with the girls and they pretended to be coming out of the yard. Thato fell for the story.

Reneilwe was super envious. She wanted to acquaint with the heirs too.

"Tefo has this cute cousin…"Andile held her cheeks. " Even more bigger news Kin gave me tickets 4 tickets."

" Kin?" Wame and Reneilwe exclaimed at the same time.

" yeah "

" Doesn't he hate you?" Wame asked…"I thought you were enemies" Wame added.

"Well."."Andile remembered the kiss.." "he was returning a favor"

" I can't believe I sort of traded my lips for tickets..I swear Kin belongs in hell."she cursed in her mind.

" what ever! I don't care about the favor..I'll happily go!" Reneilwe said.

" Andile I can't go!" she said.

" Why not? Lalissa is back I've tagged her along" Andile said.

"Lalissa!.." Wame exclaimed in amusement.

" That lesbian!" Reneilwe added.

" she's bi!" Wame added.

" Whatever still the same cauz she dates girls more..never seen her with a dude..it's just a statement."Reneilwe said.

" Now Reneilwe..I'll only give you a ticket if you agree not to instigate your mother against me or Wame. Infact you are the one who will sneak us out with her approval." Andile grinned mischievously.

" what?" she asked.

" or no ticket..who knows you might finally meet your soulmate there" Andile manipulated her.

" yeah Reneilwe…your choice"Wame added.

" Okay I have a plan..I'll just say we are going to church"

" No you can't use god's name in vein!" Wame exclaimed.

" Then how about a study at Minnie's her brother is a science tutor right!" Reneilwe forged a plan and told Thato about it. She fell for it and let them go. They all dressed up and went off to Minnie's place to wait for Lalisa and Onalerona.


Lone was all dressed up for the concert in a crob top and a high waist black short trouser. She was wearing some high sandals along with an expensive Louis Vuitton hand bag.

She walked outside their house waiting for her friend to pick her up. Suddenly someone whistled from behind her.

She started shaking and turned around. It was Rebaone. "Baby! So pretty where are you off to?"

" Rebaone…I thought I told you ,we broke up."

" brake up..us?..No way" he slowly held her chin. " No one break up with me…now be a good girl and follow me"

Lone trembled in fear and tried to refuse.

"you are my brother's friend.Do you think he'll like it if he finds out about you"

"Baby…shush!…. I've long told you that I don't like it when you question me!" he held her waist.

Lone couldn't stop shaking. Tears escaped her eyes. As she tried to repell from him but it was futile. Rebaone dragged her to his car while whispering something. " I'll have to teach that pretty boy of yours a lesson for eyeing my girl!"

Rebaone was a psycho path. He did all sort of awful things to Lone in the name of love. He believed he owned her. Lone lived in this toxic relationship because he threatened to post her nodes in the media.The nodes he forcefully took from her.

This time his target was Tefo. Either death or defomation. That was his mantra.


The boys were adding the finishing touches to their entress, exit and movement. Kin suddenly had a suggestion.

" Tefo should be the one to address the audience this time"

" I don't want to!". Tefo said.

" come-on!" Kin said.

" I said I don't want to Kin! Just fuck off!" he raised his voice that got everything startled. The known peace maker was causing a scene.

" why are you yelling?" " As a Matter of fact thank you for lashing out…I have a question." kin smiled.

" Did you Kiss Wame?" Kin asked.

Tefo smiled "yes..I did so what?" he asked as he looked him in the eyes.Khali and Nelly watched.

" Why? ….what do you lack?..she was there as my responsibility."Kin said.

" responsibility?..you couldn't even prevent her from falling into Maghan's trap, all you did was make out."" Meghan's boy!"

Kin knotted his fists and striked his chest however Tefo didn't move. " I'm telling the truth…"

"Tefo!.. what did you call me?" Kin held his clothes but Tefo removed his hands from him.

" Stop this guys we gotta go and perform…how will the fans see us ?" Nelly said.

" resolve this now"Khali added.

Tefo exhailed and sat down ." Kin I'm sorry bro..I'm just stressed."

" I'm sorry too. It's just ever since Meghan kissed me Infront of Wame I've been feeling guilty… sorry bro!" Kin apologized.

Tefo stood up and hugged Kin. "we are brothers nothing should tear us apart…I love you Kin"

" I love you too Nimo!" Kin held on.

" ohh!" Khali was touched. Khali and Nelly joined in and they group hugged.

" let's go rock it!"Khali said.

" More like slay it…and get chicks" Nelly joked.

" you pervert!" Kin and Tefo said at the same time and then laughter filled the room.

Michael, Henry, Dr Kesa,Drane, Felo, Mothusi and Sarah arrived in the room.

" Boys!" they all called.

" Mom, dad..you are back" Khali hugged his parents.

" uncle , aunt" the rest greeted Khali's parents.

They aknowledged the presence of the CEO of STAR Bright. Drane. Tefo saw Mr Jensen and looked away. He went over to his mother but Henry followed too.

Felo still remembered his last fight with Kin. Today he wanted to be nice. He prefered peace.

" Son I'm sorry for what I've done…"Felo apologized.

Kin sighed and nodded his head.

" if everyone's parents are here then where is Verronica, what is she up to today?…. kidnapping?" he thought and smiled as he walked to his uncle and aunt.

Sarah was a therapist. And as usual she shot her questions to Khali, unlike Nelly who is open Khali was kind of secretive.

" Khali…did you do what I told you to?" Sarah asked.

" Jeez mom!…what did you tell me to do?" He acted oblivious whrereas he knew.

" I adviced you to have sex frequently right?.. I mean remember that it's also helpful in…" Khali cut her short.

" That's weird!..Mom stop it" Khali frowned and Nelly laughed.

" Aunt, he's just love sick right now!..but I take your advices seriously. " Nelly added.

" My god Sarah…he's your son not your patient" Mothusi tried to hold Sarah back but she had a lot to say.

" Wait..Khali are you gay son? Is that why you are not pearsuing any girls." " If it's true then..don't dispair..I'll support you and please either way just practice what I teach you for once."

" Mom!.." Khali exhailed in sheer grief. " is this what you taught Myrah..before going to the Philippines?"

Sarah sighed. She just wanted a healthy life for her son.

" Dude…I think your mom wants you to be a pro…just take the advice!" Nelly whispered.

Nelly dragged Khali a little far from everyone's eyes and searched in his funny pack.Took out something and placed on Khali's palm.

" Dude the day is filled with fun!.." Nelly smirked and winked his eye.

" The f**k!…5 rubbers…really" Khali raised a brow.

" suit yourself bro..get over Lisa.. this idea of love pisses me off" Nelly exhailed.

" we are going to perform songs not this shit.." Khali said and Nelly went to join Sarah, probably getting some advices.

" Is my mom a mind reader?..what's wrong with me?" Khali tried to evaluate himself.



" BENJI! I couldn't say bye to my baby before the concert because of this pest." Verronica said.

" she's just a silly little girl." Benji said.

" whatever! She's the MP's daughter right"she asked.

"yes!…she's trying to pester the Heirs." Benji said.

Meghan woke up and screamed for help. She raised her eyes and saw Nelly's mother.

" Meghan Puso!…why do you love touble?" Veronica asked her.

" Ma'am …why am I here?"

"this!" she showed her the CCTV footage of her sending someone to spike Wame's drink.

" Ma'am ..I just love Kin but he came with some girl and I wanted to get rid of her." she cried.

" love?…too bad my son hates love! so I don't have mercy."

A guard came in and whispered something to Benji.

" Ma'am finally that assassin has been granted parole.. he's coming out next week." Benji informed.

" Really..now I'm more happy!Meghan..you will stay here for about 4 hours and then you will leave…okay" " if you dare make a noice then you will go to jail and your dad will be defamed…just keep quiet and wait."

" and again..think twice before troubling my boys."

Verronica went out leaving Meghan with her lady workers. Poor thing had no choice since she couldn't afford to go to jail. If her father found out he was going to teach her a serious lesson like locking her up in a dark room.

As for Verronica she was preparing for the approaching storm. With the assassin on the loose, She was sure of a storm and probably people from the past.

But who was this assassin and why did Verronica seem interested in him that she got updates.
