
The Heiress Twisted Fate

Destiny Ganzon is the epitome of a perfect heiress. She is beautiful, intelligent, and doted by her father, Alejandro, the Real Estate Magnate of the country, until one day, her mother died, and everything changed when his father remarried. Excerpt: A loud smack! "How dare you ruin my reputation, Destiny?" Alejandro asked after he slapped his daughter. That was the first time he used force on his only hier. "Dad, you have to believe me, it wasn't true, you raised me well. Do you think I will do something like that?" She asked back, caressing her beautiful face. "No, this time I had enough of your lies; your stepmother was right; you are only a nuisance and only bring shame to our family!" He angrily responded. "I had warned you. I will disinherit you. You will not receive even a single cent from me, and you must leave this house right now, or else I will ask the guards to drag you out!" He added before he turned his heels and walked away from his study with the loud slamming of the door. One scandal led to another, and what she couldn't accept was her first love and childhood sweetheart, Red Galvez, was part of their betrayal. Destiny's world crumbled, and she couldn't believe her stepmother and stepsister finally succeeded in planning her downfall. With a broken heart and no choice, Destiny left their mansion and lived an ordinary life with her nanny, the only person who never left her side. She pretended to forget her old life and started living and embracing the mundane world. Still, she promised herself that she would do everything to make her enemies, including Red, pay the price of their betrayal. But it was more complicated than she thought since her father was brainwashed with his wife and stepdaughter, and they made her life a living hell. Years later, Destiny met Red again, and he was still the same hot and gorgeous. On top of that, her ex became one of the highest-paid attorneys in the country. All unwanted memories came rushing back to her. Destiny hated him with all her heart, but Red promised to help her win back what was rightfully hers. Can Destiny forgive Red and trust the hottest attorney to claim back her inheritance without breaking her heart?

sirenbeauty · Urban
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48 Chs

Adding Insult To Injury

Destiny's POV

"I hate that you came here in my office accusing me of ruining your best friend's life. Do you know she made my life a living hell?" Lucas shouted, which made me quiver.

His eyes were blazing with anger as he slowly released me from his hold, but he didn't move away from me or give me a moment to catch my breath.

I never peg him as a violent person, but after I spat on his face, I ignited his speedo meter of rage.

I could smell and feel his breath on my skin as he leaned his head and looked at me with those piercing eyes as though his bullshit meter was ticking and about to explode.

I didn't dare to move, afraid he would turn violent again. I waited until Lucas had calmed down a bit before I spoke.

"Please, let me breathe," I murmured, but he didn't budge.

"I was in love with you, Destiny, and I still do. Emma used you as her alibi so she could be with me." He added as he nestled his head on my shoulder.

"I fucking love you that I am willing to sleep with your best friend even if I didn't want to. Emma told me she would find a way to make you mine if I slept with her." Lucas added, and my eyes widened in shock.

"But things got out of control; a one-night stand became a habit and turned into months because she blackmailed me. Then, she got pregnant." He continued.

"It was a mistake that I believed she was safe and using birth control. In reality, she thought I would divorce my wife and choose her if she got pregnant with my child." He continued while I was shaking my head.

"No, Emma will never do that to me," I mumbled in more than a whisper, and I felt glad I was leaning on the wall, for I needed support as I tried to process what he was saying.

"She became obsessed with me, Destiny, and she was the one who told me about their plan of sabotaging your relationship with Red. I said yes right away since I finally got my chance to be with you." Lucas stated.

"Emma hid her jealousy, but she made sure I would not be able to kiss you that night by putting sleeping pills in my drinks; how can I take your virginity when I passed out before I can make it to the hotel room?" He added, and I was horrified he knew about me being a virgin.

Emma must have told Lucas everything since I didn't keep any secrets from her. I trusted my best friend with all my heart. How can she deceive me this way because of a man?

"I knew I ruined my chance with you," he continued.

"Lucas, you are married to Christelle, for heaven's sake," I responded and tried to push him away.

"Everyone knew my marriage with Christelle was all for a show, just like a business deal. I am not in love with her." Lucas declared.

"Our parents had planned out my fate and Cristelle's, and I envied you so much that your dad didn't care you were dating a penniless boy." He added.

"But if it were you, I would file a divorce at the speed of a bullet since I knew my parents would be so happy to have you as their daughter-in-law." He added.

"You have everything in your hands. You are the most popular and envied among all the wealthy girls all over the country. The famous heiress everyone couldn't get enough since your dad hid you from the society." Lucas declared as his face softened, and I was looking for a chance to flee

"Your father was so proud of you that he couldn't stop talking about you wherever he went, but he made sure no one from the outside world would see you except your close family friends like ours." He continued without moving away from me.

"Alejandro was scared of losing you. He was paranoid about those kidnappers who tried to abduct you once. I wondered how your stepmom and step-sister brainwashed your father. You were his doted daughter." Lucas added, and he was adding insult to my injury.

"I am not letting you go this time, Destiny until you say yes to my proposal." He declared, and my face flushed with anger.

"Your proposal is below the belt. I don't like you, Lucas. And you must accept the fact that there is no me and you in this world, especially now that you are detaining me here in your office." I answered without caring if he would flare up again.

I became angry that he reminded me of my misfortune, and I hated him for reminding me how my father used to love and adore me.

"Then, I have no choice but to use force on you," he replied with mischief on his face, and I felt nervous.

"Lucas, you are better than this," I softly said before he cupped my chin and raised my head so I would be looking at his face.

His expression was hard to read. He is no longer the Lucas I knew, and I am beginning to worry that he will hurt me.

His muscular frame enclosed me to the wall, and he started touching my body by putting his hand on my thigh and dragging my skirt up. His other hand was on my shoulder, keeping me from moving.

I slapped his hand, and he pressed me harder against the wall.

"Stop, Lucas! I am your friend." I said, trying to stop him from touching me.

"I had been patient with you for a long time, Des. I don't remember you giving me a chance to be with you. You chose that bastard over me, who wants nothing but your inheritance." He answered as his hand continued to caress my skin.

"Red is not like that," I responded in a stern tone.

"Oh? How come he didn't fight for you? He believed those lies and broke up with you." He said as his hand stopped moving and leaned so close that our noses almost touched.

"He chose Carmie over you," Lucas added.

"You can tell him the truth if you want to redeem yourself," I weakly said.

"I don't need redemption, Destiny," Lucas replied.

"I am not giving Red another chance to be with you without having you first." He growled.

"But if you are a good girl, I can do that. I will tell Red everything, but you must agree with my terms." Lucas added, and my face fell.

"Don't fight with me, Destiny. I want to be your first, then Red can have you since I knew your heart would always belong to him." He continued.

I was hoping someone would come inside and save me from this psychopath. I should have listened to Daria and not to my anger.

"Over my dead body, you have a sick mind, Lucas," I yelled and used my knee to strike his groin.

Lucas was limping in pain, and groaning as he tried to strike back, but I quickly moved to the side, escaped from his hold, and ran toward the door. However, before I could turn the doorknob, he got me.

His powerful arms caught me from behind, and I kicked my legs and used the heels of my shoes to stomp on his feet to get away from him, but to no avail.

"You think I will let you go that easily, Destiny? I can play games with you the whole day." He let out with irritation, and his loud voice reverberated inside his office.

"Please, let me go, Lucas!" I shouted as he started kissing my neck.

I struggled from his grip, and my entire body turned so cold when he forcefully threw me onto the sofa and opened my blouse with one tug, making all the buttons fly to the floor. I tried covering myself with the throw pillow, but he yanked and threw it on the floor.

"Princess, this game is simple; you must behave to win." He said as he came closer to me.

"Don't make this harder for me; I have paper and pen; we can write down our agreement," Lucas added.

"You have to kill me first," I replied before I attacked him with my hands.

"Lucas, please!" I begged before he pulled me up by the collar. I was gasping for air as I clasped my hands on his arms.

"How dare you fight with me, Des? I told you to behave. I didn't want to lay a finger on you, but you are feisty." He angrily said and slapped me hard on my face and the intensity of his slap made me feel so dizzy.

"Lucas, stop! Please, don't do this," I begged as tears trickled down my face.

He pinned me back on the sofa with so much force, and I screamed, hoping somebody would hear and help me. My voice became hoarse from shouting as I fought hard and struggled to get away from him, and when I felt like I was going to pass out, someone hauled Lucas away from me.

"Get away from her, you bastard!" A familiar angry voice said, and I didn't need to look up and see his face to know it was him.

My blurry eyes saw Red punch Lucas hard in his face, and he was cursing under his breath as he continued to hit him in his gut. He didn't stop until Lucas was on the floor grunting in pain while I was hugging myself trying to stop my body from shivering.

I hated my ex-boyfriend for what he had done, but I despised Lucas more for hitting me. I wouldn't say I was happy to see Red, but I didn't know what Lucas would have done to me if Red hadn't come.