
The Heir of Light and Dark

It’s 2020, Earth is being corrupted and taken over by beings that are not human. There are four known realms that exist in the universe. The Underworld, the Overworld, Earth, and The Land of Dreams. Angels and demons are real, but they’re not what you might be thinking. Many have arrived on Earth completely inconspicuous. Your neighbor might even be a one. Most people go through high school, college, get a job, find love, and live a long happy normal life. 17-year-old Sofya is not one of those people. Years after the abandonment of her parents, fate pushes her into four different worlds made up of bloodthirsty demons, psychopathic angels, vile humans, and a dangerously handsome aemon. When her life changes forever can she do what everyone expects of her or will she break from the inside out? Dark and menacing, young Ash has a past full of secrets and mysteries. He is an aemon, half-angel half-demon, and the lead mercenary of one of the evilest people in history. Another person is added to his ever-growing hit list, but when the time comes to complete the task, can he do it? As Sofya and Ash’s paths intertwine, sacrifices and choices must be made, old memories surface and change their fates. Sofya must learn to let the wall she built up around her heart down and complete the ancient legend. Ash must decide what path to take, follow his true desires or save his brother and risk losing the one thing he’s ever wanted. Earth is spiraling towards a point of no return as a possed demon is gaining control of every country by the minute. Will they save the worlds or will chaos erupt and all hell breaks out?

katielavender14 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Marco's Island


The next morning I woke up drenched in sweat. Another round of nightmares had plagued me through the night, half of which was about Ash, the other half about practically everyone else. I was just relieved they weren't precognitions because the first one came true and it was a complete disaster. I worried about the underwater castle one, which I was sure was going to turn out to be the coralia castle. Now I just needed to not set it on fire. Even though I wasn't sure how that was possible since it was underwater but watch it find a way. Since I learned angels and demons were real I suppose anything could be possible.

I scooted to the edge of the bed, laying my feet on the chilly hardwood floor. I pushed myself up to stand and, well, I stood. So far so good. I took a few sample steps and it wasn't too bad, just a dull throb in my upper chest and leg. I'd survive. I smiled, it was good that I recovered fast. I needed to hurry and get Lucy, Maxon, and Nico back. They had already been gone for too long. I was still heartbroken Enzo would do this. I trusted him and I thought he would have my back. Well, I was clearly wrong. Part of me still hoped that it was all just a misunderstanding, that Enzo would never actually betray me. Right?

I felt for the necklace around my neck, the smooth texture. So dangerous, but so very powerful. I glanced over at the dresser in the corner of the room. There was a yellow sundress hanging on it. Marco must have put it there. A smile pulled at my lips, he was so kind. I thought back to the memory-dream thing. We were supposed to be in love. But I didn't remember him and then there was Ash and Enzo. Ash who I cared so deeply for, Enzo who I loved but I wasn't sure if it was more than friendly love. Marco said he didn't mind if I never loved him but it was just weird to think about.

I shook the thoughts off and pulled the sundress on. I found my boots by the edge of the bed and slipped those on as well. I was pleased to find that they still had my daggers in them. Once I was done getting ready I left the room and went out into the hall. The smell of fresh waffles and bacon drifted up my nose. Oooo, that smelled so good. I found Marco cooking in the kitchen after checking five different rooms. What was with the supernatural and enormous houses? He grinned as I entered, his eyes lighting up.

"Good morning. I made breakfast." He said joyfully. I walked over to the stove, peering at the food.

"It looks delicious," I said, my stomach rumbling in agreement. Blush filled my cheeks. Marco gave me a wink.

"Aye, I think your stomach agrees." He said, handing me a plateful of food. I sat down on one of the barstools and dug in. I almost moaned, the food was so marvelous. I quickly devoured it all. Marco sat down next to me with his own plate. "Well, you were starved." He chuckled, his eyes lit up brightly.

"Yeah," I murmured, the blush returning.

"Let me show you something, it'll be a surprise," Marco said, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the door. I pulled back and ended up crashing into his chest.

"Sorry," I mumbled stepping back.

"It's fine." I looked up into his eyes, they twinkled with energy.

"Where are you dragging me?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"If I tell you it won't be a surprise anymore." He replied, his gaze dropping towards my mouth. "Trust me, it'll be worth it." He whispered, leaning in. I gulped, knowing what was to come. His lips met mine, soft and sweet but it felt wrong.

My heart didn't agree with what I was doing. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of oceany-sky blue eyes, and I knew only one person with those beautiful eyes. Ash. I yanked back to see the door wide open a dark blue running away, quickly disappearing into the vegetation.

"Ash!" I screamed, running out the door. Guilt and fear churned in my stomach. I ran through the bush, trees whacking my skin. When I finally reached the beach, he was gone, only footprints left imprinted in the white sand. I fell to my knees, exhaustion rushing through me. I couldn't imagine what he thought.

Did he think I ran away just to be with Marco? Or that I was wasting my time here for fun and not going to find Lucy and the others? I needed to go after him. I shoved my hand into my boot and grabbed out one of my daggers. I ran over to a tree and hastily carved a letter L for Marco to let him know I had left. Then I shoved it back in its sheath and ran into the tumbling waves.

Hours later I finally began to see the outline of the Coralia castle. I prayed to the gods Ash was around here too. I couldn't believe the reckless idiot came after me. Actually, I could but he shouldn't have. I didn't want to hurt him and now he was getting hurt anyway. I had been right. I needed to let him go, everything I did just caused him pain.

Also, this wasn't even the most dangerous part. There was still a lot more to come. If he went off by himself to save them I was going to be so pissed. And see, I was right. My actions were putting him in danger once again. If he died I would never be able to forgive myself. This was my problem and I needed to deal with it. My god, I was so stupid. How could I ever think that Ash and I could be together? The world kept throwing signs at my face, all of which I casually ignored. Lucy, Nico, and Maxon were so wrong. Ash and I could never be. Maybe by some miracle, I could talk some sense into Enzo. He was my best friend after all. This had to be just one big misunderstanding.

I kicked the rock in front of me in anger and pain shot through my toe. I winced and then blasted apart the rock. Why was everything so complicated? Why couldn't I just be normal? Why did the prophecy makers put me in charge? I couldn't do this. I wasn't some sort of genius who had the solution or great mastermind of a plan. I was just a teenage girl who got her friends kidnapped and hurt.

I huffed in frustration, then slowly sank down to the floor, burying my head in my knees. A lone tear slipped down my cheek. I just wanted to go home but I had no home and now I was at the bottom of the ocean crying in a tattered sundress. What a great hero I was.