

Aliya just watched wordlessly as he began to dry her body with the towel.

His eyes were no longer filled with lust or desire, his grey eyes were now calm as he focussed intently on drying her.

Aliya could guess that he had already seen the red mark on her wrist.

Aliya could remember clearly how he had scold her in the past when she had got a red mark on her arm.


"When did this happen?" Young Skyler asked as he held her arm with his eyes focussed on the red strike that was so out of place in her pale white skin.

"Uh" Aliya said as she wondered what he was talking about, she followed his gaze and then saw the red on her arm.

"Oh...it's nothing, it must've been when I was playing with Jacob" Young Aliya said as she tried to remove her hands from his grip.

Skyler looked at her and then sighed, he held her arm and tried to tend to it, he blew on it and used his fingers to massage it a little all the while asking continuously if it hurts.