

Aliya felt tears brimming in her eyes, she had already accepted the fact that she still loved him and she was ready to give him a second chance but here he is rejecting her.

Skyler who saw the tears that were about to fall cursed himself inside as he watched her struggle to hold them back.

"Aliya I'm not rejecting you" He tried to say as he held back his emotions from bursting out.

Aliya scoff at his words as she snapped her head towards him.

"You haven't touched me since the incident in the bathroom , just because you don't find my body attractive enough for you uh" Aliya said as more unshed tears gathered in her eyes.

She didn't want to cry because of him anymore, she was done and tired of all this heartaches. She wanted to give it a try one more time but here he was making her cry again.

"Aliya I don't find your body unattractive" Skyler said as he rubbed his face with his palm.