
The heart with secrets

A Fantasy Romance novel where the Vampire princess pretends to be a normal human in hopes of winning the heart of a human prince. But what happens if she is under sunlight? What if he notices she has no reflection? Will he still love her cold still heart?

Johnmark_Almoden · Fantasy
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isn't it a war between love?

antonio stare at the castle and use a sacred magic power to avoid sunlight when he is walking in the village however sacred magic are very rare and it can not practice by ordinary vampire only on the royal family it can...he saw many people he thought their blood is delicious than a normal "animal" however vampire need more blood to get a strength or magic...

antonio get tired of walking and enter a bar he is unfamiliar with the establishment and he don't know any sign... when he see many warrior and women in his front... he scared for a little bit he smiled and walk toward the drinking area the bartender knew that he is new in the village or he might a traveller and said "want some beer?.." when antonio hear the offer he look at his left side and see a gorgeous man with a big muscle and smile in front of him...

"What is beer...?" antonio said on bartender..

the bar tender ignor his question and said Im "vladimir..." Im the bartender here and the owner of this bar so don't be shy to ask anything the bartender smiling at antonio and his hand is in the shoulder of antonio and when he peck antonio back his pushing antonio so antonio will buy something and not escape...

the customer of vladimir are common on his style so they don't care a little bit on what will happen... on that boy all of them are talking about raids secret chatting... but antonio shoulder and back were pushing by vladimir so he can't let go he hear all of them talking to each other...

the soldier were just enter the bar when they saw vladimir... one soldier go to vladimir and give him a strong punch and the other soldier run to vladimir and set a chain in his hand...

vladimir are crying and can't do anything all his customer were running they all panic because of the soldier...

vladimir did not pay for his bar for a long time and no one reporting it, to soldier but one day a man go to vladimir and ask some favor but he did not care of his favor and push the man begging him to do his favor but the man can't do anything so he report it to the soldier...

antonio were shock all the "action human made" are fast but when the vampires made an action they always aware and planning before they do their action but human are careless..

antonio can't say anything seeing human hurting each other for money.. and antonio can't understand one thing... why human have a money? he thought while thinking one man go to his front and say "brother!" are you lost?....

"hmmm... " No Im just thinking because I'm going to the castle.. antonio said patiently...

okey brother, what is your name so I can go with you sometime? said the man he is smiling while chatting with antonio..

I'm Antonio he said...

the man walk away and did not look at his back and say anything.. Antonio get angry because of the man's attitude...

he use his magic to teleport inside the castle..

and he see a four maids chatting the three maids look young and the one are old he use his invisibility power but before he use it the another maid "walking in the way and see antonio.."

when antonio look at that maid... the maid said how are you?... the maid think he's a prince because of antonio clothes I'm well said antonio and walk to find olivia but before he pass in the maid... the maid ask his name antonio stop and reply with a smile and said I'm antonio the maid smile at him after antonio said his name...."

the maid say her name with a cute smile in her face I...I'm rose... and antonio smile and continue to walk... rose are staring at him like a dog...

he use his invisibility power and run to find olivia fast.... he see a man crying in the door and go away.. but antonio smell olivia in that room and he hear a voice crying and he knew fast its olivia voice... antonio face get more and more angry like he want to kill...

antonio is helpless like he can't protect the princess... antonio know princess olivia because they are childhood freind and he know princess olivia are always cheerful and always practice the sacred magic but all the mages said it's not compatible to her... she have strong motivation to practice those magic and she can't let go her motivation...

By just then princess olivia are always lonely and did not smile again.. antonio thinking what he would say before he knock the door he is nervously can't explain what will he say to olivia if olivia open the door..

before antonio knock the door... prince edwin walking toward him... and antonio see that guy is in this door a while ago and can't believe why he go back again...