
The heart with secrets

A Fantasy Romance novel where the Vampire princess pretends to be a normal human in hopes of winning the heart of a human prince. But what happens if she is under sunlight? What if he notices she has no reflection? Will he still love her cold still heart?

Johnmark_Almoden · Fantasy
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reinarnation of the blood knight

when prince edwin see olivia cleaning the pictures.., he need to apologize what happen last night ,the prince walk in front of her and when olivia see prince edwin walking toward on front of her.. olivia don't mind prince edwin walking toward her..

when prince edwin is now in the front of olivia... prince edwin feel's more pressure because this is his first time apologizing with a girl....

I'm sorry last night said the prince..

why do you need to apologize on maid like me!?.. and you don't have reason to apologize said olovia with angry face...

while they are talking to each other "princess sakura pass by... them..."

princess sakura thought "they are like couple.." prince edwin see princess sakura he look in her body and her hands and thinking about her..

"sakura have a sexy body and smooth hands and beatiful skin she's so cute... said edwin in his mind.. olivia get more and more irritated with prince edwin... she go and pass by on prince edwin... unfortunately prince edwin did not see her passing by because his mind thinking about sakura appearance..."

the vampire king have thinking about the princess because it's been three days and don't have any news about her... she didn't come back after she go out... the vampire king thinking of a way to see his daughter again because he gave her a task..." the king thought if he gonna need to secure his daughter safety he need a vampire to protect his daughter from human while processing her task....

"Antonio!?...come here!"said the king roaring at antonio

Yes, my lord what can I do for you? said antonio his face are wet because he still nervous in kings power he thinking.... that if the king killed him how will he serve in the kingdom...

"you need to watch olivia and make her safe" the king said those words calmly so antonio answer.. "okey I will do my best your majesty..." antonio seems happy and his face full of nervousness get some relief...

when he is walking toward the gate of the kingdom it's dark but all the vampire is outside because this is the only time they can go outside..

someone calling him behind his back... when he look at it... he see his brother "junior" brother! brother! don't go please! said junior while running and crying because he's the only family he have..

Junior, Im sorry take care of your self said antonio with smile in his face... and antonio dissapear with no traces... but his brother can't go outside the fortress is prohibited and child like him can't go by himself the vampire soldiers are always guarding in the gate guard will let you go if you have permission by the king all the vampire are stared at him while he is crying ...

mean while the king of vampires call the vampire mages two of them are strong enough to destroy one castle using their power...

edwardo and fili called the other vampire mage...

the mages run to the king as fast as they can and then the vampire king stand in the front of all the mage and said revive our great "blood knight" said the king with a smile in his face..

the mages are shock because blood knight kill so many innocent vampire and human the blood vampire destroy half of the kingdom past 60 years... all the mages can't believe even edwardo and fili shock when the king said those word a min ago...

"my king why do we need to revive that bastard".. said edwardo his face are angry

My king he kill all the inoccent women and chilreb with no mercy said fili calmly on the front of the king...

mean while on the human empire olivia crying on her room... her heart full of pain and can't do anything.. olivia don't know why he receiving all this pain when seeing prince edwin talking with a girl..."

prince edwin hear olivia crying on her room behind the door.. prince edwin whisperd "olivia why are you so angry at me when Im talking to other girls" But I feel your pain and I can't do anything to released that pain... I know my self that I inlove with you... prince said while his eye's full of pain and his eye begin to cry when he here olivia continuesly crying on her room prince edwin can't ignore her...

olivia hear what he said and continue crying olivia receive more pain because of those word when olivia crying and crying prince edwin continue..." he said... why?.. don't cry please!..

his heart are trembling because of pain why Am I feeling this pain! I don't have relationship with you but I know in my heart....

I can't ignor a girl crying in my front because of my fault... the maids hear prince edwin shouting all those word in the front of the door..