
The Heart of Adonis (BL)

Book One of The Underworld series Adonis and his brothers have been called upon. His step-father, Hades, has appointed them to look after the souls in his realm. Easy job, right? What happens when Adonis is taken? He's a god, and his life is in the hands of a man who is determined to see him break. Can he endure or will someone succeed at breaking The Heart of Adonis? • Mature Content Trigger warning: • Rape • Abuse • Kidnapping

Kaylie1302 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Three


"I'm still disgusted that you had the audacity to bring a mortal into the house of Hades. Is he even a soldier? I bet I could tear his limbs off and use them as baseball bats." Cerberus starts as he walks around the table to us.

I get up and stand in front of Dion with a glare on my face that dares him to try something. Cerberus may be older than me, but he's a false god. A beast that was created in a lab rather than born from one of the Olympians. I'm stronger. I have the power of Titans and Olympians, and all he has is whatever daddy programmed into him.

"I can read thoughts, little one. If that's how you really feel then say it to my face. Unless you want to be a coward like your real daddy. We both know he wanted to be on our side of the war. Too bad they locked him up in Tartarus to rot with the rest because he was too much of a pussy to say how he felt." Cerberus taunts, making my blood practically boil beneath my skin.

I want to kill him. I want to rip his limbs off like he threatened to do to Dion. I lunge at him, tackling him to the ground before wrapping my hand around his throat to cut off his breathing. "And what of you, you dog! You're nothing but a coward! A servant to Hades. You're a disgusting excuse for a god. At least I was born into this. You were a product of testing in a lab."

I lost my temper and lost control. I let my guard down. I let it down long enough for Cerberus to throw me off of him and into the stone wall. It hurt like a bitch, and it takes me a few seconds to get back up, but as soon as I do, his hand is around my neck. His claws dig into my skin as he lifts me off of the ground.

"You're immature. You think you're special because you're part Titan? Unless you haven't noticed, all the Titans are miserable, and you will be too if I have anything to say about it. I'll take your precious human right out from under you, and kill him right before your eyes. I know you have a special connection to him. That's why you let him fuck you. That's why you let him mark and scar your body. The disgusting little mortal has been thinking about it this whole time. Honestly, a god letting some mortal abuse him that way? You're a disgrace."

I struggle harder against him, trying anything to get him to let me go, but nothing seems to be working. I wish I could yell back at him, but I can't speak. I can hardly breathe.

He tears my cape coat off, and uses his magic to show all of the marks and scars I had healed. More than just a few. All of them from every single time I let Dion touch me. My whole body looks like it'd been ripped to shreds. I order him to be rough. He always prefers to treat me gently, but the last thing I want is for him to believe that we're in love. He's just the person who helps please me. Pain pleases me.

Nearly everyone in the room gasps, but none bother to stop him. Of course they wouldn't. Cerberus is Hades's most prized possession, and if anyone hurt him, they'd have to face his wrath.

"Let him go." Dion demands, pulling his sword from its sheath and placing the blade right against Cerberus's neck. He keeps any fear off of his face, just as I told him to, but the last thing I need right now is for him to get killed.

"A mortal with a sword. How scary." Cerberus mumbles before laughing hysterically and tightening his grip on my neck. "I'll pass, but thanks for the offer. Go away."

"It's not just a sword, beast. It was forged by Hephaestus himself, and made with a power that could kill a god. Unless you want me to test how well it works, I'd suggest you let him go." Dion answers, pushing it against Cerberus's neck hard enough to draw blood.

Cerberus looks at him in amusement and drops me on the floor, leaving me to gasp for air as the claw marks in my neck slowly start healing. I use my magic to heal the scars once more before putting on my cape coat, and glaring at Dion.

"Put the fucking sword down. I'm fine." I snap at him.

He glares right back at me as he slides it into his holder. He looks around, causing me to do the same. Alek is looking at me with a hint of pity in his eyes that sends a bolt of irritation up my spine. Cerberus is just smirking as if he'd won the fight.

"I won't just let someone treat you that way. You're a god. He has no right to degrade you or touch you in such a violent way."

"You didn't mind doing it." Orthrus chimes in.

I squeeze my hands into fists, but instead of attacking him, I just put up a barrier for us to talk in private.

"He will kill you, Dion! Do you not understand that? I'm a god. I can handle that, but you can die much easier. Don't defend me so much! Just… let me handle them on my own. Please."

Dion is like many other people who look in from the outside at my brothers and I. We hurt, tease, torture, and torment each other, but we would never kill one another, nor would we allow anyone else to. What Dion doesn't understand is that, to them, he is free reign.

They can tease and threaten me all they want because I know it won't go too far. When Dion steps in he truly is playing with his life.

Cerberus would kill him in an instant. Carlisle and Volkan would kill him in the slowest and most painful way possible and then laugh about it.

"You need to stay out of it. Especially when the other two get here."

Before he has the chance to respond, I drop the barrier, and walk back to sit at the table. With my brothers, that's practically offering for people to ask questions.

"He really made those marks on you? Did he… force you?" Alekzander asks, shooting a hateful look Dion's way.

I'm sad to say it's not uncommon for slaves or servants to be forced to do the most unspeakable things, but no mortal would ever be able to control a god that way. A mortal couldn't force a god to do anything.

"No. I let him do it." I answer, glaring at the table rather than meeting their eyes.

They're grossed out. Why wouldn't they be? Just like Cerberus said, I'm a god letting a mortal mark my skin and claim me like I'm a possession. And like the thoughts in my head, it's worse because I enjoy it. I allow it… I relish in it.

"He can't truly love you, you know? Any attraction he feels is due to your powers. The god of beauty and desire is sure to be irresistible to any human, not just your precious Dion." Orthrus informs me.

I know he's right. Any human would act the way Dion does if they were in my presence. They'd do anything to get their hands on me. I can't be sure if Dion truly enjoys it unless I had the ability to read his mind, which I don't.

"You don't have to pester him. He's obviously embarrassed. I don't really care about why he does all that anyways. I just want the details." Cerberus laughs, using his magic to lift my chin and force me to look at him. "Are mortals good at it? Did it feel good when he fucked you? What position were you in? Did he want to or was it an order that he couldn't deny?"

I know what he's doing. He's trying to get me to think about it so he can wiggle into my head and watch me relive it. He wants to know everything so he can tell everyone and embarrass me even more. As a matter of fact, I can already feel him wiggling around in my brain, looking for something good to dish out.

"Not too sure how good it was for him. You don't even let him see you. He just takes you from behind and doesn't even bother trying to please himself." Cerberus starts, making my eyes squint into a glare as I fight harder to get him out of my head. I can tell that Dion is also trying to keep himself from saying something he'll regret.

"Do you think I don't know what you're doing? I can feel it, Cerberus! Get out of my head." I demand, thinking back to how my tone was the same when I demanded that Dion do something.

"At least you don't beg. That would be really embarrassing. No… everything you say to him is an order. Harder. Faster. More."

I clench my hands into fists, feeling my claws slice the insides of my hands. It's all I can do at this point to keep myself from attacking him again. "Just stop! Why are you even doing this? You want to embarrass me? I'm the most celibate of all of you harlots! You have no right to criticize me. You think we don't know about all the slaves daddy feeds you? He picks prettiest ones before anyone can even see them and hands them to you to play with for a few days before you throw them away. At least I'm only having sex with one person."

"At least I'm not letting a mortal on top of me! At least I don't order anyone to sink their nails into my skin and tear me apart. At least I don't love getting brutalized by a human." The way Cerberus says it is like he's spitting out the harshest words he can think of just hoping to get a rise out of me. I don't want to give it to him. I wish I had the power to hold back, but I don't.

"Just shut up!" I snap, slamming my hands on the table which sends a blast of air through the room. I feel my eyes starting to glaze over with a cloudy white color. "Is this what you wanted? You want me to get mad at you? If I attack you and hurt you then Hades will be on my ass. You know I was raised by Menoetius. He's the Titan of violence and anger which means my cruelty knows no bounds. Stop poking at me unless you want me to jump across this table and rip your head off to give to Hades as a present."

"If you hurt me, Orthrus will kill your human." He answers, seeming amused by my outburst.

It's so frustrating! He can taunt and tease me, but I can't do anything back that will truly bother him. I hate it! I can't wait until he loves someone just so I can steal them away from him. A god of beauty should have no problem getting anyone he wants.

"If anyone lays a finger on Dion I will take the person you love most, tear them open, and bathe in their blood after hearing their agonized screams."

Before anyone gets the chance to answer, Persephone and Hades return with two of my brothers with them. Carlisle and Volkan. The twins.