
The Heart of Adonis (BL)

Book One of The Underworld series Adonis and his brothers have been called upon. His step-father, Hades, has appointed them to look after the souls in his realm. Easy job, right? What happens when Adonis is taken? He's a god, and his life is in the hands of a man who is determined to see him break. Can he endure or will someone succeed at breaking The Heart of Adonis? • Mature Content Trigger warning: • Rape • Abuse • Kidnapping

Kaylie1302 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Four


Carlisle and Volkan are giants compared to me. They're both around 6'6 with devastatingly handsome features. They have tan sunkissed skin, and deep red eyes that match perfectly to Hades' when he's angry. Their hair is dark red like the inside of a cherry.

The only feature that sets them apart is that Volkan leaves his hair long. It goes down to his waist in slight waves and has a few braids mingled in as if he were a gypsy. Carlisle on the other hand has his hair cut slightly above his shoulders with his bangs pulled back with solid black clips.

Another difference is their style. Volkan is wearing a silk turtleneck that hugs his muscles tightly as well as a tight pair of red leather pants. The pants hang so low on his hips that part of his abdomen is showing. The part that really shocks me about his outfits every time is the black velvet thigh high boots he wears. It's something you'd see at a brothel, but instead it's on a muscular guy who's 6'6.

His outfit hardly matters though because he still looks intimidating. Even the way he stands is intimidating. He always holds a smirk that shows off his fangs and his nails are always more like claws. He stands with a sensual confidence that makes me worry for Dakarai. He may just fall for him at first sight.

Carlisle, on the other hand, is more of a soldier than a hooker. He has on a long sleeved red shirt under a black chest plate of armor. His black pants are leather, but I'm sure they're spelled to act like armor of some sort. His clunky black boots go to his knees and are adorned with buckles and chains that clink together when he walks. He has no sensual aspects to him. Just suffocating, raw power that could bring anyone to their knees in an instant. Anyone but us.

Carlisle and Volkan brought their right hands as well. Draco and Vesper respectively.

Draco stands behind Carlisle with serpentine emerald green eyes that are always scanning the room for danger. He's paranoid, and has been since Orthrus cut his tail off a few years ago. He's a dragon which is conveyed through his eyes and short bright red hair that is quite a few shades lighter than the twins'. His red hair is short, but long enough for him to run his fingers through. He's the same height as me, but more slender than muscular. His skin is a light olive tone that makes him look more normal than anything.

He, like Volkan, enjoys showing off his body, so I'm not surprised to see him in a red crop top and black shorts so little that I start to wonder how he had room to hide his private parts. Under his shorts is a pair of fishnet stockings that go down into red combat boots to match his top.

Vesper is not like Draco at all. He looks young. Like a teenager actually. His hair is black, and cut so that it falls over half of his face, only showing one of his red eyes. Unlike the others, Vespers fangs are retractable and so sharp that they could tear through just about anything. He's a vampire which explains his porcelain skin and dark features.

Where most vampires are considered predators, Vesper acts more like prey. I'm not sure what Volkan does to him, but the poor boy is scared to look up from the ground.

He only stands at around 5'6 or 5'7 meaning that just about every other person in the room towers over him. He's also dressed far more modest than the rest of us, wearing a long sleeve black shirt that is actually a bit loose on him. It goes well with his black skinny jeans and black vans. The only color on him is a red cloak that brings out his eyes in a deadly way.

"Sit down, Adonis. You overreact so much. What's happening this time?" Carlisle asks, coming over to take a seat right next to me. Despite his cruelty to everyone, he and Alek are the brothers that treat me the best. What alarms me is how Volkan takes a seat right next to Dion. Vesper has a seat without making a sound.

Draco sits by Carlisle with his typical smirk that always gets him into trouble. "We all know how he is. I'd overreact too if I had my head shoved that far up my own ass."

I roll my eyes at Draco's comment. I do not have my head up my ass and I wasn't overreacting either. Cerberus just gets under my skin.

"Watch it." Carlisle scolds, making Draco shut his mouth, but keep the smirk on his face.

Volkan coos the way a teenage girl would coo at a puppy and starts to touch Dion's hair. "This thing is so cute, Adonis! I don't feel any power from him at all." Volkan comments, making me sigh and look to my mother.

"Mother, they won't stop touching Dion. I'm getting sick of it." I complain, making Alek and Carlisle laugh while Cerberus mumbles something that sounds like 'snitch'.

"You boys need to stop messing with the poor kid. This is a serious matter." Persephone scolds as she and Hades sit. She looks around at us with a soft smile and nods to herself. "You boys are the most powerful of our children, and we're choosing to put a lot of trust into you. Please don't take it for granted."

"The fact that this lot is the best of your children just goes to show that the world will be better when Hades learns to pull out." Draco comments, leaning forward with his chin in his hands and elbows on the table.

"Remember that time I said I liked you? I lied." Hades retorts, only adding gasoline to the flames.

"Wow, sarcasm. How original."

Orthrus gets fed up with their banter and chips in with a comment of his own. "Look can we just get to the task at hand? I have better things to do."

"Like what? Go to a brothel?" Draco snaps. He's pretty playful with Hades, but with Orthrus it's just malice.

"It's good that you're spreading rumors. At least it's not your legs this time."

"If I throw a stick, will you leave the adults alone?"

"You're not funny, Dragon boy. I know you hate me, but-"

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again." Draco interrupts, smiling widely at him. "I don't hate you. I'm just saying that if you were hit by a bus, I'd probably be driving it."

"Boys! Moving on, you are strong and capable. I expect the best from each of you. As for your right hands, I want you to make absolutely sure that they are trustworthy before the next meeting. I can't have private information getting out, and if it does, I'll kill each of them and you'll be searching for new ones." Hades informs us, earning a scolding look from my mom, but I can tell that he's serious.

I know Dion would never spill our secrets. He's loyal and protective. He'd never do anything that would hurt me.

"What about Orthrus and I?" Cerberus asked.

I must not have been paying attention because Lemuel is gone now. Orthrus probably teleported him home to sleep while Cerberus and I were fighting.

"Either you can pick your own right hands or I can assign some of my guards to you." Hades offers, but Cerberus and Orthrus just shrug in unison.

"Good luck to the fucker that has the displeasure of serving Orthrus." Draco mutters, making Hades smirk.

"We can find some on our own, thanks. Anyone want something to drink? Oh wait… I don't care." Cerberus hums, standing up to go get himself a drink although he does shoot a knowing look at Draco before he leaves.

A few seconds later, Draco turns to Carlisle with a wide smile.

"May I be excused, Master? I'm parched." He asks, batting his wide eyes.

Carlisle is far from dumb. I'm sure he caught on to the same thing I did, but despite that he still nods. As Draco stands up, Carlisle snatches his wrist with a grip so tight I wince at the thought of being grabbed that hard. I silently commend Draco for not even flinching.

"This is the one and only time I'm allowing that to happen so you better make it count." He snaps.

"Oh it'll count alright. I'll have him screaming 1, 2, 3 in no time." Draco answers scurrying off as soon as he's released.

Just the thought of Cerberus fucking anyone makes me want to vomit. Sure, I'm not blind. I know my brothers are attractive but thinking about them in that manner has always disgusted me. It makes me wonder how Zeus and Demeter could conceive my mom. Or how Hades could fall in love with his own niece.

"Well seeing as you all have nothing of value to say, you're dismissed." Hades hums, vanishing with Persephone close behind.

Volkan sighs and leans back in his chair, looking over at Vesper. "I'm hungry." He grumbles as if it's an order of some kind.

I expect Vesper to fetch him something to eat, but instead he just brushes his hair away from his neck and scoots in close to Volkan. It's weird, but I feel like I see hope in his eyes. He actually wants Volkan to feed on him. Volkan and Carlisle are half vampire. They can eat normal food, but both prefer blood.

Volkan stares at his neck for a moment longer before bursting out in a fit of laughter, making Carlisle follow suit. "You're so quick to offer yourself to me. It's adorable."

I see the hope in his eyes slowly dissipate as he returns his gaze to his lap. He only does things that Volkan directly tells him to. He doesn't look up, speak, or even move without being told to.

"Are you sure that Vesper is trustworthy like dad said? Sure he does whatever you tell him to, but what if you irritate him enough to leave you and blab all of our secrets?" Alekzander comments, making Volkan clench his teeth together.

"Vesper is the most loyal, strong, and obedient of any right hands in the room. You shouldn't dare question him." Volkan growls, shooting an evil look at Dakarai and Alek.

"Prove it. We can't work with a vampire anyways! Adonis has a mortal that would die if Vesper lost control." Alek points out, but it surprises me that none of the new people are turning to look.

"We know. A vampire can smell it's food from a mile away." Volkan informs us.

I want to argue and say that Dion is not food, but I decide against it. Volkan is all about proving himself right, so I really can't wait to see how he plans to prove that Vesper has control.

"Look, Ves."

Vesper raises his gaze as Volkan picks up a knife and cuts his hand with it. Vesper seems to smell the blood before the rest of us, and we can tell by the ways his red eyes start to glow.

He parts his lips, letting us see his fangs that are dripping with drool, but he doesn't do anything but look at the blood gushing out and collecting in Volkan's hand. Volkan brings it closer to him, making Vespers heart beat faster.

"Take a deep breath." He orders, and Vesper complies instantly, breathing the scent in through his nose. His eyes get brighter as his hands begin to shake. This is practically torture to him, but he can still somehow manage to control himself.

"Taste. Just a little." Volkan commands, and Vesper leans closer to dip the tip of his tongue into the pool of blood. He brings it back into his mouth and lets out a soft moan.

"This is ridiculous. So he has control, cool, but he's not strong. He's probably not fast either." Orthrus challenges, throwing a knife at Volkan so fast that I can hardly see it, yet when I look over, Vesper had caught it right before it could hit my brother.

What's confusing about it is how scared he looks once he does it. He drops the knife and returns to the position that seems to be the most comfortable to him. Sitting up straight with his eyes in his lap.

"Speak." Volkan commands, seemingly wanting to know what's going on in his head.

Vesper had been Volkan's right hand for a few years but if I'm being honest, I never visit my brothers enough to know the personalities of their servants. Perhaps that's why I'm so captivated by Vesper. He's an odd vampire to say the least.

Vesper takes a big breath and stares at his lap as he rushes out an apology. "I'm very sorry for catching it without permission, Master. I'll never do it again."

I groan and roll my eyes as Alek does the same. No wonder the boy is scared half to death all the time. Volkan punishes him for anything he does.

"You're not really going to chide him for that, are you? His job is to protect you, Volkan. He's a right hand, not a servant."

"He's both, and I'm not upset anyways." Volkan smiles at us and then at Vesper as he sweeps his long hair off of his shoulder and tilts his head. "Here, Ves. You can have a treat for being a good boy."

Vesper doesn't look up although I'm sure he heard Volkan. I don't know whether he knows if it's a joke or not. Volkan scoots his chair back a bit, and pats his lap af if he were calling for a dog.

Vesper looks up to catch his eye, and within a split second, he's in my brother's lap with his fangs sunken so deep into his neck, it's a wonder his skin isn't completely torn off. Vesper has one hand in Volkans hair and the other clenching the back of his shirt as tight as possible. The way he feeds is so… rough and vicious, it makes me scared to have Dion anywhere near him.

Volkan just laughs it off and rubs his back soothingly. It's odd that he's letting a servant feed on him anyways. It's a type of power. When a vampire feeds on someone they're literally sucking the life out of the person. If he trusts Vesper with his life, it's obvious that we should too. Volkan is nothing but self preserving, and wouldn't throw his trust around willy nilly.

"Alright we get your point. Stop having sex at the table. If the kid wants food then get him a cup." Alek grumbles, looking disgusted at the whole situation. He's very… old school when it comes to this stuff. A servant to him is nothing but a servant and has no purpose aside from aiding him. He's always disagreed with the way we treat ours.

"You're all disgusting. Adonis sleeps with a mortal, Orthrus brought a pet to the house of Hades, Cerberus is god knows where with that dragon hooker, and Volkan lets his leech drink from him? Honestly, it's like you people have no clue about the social hierarchy in the Underworld. You've obviously never been taught about the concept called a pure bloodline. I wonder how Hades will feel knowing most of his children are gay and will never have children." Alek points out as he and Dakarai stand. He looks to Dakarai with an expecting glance before speaking. "Take us home."

Dakarai's golden eyes glow as he takes Alek's hand. In the blink of an eye, they're gone. I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair after looking over at Dion. He seems much more comfortable with Cerberus out of the room and I am too.

I groan, drawing attention to me before I speak. "He's so dramatic. It's like he thinks Hades hasn't had male consorts before. All Greeks have. He's not exactly the most faithful either. If he were none of you would be alive aside from Cerberus and Orthrus."

Volkan nods in agreement, still cleaning the blood off of his neck from when Vesper ripped into him. The culprit is once again sitting straight up in his chair with his hands on his knees and his eyes in his lap. He's a cute kid, but his personality makes me want to play with him.

I look at him curiously and stand to walk towards him. Volkan looks suspicious, but allows me to stand right behind Vesper's chair.

"You're such a cute little monster. I'm a god of beauty, you know? I've always wondered if my enchanting looks could sway creatures like you as well. Maybe it's not just humans." I mention, making Dion give me a glare as the rest of the room just looks curious.

I lean down and trail my wet lips along the shell of his ear. I even go as far as to reach a hand around him to stick it under his shirt and let my fingers roam his chest. I want to know his deepest desires.

"Kiss me." I demand, but Vesper still doesn't budge. I can feel his body getting warmer and his heart racing as well as his breathing getting deeper, but he's obedient.

I can't read minds like Cerberus. My talents are limited, but I can see some things. I have similar powers to a succubus. When I kiss someone, I can choose to see their deepest sexual desire. Vesper acts like a slave for Volkan. Why would he do that if he didn't have feelings?

Without bothering to ask anyone for permission, I grab Vesper's chin and turn his face to kiss him deeply.

He fights it at first, even nipping at my lips with his fangs, but eventually he melts into it. He reaches his hands up to tangle in my hair and pull me closer. My power works, and now that I know that, I focus on what's in his head. What is his biggest fantasy?

It only takes a moment for me to see it, meaning that it's not buried too far back. He probably thinks about it often, but it's… horrifying. He's beneath Volkan with his claws cutting deep marks into his back. His fangs are sunken into Volkan's neck and Volkan's are doing the same to him. Their once white sheets are now just a pool of red beneath their bodies. It looks like nothing but pain. There's blood everywhere. On the floor, walls, even the ceiling couldn't escape the stains.

Once I get overwhelmed, I pull away and stumble back, falling on my ass as I stare at him with wide eyes.

Vesper puts his hands back in his lap as he stares at me with a scared look.

"Y-You saw that?" He asks as if he were seeing the same thing I was.

I'm sure Volkan isn't aware of the sadistic things going on in his little slave's head. What's even worse is that I have no idea if it was pleasurable for either of them. Volkan had his claws gripping Vesper's hips so tight it was a wonder they didn't break.

"That's your fantasy?" I shake my head and stand up, looking at him warily. They were practically dying. Both of them. How is that… how is that his desire? "Why would you want that?"

"Please don't." He whispers, sending a quick glance towards Volkan. He doesn't want him to know.

It's confusing. This whole thing is. Volkan treats him like a slave rather than a servant, and Vesper likes it. He's crazy. He likes when Volkan hurts him, and he likes bleeding. He's in love with him. He wants to do the same to my brother though. He wants to feed on him and make him bleed. He wants them to hurt each other. How is that arousing?

"Well at least my beauty truly knows no bounds." I mumble walking to Dion who is giving Vesper a death stare.

He's told me before how much he hates when I allow other people to even get near me, but I didn't kiss him because I wanted to. I kissed him to see what was going on in his head.

On the outside he holds little emotion, and when he does it's fear. He doesn't speak or move without being ordered to. I knew he couldn't possibly be as innocent as he seems.

"Wait. What did you see?" Volkan asks, smirking at me as if he already knows. I'd kiss him to find out if their fantasies are the same, but he's my brother and he's disgusting.

"Just what Everyone already knows. Your little monster has a crush on you." It's the truth. Although I'm not sure what kind of crush involves draining my brother of all the blood in his body.

I roll my eyes and take Dion's hand. "Goodbye brothers. We have some packing to do."