
The Hazards Of Having A Male Roommate

Dani had expected to get a scholarship into a good college with her outstanding grades, get a wonderful roommate, focus on her studies and live a simple college life. what she didn't expect was for her roommate to be a guy and a for him to be the breathtakingly handsome son of one of the most famous business men that every girl in college wanted and for her to have so many haters in a short time. All because one one guy who was the most arrogant person she had ever met and who turned out to be her roommate.

jessie82pride · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Dani didn't have class the next day until after lunch so she decided to unpack grateful when her uncle's driver brought the rest of her things which had been taken to his house earlier so she didn't have to carry extra luggage on her flight to school. When she was done she started packing things she needed in her bag, deciding to find her class and library before lunch and maybe even a book store.

Her phone had gone off the minute she picked up her bag, so without bothering to look at it she picked it up, "hello"

"Finally you picked up" her sister's voice rang on the other end, "are you avoiding me?"

Dani rolled her eyes in response even though her sister couldn't see it, "oh hey Jessica, I'm fine by the way and thank you for asking." she couldn't stop the sarcastic tone in her voice.

Jessica snorted, "you'll survive. That's not why I called you though, why didn't you answer me yesterday."

"You called at the wrong time Jessie, you would have drained the little energy I had left if I had decided to talk to you." Dani picked up her key, slid it into her bag and opened the door

"Where are you, I need to tell you something just promise you won't get mad."

Dani's eyebrows rose as she closed her door shut, "ok what did you do now"

"What? Me? I didn't do anything, I just..." Dani had turned at the same time she was talking and bumped into someone causing a phone to fall. Dani glaced at it and froze, realizing her own was still on her ear she looked at the stranger she bumped into, Jessie's voice long forgotten when she saw her roommate Infront of her with another boy behind him. It was the second time she was seeing him since yesterday and his eyes still felt like they were trying to pierce into her soul.

"I'm so sorry." she bent down to pick the phone at the same time he had bent down. Retrieving the phone first he looked at her, "don't bother." His tone was still as unfriendly as it was the previous day.

"Dani, Dani, are you hearing me. Is that a boys voice, where are.." Dani immediately disconnected the call hearing Jessica's voice and slid the phone in her back pocket as she stood back up. Her eyes moved from his face to the one behind him who immediately stepped forward with a wide smile.

"The name's Noah, Jordan's friend," he said and gestured to her roommate, so that was his name, Dani thought as she smiled back.

"Sorry for his behavior yesterday, he's kind of an ass most of the time. I think that's why he forgot to tell me he had a gorgeous roommate."

Dani chuckled and looked at Jordan just in time to see him roll his eyes as he brushed past her into the room. Noah looked at the open door and sighed, "forget it he's an ass all the time."

Dani shook her head and turned to look at the door "I know right I wonder how you deal with him, you're clearly the charming one."

This seemed to widen Noah's smile as he bowed slowly with one hand at his back and the other one stretched out, "well as the charming prince that I am, feel free to call upon me when when in need to get away from your unbearable roommate" he gestured to the door adjacent her own, "I'm just one door away."

"Na I can handle myself, but I'll keep that in mind" she answered, "I'm Dani by the way."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady." Noah said with a smirk causing Dani to roll her eyes in response.

"Smooth talk won't get you anywhere."

"I can assure that it takes me places and with proof." Noah's smirk widened

Dani inwardly shuddered at the double meaning, "well sorry to disappoint."

Noah sighed in fake disappointment, "at least I tried" he glanced at the open room again, "well got to go, duty calls."

Dani nooded and started walking towards the elevator as soon as he entered the room. Her phone had started ringing again when she got to the ground floor but she ignored it when she saw her sister's name on the screen and instead texted her back that they would talk later.

"Delanie Smith" Dani's head rose in search of the person who called her name and found a blond girl in ponytail waving back at her. It was until Dani got close that she could see her features perfectly. Her fair skin was well tanned and gave a smooth light almond color, to say in the least her skin was so perfect she could pass of as a model. She gave a little smile as Dani approached her.

Dani slid her phone back into her pocket, "hi"

The girl's response was nothing short of enthusiastic, "you must be wondering how I knew your name, Mrs Rita said you might need my help knowing your way around so I'm her to not only be your tour guide but possibly your friend."

Dani nooded, "please call me Dani, Delanie is way to long."

"Dani it is," she said, "I'm Hailey by the way...so where would you like to start."

Dani pulled out the map from the side pocket of her bag, "I was planning to find my lecture hall first then maybe the library before any other thing."

"Do your have classes this morning?" Hailey asks

"No, not until after lunch."

"Great, me too. So I'll be your tour guide for today and then maybe we can have lunch together if that's ok with you" Hailey said looking hopeful.

Dani nooded in agreement grateful she wouldn't have to do it alone, "yeah, definitely. I rather do it with someone anyway. I'm really terrible at reading maps."

Her smile returned, "well I know you a good place for breakfast and lunch, you'd love it."

Two and and a half hours later after literally walking the whole school, they were both headed to Joe's place which was not far from campus and which Hailey had said was the best diner around. Dani was relieved, because after their long walk round school, she was beyond famished.

"Their pancakes here is to die for, you should try it." Hailey said as they both walked into the diner, the bell over the door jingling to announce their presence. Hailey walked over to the empty booth near the window, her ponytail bouncing with each move and Dani behind her.

Dani nooded and picked up the menu card that was placed neatly on the table, she looked it over and looked at Hailey who was waiting for her answer, " right, l feel like having blueberry pancakes right now."

"Well you're in luck, we happen to have the best here." Dani looked at the girl who had newly joined them who had a smile on her face as she wiped her hands on her greasy apron

Hailey looked surprised seeing her, "Mia, I thought you said you weren't coming in this morning."

Mia placed her hands on her waist, "yeah, but then Roger exchanged shifts with me so I 'm working my shift now."

Hailey nodded and looked at Dani, " Dani this is my roommate Mia, Mia..... Dani."

Thd smile didn't leave Mia's face, "I'm guessing you're her new target, getting tired already?"

Dani glaced at Hailey who had a frown on her face, " no, she's been great company actually."

"And you've been decived"Mia sighs feigning disappointment.

"Shut up Mia." Hailey says and drops the menu card she was holding, "don't you have some work to do."

Mia laughs, "I doing that if you haven't noticed"

Hailey rolls her eyes with a hint of smile on her face, "whatever."

Mia pulls out the pen from her jean pocket, "okay, so what are you having?"

Dani drops her own menu, "blueberry pancakes and black coffee."

Hailey frowns, "black coffee, yuk. what are you, 30?

Dani shrugs, "I like it, and who said it's only for people of age 30."

"Done"Mia says and then looks at Hailey "I'm guessing it's your usual."

Hailey nods and Mia leaves to get their order. Then Hailey props her arm on the table, "now we talk about your social life."

Dani shrugs, "there nothing to talk about"

"Come on, I've been talking about myself all morning, it's only fair you return the favor"

"I'm serious, there's nothing to talk about. I live a very boring life."

Hailey's eyebrows spikes up, "no boyfriend, ex boyfriend, teen drama."

Dani shakes her head, "nope."

Hailey sighs, "well I guess we'll have to do something about that."



"I can assure you I'm fine the way I am."

"No you're not" Hailey disagrees and leans back into her seat, "let start with who your roommate is, what's his name."

Dani sighs in defeat, there was no getting out of this "Jordan"

Hailey stays silent looking expectantly as if she was waiting for more. When Dani refuses to say more, Hailey looks at her incredulously, "you've got to give me more than that, Jordan what?"

" I don't know, he's kind of an asshole. I didn't even get his name from him. It was his friend Noah that told me." Dani said already getting frustrated.

"Wait" Hailey says in surprise and leans back into the table, "are you staying at the top floor?"

" What does that have to do with anything"

"Everything", Hailey says, "you're my cousin's roommate"

Dani looks surprised, "cousin?"

"Now I understand when you say asshole." Hailey says with a sigh.

Dani who was still shocked too leaned in on the table, "how?.... Jordan's your cousin?"

"Yeah" Hailey says in a bored tone, "though I wouldn't say it in public."

Suddenly the question that had been nagging her since the previous day surfaced, "wait why is the top floor like that, it's bigger than the rest of the rooms,"

"Rich kid prviledge and all, the system's bias. The only condition is that they get to have a roommate like everyone else, which is usually a fellow rich kid or a scholarship student. I'm guessing that why you're with him, Noah already has a roommate."

" Wow" Dani says in disbelieve

" I know, would have gotten the same room in the girls dorm but I really want the full college experience. Plus I don't want to stay on the same floor as Ashley, she's insufferable."

"Who's Ashley?"

" Oh I have a feeling you're going to meet her sooner than later." Hailey says with a knowing look on her face causing Dani to frown but before she can say anything, their food arrives.

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