
The Halberd of Berk

One Leap Day on Berk two children are born, one the son of the chief and the other to a Hofferson mother and unknown father One would become the first dragon rider and the other the strongest One would become Chief and the other the Halberd of Berk One would ride a Nightfury and the other the wyvern of 1000 blades

Lord_Sadness · Movies
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45 Chs

Threats and Returns

As Delvin felt himself leave the ground and suddenly felt the wind on his skin he could hear the yells of the outcasts as not one but two dragons appeared, one from the sky and the other suddenly on their boat

"It's raining nightfurys!" he could hear Alvin yelling from below as the man bellowed in shock and jumped behind the grinning hiccup as the boy watched Delvin soar into the sky. However, Delvin soon lost sight of them as Snap-pine began to fly him away, over to the shore of the island he had been dumped on, although he did hear a final yell from Alvin "Well what are you waiting for!? Conquer the dragon!"

Chuckling slightly as he patted the claws of Snap-pine as they held him in the air, Delvin watched as the small rocky island got closer and closer until eventually, he felt Snap-pine let him go, causing him to fall the last few meters before flying over his head. Catching himself by crouching and steadying himself with his halberd, that the outcasts still hadn't taken back for some reason

He only had a few seconds before Snap-pine came barreling over, rubbing his large and sharp head against Delvin, thankfully in the same direction his scales faced, otherwise, he would have been shredded, with a deep purr

"I know, i know" Delvin comforted, rubbing his hand on the big lunks neck and scratching him under the chin, causing the dragon to beat his leg against the ground like a dog "we haven't seen each other for an entire day!" he joked

However, his happy moment was interrupted as he heard the sound of Toothless roaring, Hiccup riding on his back as they soared into the sky, flying over the half a dozen ships of Alvin's small navy

"I think that's our queue!" Devlin nodded, as he climbed onto Snap-pines back. Thankfully his saddle blanket was still on, due to the giant softy refusing to part with it, otherwise, he would have been in for a very uncomfortable ride "let's sink some ships!" he yelled, pointing towards the closest target

Giving a piercing screech Snap-pine took off, his large mane of scales going erect and pointing outwards as he launched forwards. Barreling towards the closest ship, Delvin let out a yell of exhilaration as Snap-pine began to spin, barreling towards the boat like a flying drill.

Slamming into the boat, Snap-pine smashed through the wooden side like a stone through glass, shattering the wood with a crash, sending shrapnel and splinters everywhere, while Delvin, protected by Snap-pine wings, covered his ears as they broke the Longship in half!

And not even decelerating Snap-pine opened his wings, flapping and keeping them above the water as they sped over to the next ship, ignoring the cries of the now sunk outcasts behind them. Looking over Delvin could see hiccup attacking the flagship while another ship, Stoicks, appeared out of the fog as berks riders boarded another enemy vessel, Astrid at the front of the fray

And even as Devlin was moving past a second boat, this one now sinking as it took water in, its sides filled with holes from the Scales of Snap-pine he smiled as the other dragons, hookfang, barf and belch, meatlug and stormfly soon joined the battle, each going towards their rider with happy roars even as they swarmed boats in their path

Eventually, only the boats of Alvin and Stoick were left, with Stoick standing proudly at the rudder, overseeing the destruction wrought by Berks finest, while Alvin screamed at his men to bucket water as they sailed to the same island that had originally housed the dragons, trying to get to land before the ocean took them

"Haha! I think we won this one pretty clearly!" Delvin laughed as he flew over to the other riders and the chief as he swept out an arm, indicating towards the remains of Alvin's navy and the few Vikings that were frantically swimming towards land

"That we did!" Stoick bellowed with a smile, he was presently pulling out a few arrows out of his shield while gobber beside him was cleaning the blood off his hammer hand "I'd say we've earned ourselves a feast!" he announced as he began to turn his ship back to berk

"You always say that!" Hiccup laughed as he landed toothless on the ship, earning an offended look from his father

"For the last time Hiccup! I am not overeating!" Stoick complained, patting his stomach "I'll have you know I'm 200% muscle!"

"That's not what i was saying!" hiccup defended, waving his hands as the ship began to enter the fog wall between them and Berk

Although Delvin stayed back, watching as the other riders flew away before turning back to the island, back to Alvin and his men

Landing in the midst of the soaking Vikings Delvin looked towards Alvin, ignoring the look the man was sending Snap-pine, as if he were wondering whether it was worth trying to take him from Delvin right here and now

"I came to give you you're only warning!" Delvin announced, addressing the Vikings and Alvin who walked over until he was within only a meter of the growling Snap-pine

"I wasn't expecting there to be two dragon conquerors!" He exclaimed, clearly ignoring Delvin's words "i don't suppose you would be willing to tell me how you did it?"

Delvin just stared at the man, not letting his eyes leave the man's face, looking into his eyes before speaking, putting as much malice into his voice as he could, which wasn't particularly hard, considering the man just straight up disgusted him

"Hiccup doesn't like killing, he's never been the type of person who could enjoy it" Delvin stated, nodding in the direction the boy had flown off before returning his gaze to Alvin, staring into the man's eyes "but I do… I enjoy killing probably just as much as you do"

"I know you're not going to give up but i suggest that you don't harm anyone i care about"

"Otherwise I'll rip out your heart and feed it to snap-pine here," Delvin said giving his best smile before taking off, back into the direction of berk, ignoring the laughs of Alvin as he flew away

Author note: sorry for not updating for a while, I was busy moving houses, working, driving, studying, and dealing with the emptiness of human existence haha! anyway as dictated by the vote, another dragon from monster hunter will appear to become the MCs dragon, however, I will be changing my plans slightly, I was going to bring in Gore Magala, because he's just straight-up awesome, but I now realize after watching a bunch more lore videos that gore would destroy the htyyd universe by simply just existing! and even if I was to nerf him it wouldn't feel the same

so gore will not become the MCs dragon and will instead make an appearance that I can have in a controlled environment

now I know what your thinking! Who will be the next dragon instead?!

not telling! (it's not any that you are thinking of) I decided to pick a very unknown dragon with very little lore so that I can do what I want! Don't worry, it reaches the same badass level as gore in my opinion, sorry if this is a disappointment. however I do hope that by bringing in a dragon very little know about I can expand your knowledge and surprise you

also, I did start a P A T R E O N, it only has 4 chapters at present but I will work on that, its called https://w ww.p atre on.co m/Halber dofBerk