
Savage streak

It was only a few hours later when hiccup and the others returned from their venture, warning Stoick that they had seen an unknown ship pulling along up to the back of Berks beach

"I need everyone's attention!" Stoick yelled, causing everyone to look towards him, they had called an emergency meeting between themselves, and the other occupants of berk had already set sail, leaving the island and waiting for a message to return. Right now all who remained were gathered which included the now dragonless dragon riders, Stoick, gobber, and Delvin. "We need to start planning for the worst!" he announced

"At present, we have no weapons, no dragons, and no idea how many people Alvin brought with him" Stoick began, naming the leader of outcast island, Alvin the treacherous, a man considered to be one of Berk's most bitter of enemies "so we need a plan and we need one now! Do we have any idea what they want?" Stoick said looking around

"If he wanted something stolen he could have just had the saboteur take it" Delvin said, shaking his head as he leaned against the table, looking to the map of berk sitting on it "that means that he either wants to destroy something, kidnap someone or kill someone" he offered

"It still seems strange that Alvin of all people could come up with such a scheme, getting rid of both or dragons and weapons in one fell swoop" hiccup pitched in as he looked towards his father "if he was such a good strategist he could have gotten rid of berk years ago," he said with conviction

"Not likely!" gobber yelled from the sidelines, raising his hammer hand, one of the few weapons on the island "Even then we would have kicked him off the island"

"Sure but-" hiccup began, still rightfully skeptical

"Whatever or whoever gave him the idea doesn't matter right now!" Stoick interrupted, slapping a hand onto the table for emphasis "right now we need a plan"

"He's probably after hiccup" Delvin theorized, pointing towards the boy, causing everyone, including hiccup look extremely confused "come on, he is the so-called "dragon conqueror" or at least that's what the traders have been calling him" Delivin continued with a shrug, ignoring the sound of Snotlout choking on his drink with laughter

"rumors like that are powerful enough to spread across the archipelago, and i can only think of one Viking bold and stupid enough to try and take him…"

"Alvin" Stoick agreed before unraveling a second map onto the ground, this one of Berks defenses, both natural and man-made. He then began to give out orders, "Delvin, Astrid and snotlout you will be patrolling the island while me and Gobber will do the same as a second group." he began "you are to patrol the west and south borders while we will be taking the north and east, where the fighting is most likely to occur" he then handed an axe over to Astrid, telling her that it used to belong to Alvin

"Fishlegs you will be taking watch on the southern cliffside, keeping an eye out for any more ships," he said looking to the boy and pointing towards the map "ruffnut and tuffnut your job is to patrol the village"

"And hiccup…" Stoick said, turning to his son "you stay here… hidden"

"But-" Hiccup began, trying to complain, clearly unhappy with the order but he was interrupted by a glare from his father

"Everyone take your places!"


"I can believe i was the only one who didn't get a weapon!" Snotlout complained, as he had been for the past hour, finding it unfair that Astrid had Alvin's axe and Delvin had his halberd while he was left unarmed. Even Astrid punching him hadn't shut him up for more than ten minutes

"I believe they were handed out in order of those least likely to fall on them" Delvin replied dryly, causing Astrid to snicker slightly and snotlout to pout. Sighing Delvin just glared at him "tell you what, if we run into a group you can just hide behind Astrid, I'm sure she would be more than happy to protect you" he said volunteering his cousin with a pat on her shoulder

"Hey!" Astrid yelled, looking about as offended as could be expected before knocking his hand away and delivering a punch to his shoulder. She sent him a glare before extending it to Snotlout who was sending her a begging look "Do not get behind me! If we find trouble go run into the woods!"

Speaking of which

Just as Astrid finished speaking the sound of voices penetrated Delvin's ears, causing Astrid to tense and for Snotlout to sprint away into the trees, clearly taking Astrid's words to heart. Choosing not to laugh Delvin merely raised a hand, indicating for Astrid to follow him as crept toward the sound of the voices

Two outcasts were patrolling the woods, both laughing together and carrying lanterns. Jumping behind a tree and indicating for Astrid to do the same Delvin crouched, keeping to the shadows and waiting for the men to pass. Once they had moved within a few steps Astrid looked over to him as she scooted across the foliage taking a place a few trees away, meaning that the men would soon pass between them. And once the men had walked past them Astrid began counting down with her fingers


The second she closed her hand, Delvin leapt at the outcast closest to him from behind, sprinting at him and ramming his halberd tip into his back, slicing through the man's spine and pinning him to the ground a second later, Astrid followed his example, slamming her axe into the other outcasts head.

[I would just like to point out that the riders kill people all time, it's just not bloody. Like do you really think all the men they burn with their dragons and hit with their weapons don't die!? Hiccup only seems to have an issue killing when his opponents are defenseless which is honestly a far less annoying view on combat than most MCs have *cough* Batman *cough*. (don't get me wrong i love batman)]

Once Snotlout emerged from the woods, looking sheepish, Delvin threw him an axe, one of the outcast's weapons as they kept walking towards the sound of voices that had yet to go away

There, in a clearing they found Alvin and a bunch of his men, keeping Fishlegs and a few villagers captive (hey you can tell a Viking to leave the village, doesn't mean he will)

"Now what do we have here?" a greasy voice asked from behind them, as Delvin turned around he saw himself held at bow point by half a dozen men, led by a man Delvin recognized to be Savage, Alvins right-hand man

"Do you happen to know about the dragon conqueror?"