

Getting up from his knees with a painful grin Delvin gave his cousin another hug before reaching over and grabbing his hand of hiccup, returning the smiling boy's greeting

"We thought we lost you for a minute there," Hiccup said, smiling although Delvin could feel the underlying not of seriousness in his tone. However, the boy quikly moved on from the subject, looking over to the slightly pale girl behind them with a grin

"Delvin this is heather! We found her on the beach yesterday" Hiccup introduced, causing the girl to smile slightly, however, Delvin could see the slight strain in her face. And then hiccup walked between them, introducing them officially "Delvin, Heather! Heather, Delvin!"

"It a pleasure," Delvin said, offering a hand in greeting which the girl quickly took, no longer seeming pale or disturbed, or whatever had been going on there

"Lovely to meet you as well" She returned with a smile before nodding towards Astrid who was beside him, her arms crossed and glaring "your cousin speaks well of you" she smiled brightly

"Well you know how family is," Delvin said with a shrug, his arms following along her arm as he shook it, he returned her smile "can't live with them, Can't live without them"

For some reason heather just sent him a small sad smile, causing them to drift into silence before, the rest of the crew suddenly appeared, shouting their own greetings and crowding around him

"Wow, it's a zombie!" Ruffnut yelled before promptly being clonked on the head by Tuffnut who smiled and corrected her that Delvin was actually just a rather convincing ghost. Delvin was about to reply when he was suddenly whacked on the shoulder by snotlout as he appeared behind him yelling

"Nice going haha!" the shorter boy laughed as he ignored the glare Astrid sent him, laughing proudly and putting his hands on his hips "while you were unconscious i became the greatest of the dragon riders! I have fully surpassed y-" he didn't get to finish as hookfang appeared, snapping up the young Viking in his jaws and throwing him into a nearby body of water, which was off a cliff and into the ocean

Once they had stopped laughing Delvin, excused himself telling the group "i need to go find my dragon" which led to the group each giving him their thoughts and prayers and the twins showing him a new pair of injuries that they had sustained, upon the courtesy of the frenzied Snap-pine

"Just be careful" hiccup warned looking at him with concern as he scratched toothless under the chin "Snap-pine has been… aggressive ever since you came back, he didn't even seem too concerned about your safety and more about just trying to fight everything nearby"

"I'll go with him!" Astrid volunteered, raising her hand and pulling him by the wrist back to the house before turning back, looking into the eyes of the group "not like I'm needed here anyway"

"Astrid!-" hiccup called after them, before being drowned out as Astrid dragged Delvin back into the house, closing the door

For a moment there was just silence as Delvin studied his cousin before taking a seat, looking at her dark eyes "so… heather huh?"

"Oh don't you start!" Astrid growled at him before she began to pace, a habit of hers when she was mad or nervous "she's got everyone wrapped around that little finger of hers! She thinks that i don't see through the facade, that the little story about being stranded on the beach isn't suspicious! She's been snooping and watching everything since she arrived, learning and gaining trust, she, she, SHE!"

"She's the saboteur," Delvin said calmly as he took a sip from a nearby mug, watching as Astrid suddenly froze, looking at him with a shocked expression


"Same black hair, same green eyes, same build" Delvin began listing, ticking off his fingers as he spoke "and of course, she has a cut on her arm, directly similar to the slice i gave the Sabatour with my halberd. So either she's the saboteur… or she was sent by the gods to make me paranoid" he finished with a shrug, before grabbing Astrids arm as the girl immediately grabbed her axe and began to make her way towards the door

"Hold up!" he said, pulling her back and snatching the axe from her hands "what are you planning on doing"

"Kicking her off the island at the very least!" Astrid growled before lunging towards the axe, forcing Delvin to spin out of the way like he was dodging a bull "she's working with Alvin!"

"And what proof do you have of that?" Delvin demanded, scolding her


"Exactly" Delvin answered as he put the axe down and began to walk towards his room, allowing Astrid to follow him with a skeptical look. "Even if we march out there it won't matter, Hiccup and the others either won't believe us or they'll believe whatever sob story she sells them"

"So what do we do?" Astrid asked, looking still irritated but more reasonable now

"We wait for her to mess up" Delvin responded, keeping a neutral tone as he began searching through his belongings before pulling out a bag, this one was leather and filled with mushrooms, the same mushrooms that he had found in the caverns of the demon

"But for now we go get my dragon," he told her grimly before marching out the door, bag hanging from his halberd as he marched, ignoring the feeling of being watched

Someone was following them and he could guess who

Best give them a show, right?