
The Halberd of Berk

One Leap Day on Berk two children are born, one the son of the chief and the other to a Hofferson mother and unknown father One would become the first dragon rider and the other the strongest One would become Chief and the other the Halberd of Berk One would ride a Nightfury and the other the wyvern of 1000 blades

Lord_Sadness · Movies
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45 Chs


It had been nearly a month since the battle for the nest and during that time Delvin was extremely busy.

The dead needed burial, and both dragons and Vikings alike were given respectful funerals, Stoick said it was the first step in establishing peace, giving people and beasts time to grieve. Thankfully Vikings were a hardy people, choosing to celebrate the dead for the courage and valor they had displayed in their final moments rather than spend their days resenting others, although there would always be exceptions

After that was the difficult business of getting people used to living with their natural enemies, it was honestly like trying to get cats and dogs to live together, something that took a lot of time and was far easier if done from a young age, which meant that the children of berk to their new neighbors much faster than their parents did

Of course, there was a fair share of the good news, of course, food for winter was now sorted easily as the dragons happily brought in fish for the villagers, completely filling the now repurposed fire brazers, collecting more food in a day than most fishers could in a week and Mildew, who was literally the only person in the village who was wholly disliked had died during the battle for the nest, shot in the back by a terrible terror when he fled the battle, attempting to leave his post behind. Even Delvin disliked the old man and had ever since the man had taken to telling him that he didn't even belong on berk every snoggletog

Honestly, he wished he could have seen the man's face if he ever learned that they now lived in peace with the dragons.

[if you don't know who mildew was, he was a "major" villain in riders of berk, i always hated that guy]

Past the good and bad news, Delvin had mainly been working hard at the numerous repairs and repurposings that needed to be done across berk. Dragon traps needed to be disabled, boats rebuilt, houses reinforced, and the like. He had even had to spend a week organizing a complete redirecting of the towns water system so it could bring in enough water into the village and support their now increase population while also not being so big that dragons could mistake it as a bath or toilet

All in all, things were extremely busy and it would be weeks until they reached a point where the village could completely relax, but hey that wasn't his problem, he'd spent a month working his ass off so when hiccup woke up it was his turn

Speaking of which…

"He's waking up!" Astrid yelled breathlessly as she barged into the food hall, where Delvin and stoick had been discussing new possibilities for trade. Stoick immediately broke into a run towards his house, nearly taking the doors of the hall off their hinges as he ran through them

"I still have no idea how a man that large can be that fast" Delvin grumbled as he rolled up the sheets and blueprints they had been scowing over before the man ran off "he could at least have the decency to clean up his mess"

"Tired?" Astrid asked, looking like she'd had a good night's sleep, god he hated her for that

"I've been working most nights" Delvin yawned as he walked over to her, stretching his arms "between organizing the aftermath of a 300-year-old war and adjusting my house to fit a dragon of Snap-pines size I don't get much sleep"

"Well come on then sleepy head!" Astrid said, grabbing him by the elbow as she rushed him out the door and towards the crowd that was gathering around Stoicks house "time to see the guy who's spent all this time asleep"

"Screw that guy" Delvin muttered as he let her drag him "actually, don't do that, you're far too young to become a mother"

"What was that?" Astrid asked as she turned to him, clearly having not heard

"Nothing!" Delvin replied, fastening his steps and walking side by side with Astrid, avoiding the suspicious look she sent him. A few seconds later they reached the crowd and pushed through, finding hiccup now standing beside his father, sporting one less leg than he used to, it having been replaced by a prosthetic, ironically mirroring toothless

Delvin was about to walk over but Astrid walked purposefully past him and up to hiccup before immediately hitting him in the arm "that's for scaring me" she said

"What the hell!?" hiccup yelled, holding his now likely bruised arm and looking towards Astrid with an annoyed look "is it always going to be like-"

He shut up when Astrid pulled him in for a kiss, causing all the surrounding crowd to either blush or cheer. Unable to stop himself from laughing at his cousin's straightforwardness or hiccups face Delvin walked up, wiping a tear before walking over and ruffling the boys hair

"So the sleeping prince awakens!" Delvin said, looking over to notice how toothless was running circles around Snap-pine, who literally dwarfed him, causing the younger dragon to get excited and scare the crap out of toothless as his scales stood up on their own, causing the dragon to jump like a startled cat "and looks like toothless finally feels okay with leaving your side! Haha" Delvin chuckled

Hiccup on the other hand just stared at Snap-pine, blinking his eyes and watching as the dragon began to play with toothless, being careful not to step on him. Hiccup turned back to his father with a muttered "are you sure I'm not dead?"

"No Son!" the chief bellowed with laughter as he indicated to Snap-pine "we were all surprised as well that he had a dragon, I personally thought he was hiding a lover in those woods!"

"Me too!!" Astrid pitched in from beside Hiccup

"Me Three!" Aasa pitched in (Astrid's mother in case you forgot)

"So no grandchildren then?" his mother said disappointedly as she appeared by Delvin's side

"Did everyone think the same thing?" Delvin yelled, slightly embarrassed and feeling like he was at the punchline of a joke, especially when nearly every Hofferson in the crowd raised their hand and dished in their own comments on the secret love life he didn't have

Sparing him any further embarrassment Gobber thankfully appeared, holding what appeared to be a new tailpiece for toothless "built this myself! Want to give it a test!?"

"Sure, why not," hiccup said with a smile as he attached it and then took off in flight, Delvin and Astrid Hot on his heels

Berk may be many things, cold, boring and at often times unforgiving but it would always be Delvin's home

And no one was going to change that

[the end of movie one]

[phew! I cant believe i got that done in just three days! So i guess from here the next part of the series is supposed to be, in order:]

[Riders of Berk (4 seasons, during which hiccup is 16)]

[Race to the edge (seven seasons, during which hiccup is 18-19 )]

[how to train your dragon 2 (where hiccup is 20)]

[how to train your dragon 3 (where hiccup is 21)]

[Epoulge and homecoming (where hiccup is 30)]

[I'm probably going to start a Patreon at some point if i ever want to finish this and be supported during the process. I'm in my last term of school so i can't really afford to do this if i gain nothing from it, even if I enjoy it]

[i'll probably spend a day or two trying to figure out which parts of riders of berk i want the MC to be a part of and which ones I'm going to skip]

[until then bye]