
The Habitat

Tired of living in the old society, Alex, together with his classmates, were transported into another world after the mysterious poisoning of their classroom. A world full of natural beauty and fresh air, they considered it a dream. Only to find out that weird monsters they haven't seen before have been living in it where they treated humans as alienated beings. Alex, with his classmates, fought the creatures and noticed that upon death, they found a mysterious syringe that, when injected, would transform themselves into one. Embarking on a dangerous but mystical journey, Alex and his classmates set their foot on acquiring powers from the monsters in the new world for them to survive.

Josh_Baudelaire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

The Swarming March of Death

Gloyd's shriek echoed around the hive, to warn everyone that the army has marched their way towards the bee hive that they despised the most – putting end to it after decades of hatred.

Matt's group was on the north side of the hive, witnessing first, the inevitable march of danger.

Kent gazed at the approaching enemies appraising the situation, "The ants were the only ones who are coming towards us." Kent said.

Alex, stood in front of the wall, convinced himself that they should survive this battle no matter what. "Let's wait for them to come near." Alex said.

The enemies are near now and Kent immediately ordered to rain poisonous arrows towards the enemies. "Everyone, fire!" she cried. Countless numbers of arrows were fired towards the marching ants, poisoning them as they pierce their way in the gigantic ant's skin. Hundreds of ants died in an instant as the poison continue to spread inside their bodies, refraining their ability to move and breathe.

But the numbers were overwhelming, and they immediately reached the wall. However, as they stepped onto the seemingly hard ground, the ground collapsed in an instant and sucked them down into the seemingly endless dark pit, away from the battle and away from life.

The ants continue to let out the screams of death as they were fired with poisonous arrows and were sucked deep into the ground.

"We have killed so many but their numbers aren't decreasing!" Matt shouted, continues to fire arrows with his crossbow.

"Gloyd! Bring me down!" Alex shouted. "What?! Are you crazy? Can you see there's thousands of them below? Those are giant ants! You'll die!" Gloyd argued.

"I am the turtle monster, there's no one who can penetrate my defense, not as long as the hive isn't attacked." Alex said.

Gloyd remembered how Alex chose the giant hive to be his shell and home when he returned home after defeating the monster himself. Gloyd said that making the hive his shell is not a good choice since it's big and easy to hit. But, Alex insisted, saying that he wants it to be it, to have a more solid reason in protecting all of those who are inside.

Gloyd sighed, taking off his thoughts of the past and grabbed Alex and put him on the ground, not too far from the trap they made. Gloyd let out a numbing shriek, to protect Alex from the nearby enemies. Upon landing, Alex immediately materialized his silver bludgeon and bludgeoned everyone who came across him. The eight-foot-tall ants were enormous, but easy to hit. One by one, Alex continued to hit enemies with his weapon, breaking of their legs and hit them in their heads after losing their balance. Gloyd helped too where he both scratched and screamed to paralyze the enemies who heard him.

Kent looked at his two classmates, fighting in the frontline. Worried about them, he asked Jay to help them out. "Jay, if you would, let's go!" Kent said. Jay nodded and let the queen take her down. Jay landed with strong impact as countless spikes fired towards the enemies where it pierced different parts of their huge bodies. "I can't do the same skills I just used; my spikes will return in a moment." Jay said, calmly. Now attacking his enemies with both spikes on hand. Slicing their legs, one by one, he became a two-wielder soldier that cuts everyone who came across him.

Kent used her lance and also cuts her enemies while she continues to fly, away from the threat.

"Everyone jumped!" Alex shouted. Everyone immediately heard and Jay jumped and Gloyd flew higher. Alex stomped his feet and the ground shook in a limited area, turning to a watery grave, causing enemies to be trapped in a sinking soil.

"Nice!" shouted Jay as the ants engulfed in a trap. The distance between them and the ants' heads were now lessened causing them to pierce their heads with their weapons easily. the ants screamed in an agonizing pain as their blue blood flowed uncontrollably from their wounds and towards the ground.

The battle seemed to be won by now as they watched the ants' numbers continued to deplete. But it's nor done, yet. The moon is about to rise as the evening approached and the others are having a hard time locating the enemies with their innate dark-colored skins. "Let me help!" Belle shouted. And walked her way, using her eight legs on the floor and spit a strong web that let her cross the endless pit.

She then minced her enemies with her sharp limbs, after spitting webs on them, trapping them.

While the others fight for their lives on the front line, the ones who were on top of the walls were covering them for sneaky assaults that come through them, preventing any situation that can put their lives in danger. A perfect teamwork for the class who lost their old lives in the past world and were transported here to live anew.

"It's not that many now, but they still kept coming, We still haven't located their queen and we're losing stamina now. I am having a hard time to breathe." Alex said, continue to hit the enemies near him.

"Me too! My wings became heavy. That it can't carry my body anymore." Gloyd muttered, catching his breath.

Suddenly, a loud shout came from where the others group were – the west, east and south borders of the hive. "Jimmy ran towards the others. "The west, is attacked. Their numbers are huge, we can't defend them anymore. The endless pit was useless to them. They have wings!" Jimmy cried, requesting for back up.

Kent, without hesitation, flew swiftly above and towards Jimmy after hearing his cry with her heightened sense of hearing. The others heard it, too. And the hope to win this battle seemed to fade little by little.

Alex is losing his mind, biting his lip, thinking of what to do next. "I'll defend this line with Jay. Let the guard bee who's in the tower help us here. The ants already know about the pit trap, they won't come near anymore, the best thing to do is to face them here or they will find a way to cross it!" cried Belle.

Alex nodded, after thanking her and moved immediately to where the others were, seeking help. Gloyd carried Alex above, garnering every bits of his strength to use his wings again and two of the guard bees who were stationed in the north boundary of the hive, came to help.

Alex and Gloyd was about to go to where Jimmy's group is when Ivan said that they're also been attacked in the west. "We didn't see them. It's dark and they came from above!" Ivan cried. "What creatures are you talking about?" Surely ants evolve into having wings, but since they are short in food. It would take some time given their huge physiques. "Butterflies!" Ivan exclaimed. "It is indeed a coordination. If the butterflies appear, then -- " Alex couldn't finish his sentence when enormous termites appeared inside the hive's grounds. "What the –" Ivan said, shocked. "We're doomed." Gloyd said slowly.

The termites' massive teeth galloped around the hive, eating the ground despicably as if it has been deprived of food for centuries. Their white, fat bodies were grossing the stomachs of those who saw it as they swam inside the hive's bordered territory. "They have invaded us from the ground. These monsters must have found a way to cross the pit." Alex said, slowly. His eyes are bulging witnessing the disturbance towards their home ground. "We can't stand by!" Alex cried out, he told Gloyd to drop him on one of the termites who has been eating their grounds, comfortably.

Alex launched an aerial strike with his bludgeon and hit the enemy directly on its head. The impact was strong enough that the enemy was broken into pieces, letting out its green blood. Alex wiped his face with his fright arm as the tenacious smell of the blood rushed towards his nostrils. "Are you okay?!" shouted Gloyd who landed on the pathway above the earth wall. Alex gestured a thumbs up, "Good! Help the others now!" Alex shouted, then he ran, to kill another vicious monster, playing inside their ground.

Gloyd mustered his remaining strength and carried Ivan to fly immediately on the East, where the supposed butterfly monsters attacked.

The butterflies' giant wings, covered in a combination of different colors luminate as they flew beautifully across the wall, attacking the team with its sharp feet. Gloyd stood for a moment and realized that he doesn't want the bird's wings anymore but the butterfly's.

"Gloyd! What are you doing?! We're under attack! Help!" Christian shouted as he continues to pierce enemies with its spiky weapon. "Gloyd came back to his senses and slapped his own face with his hand. "I'm sorry for killing you." Gloyd said as he shrieked towards the enemies with his numbing sound wave and scratched the butterfly's wings with his claws. Christian looked at him as he cries while killing the monster. "Wow, that's overly dramatic." Christian said and ran to kill another one who was about to attack Rane.

The butterflies, weren't as overwhelming as the ends, but their ability to fly was a disadvantage to those who can't reach it. With Gloyd's appearance, the battle was kept at bay. "Aim for the wings!" Ivan commanded. Everyone grabbed their cross bows and fired poisonous arrows towards the monsters. Some successfully dodged it and some didn't. Nevertheless, they're still coping with the battle.

Suddenly all of the enemies went mad and started to retreat. They let out a shrieking and screeching voices that resounded everywhere around the hive. Everyone covered their ears for protection.

Not long when the earth trembled as the queen of the ants rose from the ground. The giant ant who was almost two times the size of the giant ant emerged viciously from the north. But she was not alone, when the queen of the termites and the butterflies' walked and flew beside her.

"They're in human figures like the queen bee." Jay said as everyone who fought him, retreated and made way for the three queens to past.

The queen act, walked with her 4 daggers in each hand. Her reddish skin emits an aura that cowers the fear. The butterfly queen was beautiful, her purple twirled antennae were mesmerizing as if she doesn't need anything but pure beauty. Her purple-colored wings along with different shades of colors, luminate as she flew beautifully above the ground. The queen termite on the other hand, was not the same with the gross creatures who conveniently ate the hive's grounds like a delicious meal. She's thin and look more like a human the other three with its two arms and two legs.

Kent realized that another calamity has befell on them and moved towards the north where she saw the other queens who long despised the past queen bee emerged.

"They're finally here, huh?!" Kent muttered. Belle and Jay moved directly towards the pathway above the earth wall and stood beside Kent carried by the guard bees who fought beside them earlier. "Can we defeat them?" Belle said, slowly, catching her breath. They were all tired of the battle and the night has long engulfed the marshes in the dark. The moonlights coming from the three moons were the only one who give them the luminance that they need, and it's not enough.

Kent knuckled her fist. "We have too." Belle squatted on the floor, still catching her breath. "I hope for a miracle."

Suddenly, a large whooshing sound accelerated in front of them, cutting all the ants in the area who lined to make way for the queens.

"Wait, who's that?" Jay said, eyes bulging, trying to see who the creature was.

On the spur of a moment, a large black cat appeared in front of them. "Noel." Kent said, sounding hopeful.