
The Guildless

Kai_Narukami · Fantasy
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129 Chs

Midnight Beasts [Chapter 10]

I quickly run forward as the moonlight highlights one of the creature. A large humanoid with fur and sharp teeth. One lunges at me from my left side and scratches my chest.

[-10 HP]

[+10 HP]

I smile and punch it quickly as its claws leave my body. With a single punch its head off its shoulder. I hear growls and a weird dialect from the others as about 20 rush towards me. They all lunge at me and start clawing and biting me.

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[+47 HP]

So I gain back 47 hp per heal? That's a pretty good amount. Oh! This would be a good time to try that spell.

I think as I take a deep breath.

"[Telekinesis 4]. Let's see how much I can lift."

I mumble as I hold my hand up. I hear whimpers and confused whispers as I see every creature around my float off the ground above 50 feet. After a few seconds of disbelief I see another one also float up into the group from behind a tree.

I smile and start walking forward.

"I don't want to wake my group up. So let's take this a bit away."

I say while glaring up at the mass of creatures and animals staring at me, obviously scared. After walking several hundred feet away I raise my other hand and point it at them. They get pushed farther out to almost 100 feet away.

"[Fireball 2]."

I mumble as a shot of fire come from each palm.

"Oh no."

I say as I step behind a tree while keeping my hands extended. After a second a loud explosion sends shockwaves through the forest as the smell of burnt flesh permeates the area around me. As I put my arms down, the sound of meat and bodies hitting the ground echoes around me.

"I hope they didn't hear that."

I whisper and sigh as a notification pops up.

[+171,000 Exp Gained!]

[Level Gained!]

[Level Gained!]

"So using magic doesn't count as killing without a tool. Makes sense I guess."

I say as I quickly put all my points into strength again.

Name: Dante Fenrix

Age: 19

Level: 53


HP: 1,790

Strength: 170

Agility: 75

Reflexes 75

Speed: 115

Constitution: 190

Intelligence: 50

Exp: 653,620

Exp to Next Level: 700,000

I close my status menu and start walking back to where Blankk and Azeroth are resting. A slight whistling from my left peaks my senses as I suddenly take a step back. After a second an arrow flies passed me.

An arrow?

I think as I hear soft footsteps coming towards me.

"Stranger, were you the one who made that fire?"

A soft voice says from the darkness as I nod.

"That was me, some weird beasts attacked me."

I reply as someone steps from the shadows. A tall woman with leather armor and fur all over her.

"That would have been our Gorsoth. Our young that were on their first hunt."

She growls as I stare at her.

"If that's the case, then they failed miserably. I'll give you this chance to leave me alone."

I say as I lower my eyebrows and glare at her.

"Those were our young. You think we would let you go after murdering our children? And besides, you haven't noticed your surrounded."

She says as I glance around and notice dim outlines of several figures in trees and in bushes. A arrow comes from my right, but the moonlight reflects off of it for a split second. I quickly reach up and catch the arrow before it reaches my face.

"Alright. Then enough with the niceties."

I break the arrow and charge toward the woman in front of me. As she draws an arrow back in her bow, I lunge towards her. As the arrow fires towards me, I hold out my hand.

"[Telekinesis 4]."

I quickly say as I grab the arrow and the woman and slam them both to the ground. I quickly snap the arrow and grab the back of her throat.

"You are a mighty hunter, but you will not win this fi-"

I quickly throw her into a tree as I hear her gasp for air and hold her ribs. I see several arrows catch the pale moonlight while flying towards me. I quickly snatch, then break, arrow after arrow. I hear a few gasps as I jump towards one of the beasts beside me and crush its throat.

I count 10 in total, but there may be more that aren't giving away their positions.

I think as I hear several thuds. I look around to see 5 charging me with rough looking swords while 3 more arrows fly towards me. I quickly deflect the arrows and dodge 2 attacks. With 2 quick jabs, I kill one of the larger ones.


One shouts as it cleaves downward with its sword. As I step to the side, its sword jams into the ground. With a heavy kick, I take its head off.

That's 4 accounted for.

I think as I quickly disarm 2 others in front of me and snap their necks. The last one growls and lunges wildly at me. As I duck several of its swings, I counter with a quick uppercut to the jaw. Fragments of bone and flesh rip off as my fist doesn't stop on impact. 3 more arrows come towards me, as I quickly lift the one I just hit and use his body as a shield.

"Y-you bastard."

I hear the female say as she coughs heavily.

I quickly hold out both my palms and grit my teeth.

"[Fireball 1]."

I whisper to myself as I send 2 small fireballs towards the ones in the trees. I quickly lunge behind a tree as the fire engulfs that tree and a small area around it. As I stand up, a hand lands on my shoe.

"I-I'll never forgive Y-you."

She says as she starts to bite my foot. As she sinks her teeth in, I feel nothing.

[-10 HP]

[+10 HP]

I sigh and lift her by her leg.

"So let me get this straight. Your children attack me, so I defeat them. You get angry because I defeated them, so you attack me. In direct result, you lose easily."

I say as she coughs up blood and glares at me.

"You aren't a parent, you wouldn't understand."

She says as I suddenly remember my father giving his life for me to escape.

"No, my family died recently. They gave everything for me to live. You were procrastinate. Instead of supervising your children's test, you sat back and waited for them to fail."

I growl as she coughs up more blood. A tear rolls onto the ground as she cries softly.

"Don't you think I'm aware? But this is the way of our kind. I was unable to change it. So all I can do it lash out at those responsible for taking what I have."

She sobs as I sigh and let her go.

"Probably could've reasoned with me."

I mumble as I sit on the ground next to her.

[+693,000 Exp Gained!]

[Level Gained!]

[Level Gained!]

[Level Gained!]

[Level Gained!]

[Level Gained!]

[Level Gained!]