

I woke up early in the morning and was surprised by the rewards the system gave me. How the hell am I going to use (drunken sword mastery) I'm practically being controlled by the mafia at least for now. that is unless this book has a way for me to smith a sword. as I flip to the blacksmith chapter and sure enough the only page is for what is called a sword stick. and it only needed a five and a half foot-long stick and an iron bar. so he asked the system to withdraw some money and walked down the stairs and was about to leave the tavern.

Claria: were the hell do you think you are going?

Rezuri: to get some food I haven't eaten in a whole day.

Claria: fine but remember we have eyes all over the city and if you try to run you will die.

Rezuri: Of course not I would never Leave my tavern.

Rezuri walked out the door and started to ask around for where he could find a blacksmith. eventually, he found one and got a piece of iron and a plain branch of a mahogany tree. and then he looked around for an interesting food stall he finally found one that was selling what looked like curry but it tasted like many of the spices were excluded. he then walked back to the tavern and when he walked inside he expected it to be empty but it was full and Claria was tending to the bar. as I looked around I noted most of the people were covered in scars and armor. trying to avoid everyone I made my way to the basement to make the sword. I started working on the sword and I soon realized that I was not as lucky as the other system wielding protagonist I did not instantly learn how to make this sword and by no means did it turn out perfect but it will work. it was about five feet tall and the blade was about four feet long it was a lot like a rapier it was very quick and nimble. now that I have a sword I should practice my sword skills.

System: I would recommend drinking some before you practice because it will come more naturally

So I walked over to one of the barrels containing some gin and I downed about a cup of the stuff barely holding it down. as the alcohol took effect I started practicing that is until i passed out from exhaustion.

System: end of day (drunken sword mastery) level up lv 2

hey sorry for this being a bit late but hey its out. also i made a discord if you would like to give me suggestions


thanks for reading im gonna go drink

demon_cookcreators' thoughts