

(Rezuri POV)

I honestly have no idea how it happened, but all of those goons are helping whip this place into shape. they were running back and forth and, in just a few seconds the tables and chairs were replaced with even better furniture. I thought it would stop there but no they started bringing better ale and they even told everyone they saw about the new tavern. I looked at the pair of girls and they were just sitting there talking as if nothing is or had happened. as I walked over to them I accidentally tripped a man about three times taller than me as he got up I started preparing for a fight but the weirdest thing happened. he apologized to me and ran off tripping I then finally made my way to the two girls and it was time to ask some questions.

Rezuri: Ok first of who the fuck are you to come and reck my shop.

Anna: Well I am the most renowned mafia boss in the capital. and you are... a run-down tavern owner, Claria is this guy really worth your time?

Claria: Yes, I feel like he might be worth it, he does own this tavern so this will be a good base of operation.

Anna: Can't we just kill him?

Claria: Hmmm

Rezuri: Wait wait wait! you guys clearly want this tavern right. I am going to guess as a secret base of operation.

Anna/Claria: yes

Rezuri: well that means that you need someone to run it and not to brag but I have experience in running taverns.

Anna: then he might actually be useful. I say we let him in on our plan

Claria: Are you sure we can trust him

Anna: Well who is he gonna tell and who would believe him we have this kingdom wrapped around our fingers

Claria: ok we will tell you the gist of it. we are basically wanting to turn this place into a secret mafia recruitment station.

Rezuri: does this mean I'm part of the mafia?

Claria: sorta now go to bed we are going to work on the tavern tonight we will talk more about what your job tomorrow.

I walked up the stairs and walked into one of the rooms and locked the door behind me. and I sat down at the desk and lit the oil lamp and I pulled out the book I got from god and opened it. The book was split into three parts blacksmithing, alchemy, and extras and all of the pages were blank except the first of blacksmithing and alchemy. right as he started to read all of his energy drained and he faded into sleep's embrace.

System: end of day. for protecting the tavern from harm you are rewarded (drunken sword mastery lv. 1) and 100 XP.

(tavern level up) the tavern is now level 2. hard liquor is now available

Sorry for the short chapter there will be another tomorrow to make up for it. Hope you guys have a wonderful day:)

demon_cookcreators' thoughts