

In a paradise-like world guarded by elemental spirits, an insidious force disrupts the delicate balance, revealing long-buried secrets. Now, these spirits must share their powers to enable widespread cultivation, uniting all to defend their realm. Amidst this turmoil, a once-feeble prince of the Heavenly Don Empire awakens to newfound strength, vowing to protect his world at any cost. Together, they embark on a quest to safeguard their realm from impending darkness. Join them and find out what really happened

DaoistsPuzYp · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 33: The Night Visitors III

Ot Luan was baffled and fearful, trying to grasp the inexplicable events that had just unfolded. She had intended to assassinate her brother Ot Khan, yet her memory had become a blur. She now found herself inexplicably in the presence of Ot Khan and an enigmatic stranger who concealed his face.

Du offered an explanation to Ot Khan's bewilderment. "She wanted to assassinate you, and she was nearly successful. I spared your life because I believe you may serve a purpose for me."

Ot Khan remained silent, his eyes filled with both fear and reverence. After mustering the courage, he inquired, "What do you want from me? Who are you? Are you a deity?"

Du responded with a sinister laugh, his words dripping with malevolence. "As for what I want from you, there is nothing you can do to serve me. My enjoyment stems from observing you insignificant beings struggling and suffering."You, there is nothing you can do for me, but I enjoy watching you weak creatures struggling and it's obviously that someone doesn't want that to happen, which is why I selected you to help you grow in power. With the abilities I possess, you can cause chaos, destruction, and let the blood of your kind flow freely. Hahaha."

Ot Khan's eyes gleamed with a newfound desire for power. He didn't fully understand the intentions of the enigmatic figure before him, but the temptation of unimaginable strength was irresistible. With this power, he could sidestep the bloodshed of the war of successors and assert his dominance. He declared with eagerness, "I will do anything you ask of me, my Lord. Just tell me your wishes."

Du acknowledged Ot Khan's willingness with approval. "You are the chosen one, the best candidate to lead this world into chaos. I need you to conquer all, ruling over everyone, everything, and every realm. This world was once ours, and my Lord has taken an interest in reclaiming it. You shall rise to become the leader of the enslaved, with power equal to ours. The first step is to select a few trusted subordinates. I will bless you and your chosen ones with divine power, rendering you undefeatable in this world."


Meanwhile, back in the abode of the Elementary Spirits, they remained engrossed in contemplation, deciphering the meaning of Nexus's previous words. They failed to notice a minuscule light entwining around them, slowly enveloping their concentration.

Nexus mumbled to himself with a sigh, "They've done it. It appears the time has come."


As morning broke, the soldiers of the Blood Conquering Empire assembled, fully prepared to march through the town and lay siege to Heaven City. Leading the army were Ot Khan and Ot Luan, and some other soldiers who before this day were just normal captains of a 100 man squad, but today those in front looks totally different.

All of them in front starting from Ot Khan to his 80 loyal captains all had a kind of sinister and dark aura around them. There was an air of palpable darkness and oppression surrounding the leaders.

Ot Khan's eyes exuded confidence and determination, while Ot Luan appeared lifeless and emotionless. The 80 newly appointed deputy generals radiated a sinister aura, casting an eerie presence over the entire assembly.

Ot Khan addressed his soldiers, his voice commanding respect and loyalty. "Today, we initiate a new chapter in history as we embark on the path to conquer the world. Brace yourselves, for we shall not only seize Heaven City but the entire ancestral zone. Show the world the might of the Blood Conquering Empire."

The soldiers echoed in unison, "Long live the Blood Conquering Empire."

Ot Khan continued, "Luan and I, along with these 80 loyal deputy generals, shall lead you into battle. They have been promoted to deputy generals, and all other deputy generals are relieved of their duties. Show them respect and follow their commands as if they were mine. Disrespect towards them is disrespect towards me. Do you all understand?"

The soldiers nodded solemnly. 

Then Ot Khan turned his gaze toward the former deputy generals who had been dismissed. Fear gripped them as they faced Ot Khan's piercing gaze, which felt like the scrutiny of an ancient beast. They nodded in compliance, too intimidated to object.

Ot Khan concluded, "With that said, let us advance to battle. Victory shall be ours, and long live the Blood Conquering Empire."

The soldiers cheered in unison, "Long live! Long live!" With this newfound determination and unity, the soldiers moved forward, marching resolutely toward Heaven City.