

In a paradise-like world guarded by elemental spirits, an insidious force disrupts the delicate balance, revealing long-buried secrets. Now, these spirits must share their powers to enable widespread cultivation, uniting all to defend their realm. Amidst this turmoil, a once-feeble prince of the Heavenly Don Empire awakens to newfound strength, vowing to protect his world at any cost. Together, they embark on a quest to safeguard their realm from impending darkness. Join them and find out what really happened

DaoistsPuzYp · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 32: The Night Visitors II

It is known that when once the Unicorn guards are assigned to an individual, they'll become binded to the individual and only death could unbind them and then the unicorn guards will retire from the forefront. The unicorn guards are picked up from the slums, most of them are orphans, children of fugitives, children of poor and so on., but the Don Clan will pick them up, train them, give them and their families a surname; Don, as all members of the Unicorn guards bear the surname Don and are seen as members of the outer Royal Clan, they're respected by many and respect just one.

The Four standing here are all 15 years old and they're the first four assigned to Prince Don Jian at birth, they are mixed up with 3 boys and a girl and their names are as follows; Don Liang, Don Kong, Don Le, and the girl being Don Hui.

The four Unicorn Guards remained stoic as Don Jian and Don Jie entered the room. They acknowledged their presence with a slight bow.

Don Jian approached Ot Yan with a smile and returned the gesture of respect. "To what do I owe this warm visit?"

Ot Yan's eyes sparkled with reverence as he gazed at Don Jian. The young prince, overwhelmed by the presence of greatness, seemed momentarily lost.

Don Jian, puzzled, inquired, "Prince Yan, is something the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ot Yan snapped back to the present and cleared his throat. He bowed respectfully to Don Jian. "Master Jian, it's an honor to be in the same room with you."

Then, his expression turned serious, recalling the purpose of his visit. "Master Jian, there is something I want to talk to you about, and it's confidential."

Ot Yan scanned the room briefly, ensuring it was empty, before proceeding. Don Jian gave a signal, and everyone else discreetly left, leaving only the two of them.

With a grave look, Don Jian prompted, "Okay, what is the reason you want to speak with me? You can talk now; everyone has left."

Ot Yan nodded and began to explain. "Honestly, I don't understand it fully, but there is someone of high status in my Empire who values your wisdom. This person foresaw the events today, and I was tasked, along with my aunt's foster son, to meet you secretly and make an agreement with you"

Don Jian regarded him with intensity. "What kind of agreement?"

Ot Yan appeared troubled for a moment before sighing and sharing his confusion. "To be honest, I don't fully understand it. It doesn't seem like an agreement; it's more like a message. The message is: Every generation has a leader, the three empires are interdependent, and the war in the ancestral zone isn't a real war but a form of reality training, in case of necessity. These are the exact words we were tasked to deliver to you."

Don Jian became solemn as he pondered the implications of the message. It reminded him of the cryptic line in his father's letter: "Only the leader of a generation is worthy of knowing certain things." He contemplated whether it was mere coincidence or something more profound.

Ot Yan, noticing Don Jian's contemplative expression, nudged him from his reverie. "Master Jian, do you understand what this message means?"

Don Jian shook his head, still processing the enigmatic message. "No, it's rather complicated. By the way, why do you keep adding the 'master' honorific to my name? I'm no master."

Ot Yan beamed with admiration and replied, "You deserve to be called a master. I respected you for your wisdom, but after coming here and witnessing your creations, I hold you in the highest regard. In fact, after the war, I intend to visit you and become your student to learn from you."

Don Jian's forehead glistened with perspiration as he responded with earnestness. "If you don't resent me, I would prefer you calling me 'Brother Jian' instead of 'Master Jian.' And can you tell me who gave you this task?"

Ot Yan's expression became conflicted as he answered, "If I say I don't know, Brother Jian, will you believe me?"

Don Jian nodded thoughtfully and said, "I understand."


Back at the Blood Conquering Empire's camp, within Ot Khan's tent, a shocking encounter took place. As Ot Khan entered his tent, he was astounded to find an intruder. Instinctively, he drew his saber to attack, but to his astonishment, he couldn't move a muscle.

Ot Khan, still perplexed and now immobilized by some unseen force, stammered nervously, "Wh-who are you?"

Du was seated inside the tent, casually sipping a drink.

Du calmly stood up and approached Ot Khan, waving his hand to reveal someone standing before them. It was none other than Ot Khan's sister, Luan.

Ot Khan's heart raced as he recognized his sister, who had secretly infiltrated his tent.

"Luan, what are you doing so close to my tent?" he inquired with a mix of surprise and fear.