
The Guardian: A Tale of Protector and his Unwavering Loyalty

In the World of Magic and Technology, since ancient times everything was peaceful living together with magic and happiness, but as time goes by magic was wielded with bad intentions that might harm anyone or the entire human race. But, after the Wars, new forces arrives that is a very threat of humanity. Unknown forces or entity appeared through our world, using the Gates or Portals that humanity do not know. As this events keeps happening, one by one... Our world changed from a United World into a Split Fraction between the 4 Fractions that separated all of humanity. The Royalty/Nobility Fractions, Military Fractions, Freedom Fractions, and the Neutral Fractions. Because of this fractions that was formed, everyone or most of them has other agendas or there own personal gains instead of dealing the threats of humanity. Because of that, the Royalty/Nobility Fraction and Military Fraction join forces created an alliance that will prevent the people/awakeners/players stopping them. The Freedom Fractions created a peace treaty and joint forces with the Neutral Fraction to slow down that other 2 Fractions, to help and nurture the young generations and instead of oppressing them from those 2 Fractions. the Freedom Fraction and the rest of the remaining United Nations who are currently active created multiple associations to help there journey and solve the current problems. The Church has been always allied with the Freedom Fraction by generations and generations. This is a story of a young ordinary boy, who has luck at his side that will become "One of the Guardians of Humanity" in the near or far future, Accel. -Enjoy Reading-

ItsAccelDude · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Season 1 Chapter 4: Blade and Bloom Adventure Party Begins Part 2

(Battle Version)

The sun cast long shadows as Accel, Welt, and Raizah ventured into the dense forest on their first mission as members of the National Association. Their hearts raced with anticipation, knowing that this would be their first real test as adventurers. As they moved deeper into the forest, they came across a clearing where a group of menacing creatures lay in wait.

Accel tightened his grip on his sword, readying himself for battle. "Alright, let's do this," he said, his voice filled with determination.

Welt nodded, his shield at the ready. "Stay close, and watch each other's backs," he cautioned, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger.

Raizah took a deep breath, her hands glowing with magical energy. "We can do this. Just stay focused," she urged, her voice steady despite the tension in the air.

With a nod of agreement, the trio sprang into action, their weapons and magic at the ready. Accel charged forward, his blade slashing through the air as he unleashed a flurry of attacks on the nearest enemy. "Slash!" he called out, his sword slicing through the creature's defenses with ease.

Welt moved to intercept another foe, his shield raised in a defensive stance. "Block!" he shouted, bracing himself against the creature's onslaught as he prepared to retaliate.

Meanwhile, Raizah channeled her magical energy, her hands glowing with power as she unleashed a barrage of spells on the enemy ranks. "Spirit Wave!" she cried, sending a wave of spectral energy crashing into the creatures with devastating force.

As the battle raged on, Accel, Welt, and Raizah fought with all their strength, their skills and abilities complementing each other perfectly. Accel's swordsmanship kept the enemies at bay, while Welt's defensive prowess protected his allies from harm. Raizah's magic turned the tide of battle, her spells striking fear into the hearts of their foes.

Despite the fierce opposition, the trio stood firm, their determination unwavering as they pressed forward. With each enemy they defeated, their confidence grew, and soon they emerged victorious, the forest echoing with the sounds of their triumph.

As they caught their breath and surveyed the aftermath of the battle, Accel grinned, his eyes shining with pride. "Not bad for our first mission, huh?" he said, clapping Welt on the shoulder.

Welt nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Indeed. We make a good team," he replied, his gaze drifting to Raizah, who returned the sentiment with a nod of her own.

Together, they knew that no challenge was too great as long as they stood united, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead in their journey as adventurers.

(End of Chapter!)

Its short but okay. On to the next chapter.

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