
The Guardian: A Tale of Protector and his Unwavering Loyalty

In the World of Magic and Technology, since ancient times everything was peaceful living together with magic and happiness, but as time goes by magic was wielded with bad intentions that might harm anyone or the entire human race. But, after the Wars, new forces arrives that is a very threat of humanity. Unknown forces or entity appeared through our world, using the Gates or Portals that humanity do not know. As this events keeps happening, one by one... Our world changed from a United World into a Split Fraction between the 4 Fractions that separated all of humanity. The Royalty/Nobility Fractions, Military Fractions, Freedom Fractions, and the Neutral Fractions. Because of this fractions that was formed, everyone or most of them has other agendas or there own personal gains instead of dealing the threats of humanity. Because of that, the Royalty/Nobility Fraction and Military Fraction join forces created an alliance that will prevent the people/awakeners/players stopping them. The Freedom Fractions created a peace treaty and joint forces with the Neutral Fraction to slow down that other 2 Fractions, to help and nurture the young generations and instead of oppressing them from those 2 Fractions. the Freedom Fraction and the rest of the remaining United Nations who are currently active created multiple associations to help there journey and solve the current problems. The Church has been always allied with the Freedom Fraction by generations and generations. This is a story of a young ordinary boy, who has luck at his side that will become "One of the Guardians of Humanity" in the near or far future, Accel. -Enjoy Reading-

ItsAccelDude · Fantasy
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Season 1 Chapter 4: Blade and Bloom Adventure Party Begins Part 1

(3 Months Later)

Three months had passed since the intense lectures and rigorous training at the National Mastery Academy began. Accel, Welt, and Raizah had grown significantly, mastering their respective class jobs and attributes. Accel, as a Light Swordsman, showcased unmatched agility and precision with his sword, channeling light to enhance his attacks and defenses. Welt, the Heavy Swordsman, had developed incredible strength and resilience, using his light magic to bolster his already formidable power. Raizah, the Spirit Mage, had cultivated a deep connection with spirits, allowing her to perform spells and summoning spirits for assistance.

Accel: "According to my status window, I am still a level 1 player though my sword, mana, and light magic basic mastery is complete, its not powerful yet."

Welt: "According to our lectures, when we experience like adventuring from the guild, we can level up by killing or hunting wild animals, monsters, or unknown entity. Leveling up can increase our stats making us powerful together with our basic mastery over swords and magic."

Raizah: "That is correct. So, how about it. Shall we begin our real adventure? I heard some of our classmates have started early during our lectures, they were doing multi-tasking and wanted to have fame and wealth, because of that..."

Welt: "Oh, that... They want promotion of their status... I see... Adventuring can really change..."

Accel: "I heard many adventurers can become a noble or knight. Because during S-Rank Gate Break, many monsters and unknown entity appeared out in the gate and many adventurers defended the last defense wall prevented enemies to broke through the outside world. Many of them got promoted and also most of them were all from the Freedom and Neutral Fractions."

Raizah: "One day, we shall become like that."

Welt: "Yep, Now let's do our best!"

(Another Month Later)

As their training progressed for another month, the academy announced a new phase in their journey: the opportunity to join the National Association, where students could hunt, loot, find treasures, and level up, essentially becoming full-fledged adventurers, players, or awakeners. The announcement brought a wave of excitement and anticipation among the students.

The Blade and Bloom Adventure Party Begins with Accel, Welt, and Raizah.

(Academy Grounds - Instructor Briefing)

The day of the briefing arrived, and the students gathered in the large outdoor training field. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the eager faces. The instructors, each assigned to different groups of students, stood ready to provide crucial information about the National Association.

Instructor Nerys, who had guided Accel, Welt, Raizah, and some students through their initial training, was in charge of the group. She stepped forward, her presence commanding attention.

Instructor Nerys: "Good morning, students. I am the assign brief instructor before heading to the National Association."

Instructor Nerys: "Today marks an important milestone in your journey. You are now ready to join the National Association and take your first steps as adventurers. This association is a vast network that allows you to undertake missions, explore dungeons, hunt monsters, and discover treasures. It is a place where you can apply everything you've learned and continue to grow."

She paused, letting the significance of her words sink in before continuing.

Instructor Nerys: "There are two main paths you can choose: Solo-Adventurer and Party-Adventurer. Each has its own ranking system, starting from G-Rank and going up to the highest rank so far in history, SSS-Rank. As solo adventurers, you rely solely on your skills and abilities to complete missions and earn rewards. It's a challenging path that requires independence and resilience. As party adventurers, you work as a team, combining your strengths to overcome greater challenges. Teamwork, strategy, and trust are essential in this path."

(Preparing for the Association)

Accel, Welt, and Raizah listened intently, each contemplating the path ahead. They knew their decision to form a party was the right one; their bond had only strengthened over the past months, and they had learned to complement each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Instructor Nerys handed out information packets detailing the association's structure, mission types, and ranking criteria.

Instructor Nerys: "Take some time to review these materials, so that you all of you can understand the rules and systems in place will be crucial to your success."

All instructors in each group gave documents from there MagiTech Watch about the National Association and its benefits and rules. According to the documents that all the students read and learn the association offered a wide range of missions, from simple fetch quests and resource gathering to more dangerous tasks like monster hunting and dungeon exploration. The higher the rank of the mission, the greater the rewards—and the risks.

Welt (He suggested): "We should start with some G-Rank missions to get a feel for it, we can gradually take on more challenging ones as we get stronger." 

Raizah (She nodded with agreement): "That sounds like a good plan. Plus, it will give us a chance to practice our teamwork in real scenarios."

Accel (He grins): "Blade and Bloom is going to starts its adventure. Let's go!"

(First Mission)

With their decision made, Accel, Welt, and Raizah registered their party with the National Association. Their first mission was a simple G-Rank task: to clear out a small group of goblins causing trouble in a nearby forest. It was a perfect opportunity to test their skills and teamwork in a controlled environment.

As they made their way to the mission site, the excitement was palpable. The forest was dense and lush, the sunlight filtering through the canopy above. The trio moved cautiously, aware of their surroundings and ready for anything.

They soon encountered the goblins—a small group, but aggressive and armed with crude weapons. Accel took the lead, his sword gleaming with light magic as he charged forward. Welt followed closely, his heavy strikes providing a solid front. Raizah stayed back, chanting a spell to summon a spirit ally for support.

The battle was swift and decisive. Accel's agility and precision, combined with Welt's brute strength, quickly overwhelmed the goblins. Raizah's spirit ally provided support, shielding them from attacks and casting spells to weaken the enemies. Within minutes, the goblins were defeated, and the mission was complete.

(Note: Next Chapter will be the fighting scene if I can try making one.)

(End of Part 1 Coming for Part 2)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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