
The Grip of the Occult

After being let go of his job, a young adult ventures out in the path of the occult in a moment of desperation and foolishness. What remarkably stupid and evil things is he about to do to keep the demon in check he made a contract with?

DaoistMSShMQ · Horror
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2 Chs


A lot of things happened since my meeting with Ai. Ai the demon. The old demon witch who helped me make one of the worst decisions of my life. She is following me, inhabiting my mind and sometimes projecting versions of herself before my eyes. I can feel her touch, I can hear her thoughts, but in all intents and purposes, she is simply not there.

A lot has a happened, and now I'm in my bathtub. A bathtub with a severed head of a certain individual. He had a name, which is not important, he had a life and family, which is important, but I'm not the judge of this. I'm depersonalized about the fact that I'm bathing with the severed head of an unnamed individual whose name I know. I knew the routine and general environment of the person whose severed head is now in my possession. He was a salaryman. A good one at that. As I investigated his life, I came to know that he was competent at everything he did. The severed head's previous owner did verbally abuse his wife, and abuse his teen children, although the frequency of this occurrence wasn't life defining or damning, not to the degree which would bring about his own destruction. The loss of his life to his family outweighs any and all abuse which he has perpetrated against them in the form of verbal abuse. Ok. Now, why was his severed head in the bathtub with me?

His head and the horror he had suffered is a conduit. A conduit to serve as a sign. A sign for the otherworldly to take notice. It's a sign to demons to say hello. And with all occult and arcane magic, some spaces need to be filled. Usually, these spaces that are filled by a circle to form a coherent whole. These seals, pentagrams and symbols are usually round. I want you to imagine the sigil of Baphomet, or the Sri Yantra or the Seal of Solomon. All circles. As a running allegory as I explain this to you: my circle is my bathtub, the space which my circle is filled is cold water. The conduit which I use to seal my sigil is the head, and the form of which I bring out magic, is by enduring the coldness of the water.

You might say that it is foolish or certainly unwise to have a cold bath for an extended period of time. I agree with you. I don't want to do this, but I haven't had enough of life yet, so I must do what I must do in order to stay alive in my mortal flesh. You might say that is it foolish or evil to have a bath with a severed head. It is evil, and I'm doing this to feed Ai, the old demon energy. Energy so that she can materialize mortal flesh that he can inhabit, so she doesn't need to leech off my mind, health and sanity.

Ai materialized behind me. I could feel her there, but didn't see her as she spoke to me: "It really is disturbing. I can't even imagine what kind of person would do this."

"You know the kind very well."

"I wonder if anybody called the police yet."

I touched the severed head. I know that it is a cruel world, but I don't want to trouble myself with the idea of being caught. I was meticulous with my preparations. I didn't rush things. But he did beg for his life. He was pleading for mercy and compassing as I was using my demon given powers to boil his blood in order to kill him. I was near. He didn't see me, but he knew someone was actively killing him. I don't fully comprehend the extent of the power which I was given, but I do think that as I was boiling his blood, we formed a spiritual and mental connection, in which I have given him energy for his blood to boil, but it wasn't the only thing that was channeled. The extent of the connection to me is unknown, but if he truly understood it, regardless of the situation, at the hands of someone truly evil, who has had power over him, he wouldn't have pleaded. Or maybe he did see or hear or understood something deep from my subconscious that has actively given him urge to see mercy in me.

I had to use a knife to decapitate him, so there could be evidence of me doing the deed. Doing the crime of taking a human life. For anyone who hasn't decapitated a person, if you need tips, I'm here to serve you. This is going to be for you the best description if you're ever in need to help decapitating a corpse. You need a trusted good knife. A good knife that you really can grip. No. Wait. That's not really important. The knife only needs to be sharp. As sharp as it can be. Cutting flesh is easy. Where you'll have a hard time is between the connecting tissue between the spine's bones. I think those are called ligaments or maybe people just call the pieces intervertebral discs or … let's just back up, and simplify it. You can cut a throat and a neck with a rusty pocket knife, what you can't do – unless you're possessing inhuman strength – is cut through the spine. You need a small hatchet or a machete for that task, or you'll need more than a minute to do your ungodly duty. It takes up to at least five minutes to fully behead a person, even if you're part of the cartel, and you're reasonably proficient in your job, a knife is not the best solution, at least you need a machete or a small hatchet. So here I was, in the park trying to sever this person's head from his body, and I really needed some time to accomplish this. And when I did accomplish it, the result was passive aggressive comments about the police or just any passerby seeing my actions.

So, there you have it. This is what I did in order to get a conduit and to help my not so good demon friend in order to give her unmaterialized demonic energy in order for her to materialize it down the not so far future or she might as well need me to keep doing this for decades. Who knows? I certainly don't. I just do the things I need to do in order to survive. These actions might be more than foolish, but what is also foolish is inaction. There was action, quite the lot of it.