
The Greenhorn

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What is The Greenhorn

Read ‘The Greenhorn’ Online for Free, written by the author ggtggggggffdg, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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Pregnancy prevention

Postinor 2 Description 0.75 mg levonorgestrel in each tablet. Excipients/Inactive Ingredients: silica colloidal anhydrous, magnesium stearate, potato starch, talc, maize starch, lactose monohydrate. Action Pharmacotherapeutic Group: Sex hormones and modulators of the genital system, Emergency contraceptives. ATC Code: G03A Efficacy: It was estimated from the results of an earlier clinical study, that 750 micrograms of levonorgestrel (taken as two 750 microgram doses with a 12 hour interval) prevents 85% of expected pregnancies. Efficacy appears to decline with time of start of treatment after intercourse (95% within 24 hours, 85% 24-48 hours, 58% if started between 48 and 72 hours). Results from a recent clinical study showed that two 750 microgram tablets of levonorgestrel taken at the same time (and within 72 hours of unprotected sex) prevented 84% of expected pregnancies. There was no difference between pregnancy rates in case of women who were treated on the third or the fourth day after the unprotected act of intercourse (p>0.2).There is limited and inconclusive data on the effect of high body weight/high BMI on the contraceptive efficacy. In three WHO studies no trend for a reduced efficacy with increasing body weight/BMI was observed (Table 1), whereas in the two other studies (Creinin et al., 2006 and Glasier et al., 2010) a reduced contraceptive efficacy was observed with increasing body weight or BMI (Table 2). Both meta-analyses excluded intake later than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse (i.e. off-label use of levonorgestrel) and women who had further acts of unprotected intercourse. (See the recommended regimen, levonorgestrel is not expected to induce significant modification of blood clotting factors, and lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Paediatric population: A prospective observational study showed that out of 305 treatments with levonorgestrel emergency contraceptive tablets, seven women became pregnant resulting in an overall failure rate of 2.3%. The failure rate in women under 18 years (2.6% or 4/153) was comparable to the failure rate in women 18 years and over (2.0% or 3/152).Pharmacokinetics: Orally administered levonorgestrel is rapidly and almost completely absorbed. The results of a pharmacokinetic study carried out with 16 healthy women showed that following ingestion of 1.5 mg levonorgestrel maximum drug serum levels of 18.5 ng/ml were found at 2 hours. After reaching maximum serum levels, the concentration of levonorgestrel decreased with a mean elimination half-life of about 26 hours.Levonorgestrel is not excreted in unchanged form but as metabolites. Levonorgestrel metabolites are excreted in about equal proportions with urine and faeces. The biotransformation follows the known pathways of steroid metabolism, the levonorgestrel is hydroxylated in the liver and the metabolites are excreted as glucuronide conjugates. No pharmacologically active metabolites are known.

Stephen_Moses_6913 · Action
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1 Chs

Understanding each other - True Love

The journey of Vick True Love…………………………………………….. Nila I have something to say (Vick Heart beating heavily), Vick said ‘I love you and I will love you with my whole heart till my last breath. Will you be my girlfriend?’ After five seconds Nila said ‘I also love you Vick’ (in silent voice). After one year of hard work Vick finally happy to hear Nilla words……… . . . . . Dad, mom I returned home……… All are very happy about Vick return to home, until next sentence Vick called security and intelligence team in-charge in intercom, gather all our team including the alpha team in our base in 30 minutes……. prepare all team for the mission All are anxious to know what happened…… ------------------ Vick is simple and silent type, a boy of few words, elder son of Krish family. Krish family is the most powerful and well-respected family in the main city of Country IND. Vick father Arjun and mother Kaviya. By following family tradition, Vick elder son must leave home at the age of 15 and can only return home after he succeeds in his own business. If he fails to achieve, the family business will be given to his younger brother Anbu and younger sister Sara. Even though he is okay with giving all his family business to Anbu and Sara, he still wants to achieve something in his life during his return home. Nila is from the middle-class family in City A. Nila father Murali has a small workshop and Nila mother Saranya manages a small restaurant. Nila and younger brother Akash helps mother to manage the restaurant during their free time. Nila family is very protective and loving. Nila goal is to find a job in a big company in the main city so that she can take care of her family. But Nila parents are opposing the idea of her going to the main city. A beautiful love story of Vick and Nila. A story about couple belief, understanding of each other, and how they overcome all their obstacles… *more realistic *some violence scene *No major misunderstanding between ML and FL *Its my first story, and English is not my first language. Don’t expect perfect grammar. *Read at your own risk *Cover is not mine, I don't own the copyright for cover, its from internet. *Comments are welcome *Weekly three chapters, Saturday - 1, Sunday – 1 and working day (any) - 1 Please feel free to leave comments and reviews, whether it's positive or negative it will be highly appreciated.

Vig_VS · General
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Istri Galak yang Provokatif: Atasanku adalah Seorang Pemarah yang Penuh Kasih Sayang

Setelah serangkaian peristiwa yang mengubah kehidupannya, Pei Ge memutuskan untuk memulai kehidupannya yang baru dan menemukan kembali posisinya di dunia ini. Dia mendapatkan pekerjaan baru, teman-teman baru dan … atasan baru yang semula dia salah duga sebagai seorang pria penghibur! Atasannya membantu Pei Ge membalas dendam terhadap teman yang mengkhianatinya, mendukungnya ketika dunia pun sepertinya sudah menyerah terhadapnya, mendorongnya untuk menjadi lebih yakin akan dirinya sendiri dan bahkan … mengacaukan kencan butanya. Dengan kemampuan kerjanya yang kuat dan sikapnya yang bersemangat, dia berhasil meraih prestasi tingkat atas di perusahaan tempat dia bekerja (di bawah skema licik seorang CEO) dan bahkan mendapatkan seorang gadis penggemar yang tidak sabar untuk menjadi saudara iparnya. Saat Pei Ge menjalani naik turunnya politik kantor, drama keluarga, menemukan pasangan yang tepat, dan harapan masyarakat, dia menyadari bahwa segala sesuatunya tidak sesederhana kelihatannya dan semua yang ia yakini sedang diuji …. Kesalahpahaman Besar: “Kamu brengsek! Mengapa tidak menggunakan pengaman?! Aku hamil!” “… Dia bukan anakku.” “Brengsek! Kamu benar-benar berani tidak mengakuinya?! Aku berikan semua pengalaman pertamaku padamu! Kamu bajingan!” … Di dokter kandungan, dia membaca laporan laboratorium kehamilannya dan terpana: Haid tidak teratur. Pria itu mengangkat alis dan menyeringai, “Bukankah kamu membuat keributan dengan mengatakan telah mengandung anakku? Di mana anak itu ?! ” "..." Siapa yang takut pada siapa? Mari bertaruh!

Song Xixi · Urban
1966 Chs
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