
The greatest Extra

What do you think is a hero? A person who sacrifices his all to save others? The only person who could kill the demon king? The extremely lucky one? Or the one who is extreme op? Or the man who is a trouble magnet? Yes, all of that. But do I care? The answer is... No. Why should I care what a hero is going through? Im just the greatest extra. _________________________________________________

mad_man_3176 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Pierce Pierce Pierce!

In a few seconds, Azul pierced through the heads of three enemies and continued to rampage around the area.

The students watching him were in awe. Unlike them who struggled to take down a single enemy, their prince was treating their enemies as ants.

"Something feels off."

Azul muttered to himself. 

He felt that something was off the moment the attack started.

A normal person with a normal IQ would think that this attack was to kill them and destroy their prodigies.

It would make sense, as there are currently 5 greatest geniuses present here.

So, it was a probability that this attack was to kill them. Even Azul thought so at the beginning.

But after some time, Azul felt that something was wrong. His intuition was screaming that they were not the target.

While thinking Azul's attack intensity did not decrease but it started to increase even more.

The flexing speed of his wrist increased so much that there were afterimages of his spear around him.

His basics of spears were strong.

"What is their goal?"

'Wait a minute, If it was not to kill them why would they attack a treasure city?'

"If it's not to kill us, then they can only come for treasures!"

 But it was so obvious that...why didn't he think of it before?

Azul became embarrassed.

But he quickly composed himself and looked in the direction of the path for the inner part of the building.

'The octaves would never attack us if they were only after normal treasures.

So the treasure they seek must be at the core part of the building.'

Brandishing his spears, Azul cleared the path for the inner area and rushed inside.

"What the hell is this guy up to?"

Muttered James while he was on a killing spree.

"Don't tell me that these guys are after the treasures in the inner area?"

Seeing Azul rush towards the inner area, James could understand what he was thinking. But he didn't rush after Azul.

He knew that going in alone was dangerous. Unlike how he behaves, James is not a fool or impulsive.

Instead, he looked towards Maria, Freya, and Layla.

They also guessed what Azul wanted to do. After all, they were all childhood friends and also trained together.

They looked at each other and nodded their heads. Immediately they too rushed towards the inner area.


" So have they gone inside?"

Feeling the absence of Azul and others, Kai mumbled.

"Huff Huff..."

In front of him was a bald man with unattractive eyes. In fact, with dark lines under his eyes, he looked like a damn ugly demon.

"I'll Kill You!"

He roared.

"Come on, You have said the same thing for the past 15 minutes, you damn ugly baldy."

Kai mocked him with a sincere face.

"I'm not ugly!"

As if he saw himself being cuckolded, the bald man's anger reached his peak, and he swung his sword more forcefully.

But no matter how much he swung his sword; it couldn't even touch the helm of Kai's clothes.

And when he feels that his attack would connect with Kai's body, he would dodge just barely enough to not get hurt.

And this has been continuing for the past 15 minutes. No matter how or from what angle he attacked, It would never even touch Kai.

And for some reason, his opponent has only dodged till now. He never attacked. Not even Once!

Even his third-class insults started to hurt him. No, it was not the insults, it was his sincere expressions when saying those insults. 

'Ahh! Why did I have to attack this bastard? But I really want to break his face!'

"Well, it's time to end this."

"Hmm? wha-"

Before the bald man could understand what happened, he saw a red light flash past him, and the next second his head started to spin and he saw a body in front of him.

'Isn't that my body?'

He could only think about this before he lost consciousness.

"It's time to take action I guess."

Kai spoke to himself before he looked at the battlefield.

" Should I help them?"

He looked at the other students who were struggling to even put up a fight.

'Well, anyways since Azul and his friends are not here, No one should spot me killing others if I am fast enough.'

Thinking till here, there was no hesitation in his heart.

"Anyways, I'm not so heartless to let them die."

While his voice echoed throughout the air, he disappeared with a flash of light.

'I'm a human after all.'


"AHH! Damn it!"

Fighting with his life on the line, Ellen cursed. Before he was a handsome fellow with green hair, now he looked like a figure bathed in blood.

Not the blood of his enemies but his blood.

Even many students were in the same state.

"How many are there? And how the hell did they get here?!"

Anger and confusion filled their eyes. But more than that there was fear.

Fear of...Death.

Unlike Azul and others they were not that strong. Instead, they survived till now only because of luck and mostly because Azul and his friends fought most of them, decreasing the pressure on them.

But now since they disappeared the enemy was concentrating on them and their pressure increased.

In just a few seconds he saw some of his friend's arms and legs cut off, While others were severely injured.

And just a few moments ago he saw someone being beheaded.

This scared the shit out of him and the others.

And that's when the reality truly sunk into them. They will die!

If they didn't fight, they would die, even if they fought they would die.

This was true despair. Although they got through the examinations of Celestia Academy, fighting in a test where you would know that you will not die and fighting on a battlefield where you may die at any time...the difference was huge.

Not to mention, many of them had been admitted due to the influence of their families.

"Sigh I should have trained more..."

Thinking of the times he squandered around having fun and wasting time, Ellen regretted it a lot.

But what can he do? There was no cure for regrets, and it was too late.

Seeing his enemy thrusting his sword towards his heart, Ellen closed his eyes.

He knew he couldn't dodge or parry the strike.

So he closed his eyes. He accepted that he will die.


But after some time, not feeling a sword attack, and feeling the sudden silence, Ellen opened his eyes.

But when he did, he was shocked.

Because what he saw was that his enemy had his head cut off. And he also saw the disbelief in the enemy's eyes which were cut off.

Then he raised his head, and what he saw made him widen his eyes more. Even enough for his eye sockets to come out.

In front of him, Dozens or so Warriors of the octaves who were near to killing many students had their heads cut off. Their bodies drowned in blood.

All the heads had expressions of disbelief on their face.

They didn't know who did this, but all of them felt like they wanted to puke.

It was too bloody.

"Didn't I close my eyes for just a few seconds? Don't tell me these guys...were killed in a few seconds!"

This was what had scared him to the core. To the point that his arm holding the sword was trembling.

Looking at the other students, even their arms were trembling.

Seeing the bodies drowned in blood and the disbelief on their faces, Only one word echoed in Ellen's head.
