
The greatest Extra

What do you think is a hero? A person who sacrifices his all to save others? The only person who could kill the demon king? The extremely lucky one? Or the one who is extreme op? Or the man who is a trouble magnet? Yes, all of that. But do I care? The answer is... No. Why should I care what a hero is going through? Im just the greatest extra. _________________________________________________

mad_man_3176 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Azul vs Simus

Azul sprinted forward with all his might along a dark, wide path.

He was like a flash of blue lightning hurtling towards the end of the darkness.

Throughout the journey, his face was solemn and dignified.

And why?

Because all he could see on the other side of the path were the corpses of people who had drowned in a pool of blood.

Some had had their heads smashed so that their brains were reduced to pulp, others had had their hearts shattered, and some had a serious look on their faces - they did not even know they had died.

Some died in even more brutal ways.

And that was what Azul did not want.

As soon as he realised that something was wrong, he rushed here and hoped that these tragedies would not happen.

But... he was too late.

"I can only avenge you."

With these words, he took a deep breath. Determination shone in the depths of his blue eyes.

No sooner had he grasped this thought than he reached the end of the path.

But he did not stop, he hurried inside to see who had done this.

As he ran at full speed, Azul could see light at the end of the path.

Then he single-mindedly slowed his pace, bringing his bodily functions to their peak and stretching his senses in all directions. He was alert and ready for any ambush that might come his way.

But surprisingly, there was no ambush, so he was able to pass through the passage unhindered.

But what he saw at the end made him freeze.


"So it was the prince of the empire who first came to greet me."

A rather sarcastic voice echoed in the inner hall.

When Azul looked towards the source of the voice, all he saw was a burly, bare-chested man sitting on the small pile of corpses.

He was smiling wildly and licking his tongue over his lips when he spotted Azul.

Like a predator eyeing its prey.

Azul regained his senses after hearing the voice.

He then started to look at the surroundings. They both were in a hall. 

And in the air around the hall, we could see 10 square-shaped boxes floating around the air.

When he looked at one of the boxes though, Azul's heart started to beat faster.

Inside that box was a spear which was struck inside a flat boulder.

It had an primordial air around it but it's appearance was far from it.

Its surface was rusted and there were some cracks around it, as if it could not face the passing of time.

But even if it's appearance was rusty and it seemed to break even with a little touch, Azul's heart began to beat faster and faster.

'what am I doing?!'

That's when Azul came to his senses.

'Right now I have to defeat this bastard and avenge the fallen.'

Thinking of this and making his priorities straight, Azul supressed the excitement of his heart and turned to look at the man.

"Who are you?"

Hearing this the man sneered

"Hey, so you're telling me that the great prince came here running without even knowing who he's facing?"

Azul didn't reply, but stared at the man with a calm gaze.

Hearing no response, the man sneered even more.

" Since you are so curious,I'll tell you.

I am the knight of octaves , a peak level 5 warrior, simus serberia and I'll be the one to take you head!"


Shouting at Azul, simus bursts towards Azul.

The ground cracked and there was a loud sonic boom.

Even Azul didn't let his guard down and readied his spear.

Even though he was facing a peak level 5 warrior with only the strength of an mid level 4, Azul didn't have an ounce of fear in his gaze.

He wielded his spear and thrusted it towards his right.


Simus appeared and blocked the blade of spear with his bare hands.

Sparks flew everywhere and at the same time Simus moved closer and using the forward force aimed a punch and Azul's chest.

Azul sensing the threat backstepped and dodged the attack, just grazing his shirt and at the same time used his spear to slice Simu's head.

The blade swung so fast that it sliced even the air apart!

Unfortunately, simus was prepared and ducked and using the chance he slid away making some distance.

"Not bad not bad, you have some skill blocking some of my attacks."

Simus applauded.

He was genuinely suprised at how skilled the kid infront of him was at close combat.

There are many few kids at his age who can fight like he did.

'There is a reason they call him a genius but ...this is as far as he goes.'

"Let's fight for real now!"

Bang bang.

A huge pressure descended upon the hall.

The walls cracked and the floors around simus were blown away!

Even the very aur seemed to be pressured.

But the important part was that, these pressure aimed directly at Azul!


'Level 5's are no joke.'

Especially when he himself was only at level 4.

The pressure felt by Azul was so terrifying even his blood started to flow in reverse.

He had to give it his hall to not get knocked down.


'I can still handle this much.'

"Lightning spirit!"

A huge new pressure opposing Simus's pressure appeared.

And at the same time Azul became engulfed in blue mana.

The pressure he excluded was no less than Simus.

Their impact resounding throughout the hall.

Azul slowly opened his eyes, and observed Simus in a distance grinning towards him.

His eyes were calm and tranquil unkike the pressure he excluded.

But deep in his gaze there was a spirit to fight and defeat the enemy infront of him.


" Come on."

...he was ready to give everything he got!