
The Great War of Eden

The world of Eden; watched over by the Estrucans of Etruria, goes into chaos upon her Majesty's death. Continent divided. Families lost. The great War of Eden took away things held dear. Etruria became a living Hel because of the Etruscans failure to heed their ancestors vows. The period for peace slowly sleeps away. Do the beings of Ixalt and Noxus have the might to end this great fight? Or will they too fall like the Etruscans. Two souls. Two paths.

karex_og5 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Mana System

Kent Erwin

"Good morning Jack" I waved back to my neighbour who went off to catch his runaway goat.

"Well, that was fast. We have to start preparing to visit your family at Kitezh" my wife snickered as she nudged me.

"We will. I wonder how Finn will react when he fines out we're leaving the town he grew up in." I didn't want to see my boy sad but we have to finish father and brother.

I sighed.

"Relax. Brother Juan and Matilda have a daughter that's Finn's age. He'll fit in. He inevitably have to school outside this little town. That's why we saved so much money. And we have about a month and few weeks before we leave." Freya always has a clear head. I guess Finn must have gotten her witts.

"I can see our house from here. I wonder why it's so far from other homes in town" Freya eyed me. Sweat rolled down my face .

You can't blame a guy for wanting a 'me time' with his wife? I mean she can't use sound magic.

"Look at the bright side, we have lots of time together as a family" I gave my usual excuse.

"Liar. You just want-" I lost track of what she said as I looked in shock at our house. It was made of hard wood since I wanted something simple, but it was strong enough to resist natural attacks.


"Finn?...My baby!" Freya screamed before dashing forward to what was left of our house. I ran ahead burning up mana, as I passed Freya to the site of the blast. Clearing off planks I was met with a crater. Within it was my boy hovering above Eden. A dim barrier protecting him.

"What? Pants. He awakened? He's not even eight years old." Freya was shocked to say the least. We ran towards our son and took him into a family hug.

"Uh, I feel good." Finn let go of us. "I awakened?" He had an innocent looked contrary to the damage he caused here.

"Yes Finn. You did. But you won't tell anyone about it okay." I patted his head.


"Alright dear you should go to sleep" mom left one light emitting artifact on, before leaving. I took a sip of milk from my cup before going to sleep.

"Giggles. Stop. Giggles. Dad let Finn sleep. Dad? Huh~" opening my eyes I was met with a creature leaking my face. From the picture books mom got me, it appeared to be a rabbit's kitten. It had the face and ears of a jackal. A fluffy tail. Pitch black fur with dark brown-gold eyes. It's brows, whiskers and inner ear were wheat gold. Even the pads of it's paw were the same colour.

It looked at me expectantly before running on my right fore arm and lowering it's head-

"Ah! Why did you bite me?" I shoved it away but it looked flustered. Second later I could hear squeaks in my head. Looking at my forearm, I saw a black ring symbol with jaggered line matching up the ring. I looked at the creature to see light golden runic drawings along it's body, which faded after a second.

"Wow. I have a bond. Papa and mama will be happy. Wait. I should name you." I started wondering names to give my new friend.



'you like it? Good boy.'

'Huff' he yawned.

"You're hungry? Here take milk" I fed Azrail my cup of milk. Soon he fell asleep and so did I.


These past few weeks have been filled with a lot of lessons on my side. Dad had given me the family swordmanship journal. Dad said my grandfather gave him when he was young. I was confused on why dad was against the book. He kept on saying things about it not being possible to perform in a real fight. But I practiced the swordplay everyday, in the form of a dance. Mom says I'm really strong.

My parents were shocked to see Azrail but accepted him quickly. He learnt fast and surprisingly could walk as us bipedal. He hasn't really been growing, even though he eats a good amount of meat and takes milk. Aunt Jade was shocked when she met my bond. She kept on teasing Azrail calling him weak and cute.

My vocabulary has improved. Aunt Jade came for my birthday. She got me a wooden sword while mom and dad got me new set of clothes. Mom made cake. ~hehe.

From the books I've read, I found out my mana core is in the red stage. They are seven stages further divided into three zones: 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage. The three subdivisions are determined by the change in the three rings making up the core.

If the outer ring is a lighter shade it's on the 1st. If the middle ring appears a lighter shade than the colour, it's the 2nd stage. And if the circle within has a light shade, it's the 3rd stage.

The main stages are in the accordance of: red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo and Violet. Dad and mom are at the 1st blue stage and 3rd yellow stage, respectively. Aunt Jade refuses to tell me her core level but I guess it should be 3rd yellow stage. My parents said they are stock there since they're already in their mid-twenties.


'You're hungry again, Azrail? Let's go get some food.' Azrail lept to my shoulder to rest. I closed my journal before leaving to go eat and play. I need to spend time with the few friends I have in Eridu, before we depart tomorrow.

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