
The Great War of Eden

The world of Eden; watched over by the Estrucans of Etruria, goes into chaos upon her Majesty's death. Continent divided. Families lost. The great War of Eden took away things held dear. Etruria became a living Hel because of the Etruscans failure to heed their ancestors vows. The period for peace slowly sleeps away. Do the beings of Ixalt and Noxus have the might to end this great fight? Or will they too fall like the Etruscans. Two souls. Two paths.

karex_og5 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

First Journey


*Lick. Lick*

"Giggles. Stop it, Azrail. I'm awake ~heh" I went straight to the bath to clean up. I was left only in my underwear. "Azrail come and get washed"


"I'll get you extra meals. Huh, that's good, right?" Azrail jumped into my embrace, whimpering.


"That's one handsome kid I see." I said aloud while admiring my image from the mirror. I wore white sleeve shirt (folded at the elbow), with a black leather velvet short. The detachable straps hung over my shoulder. My hair was a little long. It had reached my chin.

'Whistle'. It seems Azrail agrees too.

"I see you plan on crushing all the noble girls hearts at Kitezh. Just don't be a playboy or your mom was discipline you." Aunt Jade voice filled the room as she appeared behind me. She started to groom my ramshackle hair.

"What's a playboy?~" I gave a  feigned expression, acting ignorant. I had learnt a lot of mom and dad private discussions. Mom says it's bad to easedrop but I can't help myself.

"You hair is surprisingly soft. And I heard you don't even use gel. What's your secret, little man?" Her voice came from behind my left ear. I couldn't help but giggle. Azrail was licking his paw before using it to groom his fur.

"Growl. I'm hungry" I couldn't suppress the urge for a meal.

"Then let's head downstairs. Your mom prepared breakfast. And you dad most be done loading the luggage". I nodded. Picking up Azrail as we made our way downstairs to the dinning room.

"You're awake. Good morning, Finn. Hope you're not already homesick" mom kissed my forehead.

Giving her a thumbs up, I replied. "Nope. Quite the opposite really. I'm feeling exhilarated" mom prepared oatmeal with pancakes. A cup of fruit juice at the side.

I started to scarf down my food before ingurgitating my juice. I looked to my side to see Azrail doing the same. Are all contracted mana beast like this. I wonder what his mana arts will be like.

"I see you've been a gormandiser like your father. But you should really be careful lest you regurgitate out your meal. You too Azzy" mom scolded Azrail and I.

"What? I mean we're family so I can be carefree" dad announced his presence, but his statement earned him pinch on the cheek from mom. She then kissed dad.

"Do you always act this way around Finn." My parents released their embrace with an embarrassed look. "You know he understands what you guys were doing, I mean he's six" . Aunt Jade laughed loudly, pounding her chest. Dad rubbed the back of his head while mom looked flustered.

"H-hey Finn, its something only presents do. Heh~ understood?" Mom forced a smile.

"Yes mom. Mwah.mwaa. moo-waah" I made different expressions I've heard from my parents before, while puckering my lips.

"Dear Tinath~" I could have sworn mom wanted to cry but she quickly changed the topic with stories of my embarrassing childhood.

After the embarrassing stories of my life were drawn to an end, we made way to the front yard which lots of people were waiting.

We were sent off by our neighbours and surprisingly the governor as we got into the carriage. I stayed with Jade and Azrail, while mom and dad led the second carriage. "How're your mana manipulation lessons going, Finn?"

"Okay. Dad thought me how to augment my body parts and helped develop my channels. I'm still at the 1st stage though. But I'm sure you already knew that." I groomed Azrail fur. He hummed signifying he liked it.

Our aim was to the City of Avalon where my uncle lives. I've heard a lot about my extended family. I was so ecstatic to see a big city. I always wondered why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth. If I were given a chance I'll explore the whole land of Ixalt.

I couldn't help but watch outside the wooden window. Azrail pushed his face forward as the wind blew his soft fur backwards. I could hear Aunt Jades giggles from my side.

"There's a whole world out there, right outside your window. You'd be a fool to miss it. But you'll have to get big and strong first, so no funny ideas." Aunt Jade poked my right cheek.


After a few minutes drive, we arrived at the teleportation gate of Eridu. Some quick procedures which involved giving a signed note from the local government.

The sensation I felt as we went through the gate was that of being discombobulated. My leg felt like jelly, my knees weak and my senses muzzy. Such a vertiginous feeling.

Shortly after, those feelings were replaced with excitement. I wanted to go through it over and over again.

"Howl" Azrail waved his fluffy tail in excitement. Aunt Jade kept a stoic face. I couldn't tell if she was suppressing the sensation or she wasn't affected by it.

Once again we arrived at a teleportation gate site. Pink beautiful magnolia trees decorated the two way paths leading to and fro, the main city. A few minutes and building cane into view. I looked through the window, taking in the sight before me.

Picturesque. The city looked like a little metropolis. It was fairly clean. The majority of the people I could see were tall. Some men had great build with heavy clothing. Upon closing inspection I realised they were adventurers. There was a guild sign displayed on a nearby big building. It read 'Avalon guild hall' .

We passed lots of food stalls, restaurants and shops.

I couldn't get bored of sightseeing. But my body feels sore. Ugh?

I felt a rush of mana into my body; flowing through my channels. I ignored this bliss feeling. I didn't access my mana core.


I looked at Azrail who was wagging his tail. 'Did you do it' I asked

'Hoot' I noticed the atmospheric mana getting drawn to Azzy. Aunt Jade released her wand and took a stance before halting to look at Arzail in utter shock. Soon afterwards I felt the rush of mana inside me.

"Did you just sucked up the mana here" Aunt Jade asked more to me than Azzy.

"Howl. Howl"

"How? Can you do it too, Finnr?" She asked me to which I shook my head.


"Ah. You'll teach me?" I asked my bond. I could feel my excited influence him.


I used this time to train with Azrail. Aunt Jade tried to but couldn't get the hang of it. It didn't change her normal rate of absorption and for that she needed to be in full meditation.

I had an advantage of my bond. It was easy to express the method of mana absorption through our bond. Without our bond I doubt there would be a chance. It wasn't in the books i read. After several fails, I was finally able to grasp the mana absorption method.

I continued this intent mental (nerves) training for what seemed like an hour. But it was worth it. I started to feel the atmospheric mana drawing slowly to me. 

Nonetheless, it wasn't as potent as Azrail's. His case was like a leech to blood. He should have a great mana pool if he keeps it up. And with our bond, I shouldn't be lacking mana.

I few months of training and I'll become invincible

"I'll be stopping here, Finn. Don't cause trouble for your parents." Aunt Jade came down the carriage.

"I won't, Aunt." I waved her goodbye till she got out of sight.