
The Great Thief

He had never invested in shares or bought a lottery ticket, and neither did he have any experience in the general business industry. Lu Li found that the only thing he could do was play games. Luckily he had experienced rebirth, and was one step ahead of everyone else. Luckily, games had been developing extremely quickly, and there were many people who had become rich through playing games. In his ‘past life’, he had spent countless nights awake, in grief and anguish. However, although all of this had been washed away, so what…? This life, he was determined make a fierce counterattack against fate and stand at the very top! ------ Release Rate: 5 Chapters/Week; will be released on Mon, Wed, Fri and Weekend;

Boating Lyrics · Games
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1977 Chs

Bank Run

Editor: Halcyon Translations

Innocent Child was a little discouraged, but he still argued back.

"Don't think you're the only with one a trick up your sleeve."

He had seen Lu Li in competitions before and knew the horror of the Book of Ur. Against a profession with low Defense like a Thief, it was a nightmare to deal with.

Lu Li smiled and didn't continue the argument. Instead, he lifted his chin and asked, "I trust you've been well, Mage God. Aren't going to try and fight Sorrowless?"

Unforgettable Maple had been nervous because he was afraid that Lu Li would call him Maple Girl in front of all those people, but hearing his polite tone provided a sense of relief. After Sorrowless had been assassinated, the title of Mage God was back on the table. He had fought Sorrowless a few times for it, but had lost more than he won.

He wasn't looking for trouble with Sorrowless today. It wasn't that he was scared, but that things were just chaotic at the moment. The timing wasn't great.