
The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World (Paused)

It’s on pause until it’s worth continuing. ------ Hayashi found himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, where he discovered the Template System, which granted him the skills of the Greatest Swordsman from the One Piece universe. As he honed his abilities, Hayashi surpassed even the legendary White Fang of Konoha in swordsmanship, earning recognition in the ninja world. ------ ------ Story is AU and modified. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com I don't own Naruto or One Piece. Kudos to Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichirō Oda. If you want to read the original version without alterations: 火影世界的大剑豪 ------ ------ This is my first time writing. I appreciate all your feedbacks. If you find errors, do not be kind - just be truthful. I can guarantee a minimum of 3 chapters per week.

Malphegor · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Team 8

"Hayashi, Hayashi …"

Hayashi's eyes fluttered open at the sound of Hinata's gentle voice. He sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Her concerned expression greeted him, her pure white eyes locked on his. "Hayashi, are you okay?" she asked softly.

He smiled, teasing, "What's wrong with me?" and playfully pinched her nose.

Hinata had a spare key to his house and often found him practicing swordsmanship in the backyard or lounging in the living room when she arrived.

Seeing him asleep was a rare treat, and she couldn't help but find it charming.

After exchanging pleasantries, he headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Hinata waited, offering him a dry towel when he emerged.

Once he'd dried his face, he joined her in the living room, where a neatly prepared bento box awaited them on the table, just enough for two.


Following breakfast, he headed to his room to change.

When he emerged, he caught Hinata's gaze fixed on the door. She blushed slightly and averted her eyes as he approached.

Hayashi's new appearance was striking. His short, silver hair was styled neatly, and his sharp, yellow eyes were framed by eyebrows that angled upwards, giving him a sharp, intense look.

Dressed in a light black kimono with a white scarf, he exuded a lethal aura, his presence commanding attention.

A simple bamboo sword was secured at his waist, completing the image of a noble scion from a distinguished kendo lineage.

Sporting the Genin forehead protector tied to his arm, he strode towards the door, beckoning to Hinata. "Let's go," he said.

"Hmm..." Hinata nodded eagerly, watching as he strode towards the door.

Together, they made their way to the ninja school.



When they arrived, the classroom was buzzing with activity.

Each student wore their forehead protector differently - some on their foreheads, others around their necks like Hinata, or tied to their arms like Hayashi.

Everyone looked excited about their future ninja careers.

But what they didn't know was that the graduation assessment wouldn't start until they were divided into teams.

Hayashi and Hinata took their seats at the back of the classroom, and his presence immediately caught the attention of many girls.

They couldn't help but admire him, and Hinata by his side only added to his appeal.

As more students filed in, Ino and Sakura burst into the room, arguing loudly.

Nearby, Naruto was getting into mischief, and Hayashi couldn't help but smirk at the sigh.



Naruto jumped up on the desk and leaned toward Sasuke. "Hey Sasuke, I bet I can beat you in a staring contest! Loser has to buy the winner ramen."

Sasuke scoffed. "As if, idiot. I'm not wasting my time on your stupid games."

"What's the matter Sasuke, you chicken?" Naruto taunted, inching his face closer.

Just then, a student walking by bumped him from behind. "Hey watch where you're go-mmph!"

He was cut off mid-sentence as the impact sent him toppling forward, his lips smashing directly into Sasuke's in a clumsy, forceful kiss.

The room fell deathly silent for a moment before erupting into gasps and screams.

"AAHHH MY EYES!" Sakura shrieked, looking utterly horrified.

"Whoa, didn't know you two were like that," Shikamaru remarked dryly.

Naruto and Sasuke sprang apart, both sputtering and wiping their mouths furiously.

"Blegh! Gross! I'm gonna get Uchiha cooties!" Naruto wailed.

"Shut up moron, it's your fault!" Sasuke snapped, his face flushed with anger and embarrassment. "I told you to get out of my face!"

"You totally kissed me on purpose, admit it!" the blonde boy fired back. "I always knew you were jealous of my dashing good looks."

"In your dreams, loser!" Sasuke retorted, still looking dazed.


Sakura's face was furious as she grabbed Naruto's shirt, holding him in a tight grip.

"You idiot, Naruto!" she exclaimed. Ino stood beside her, looking equally angry.

"Hey, I'm a victim too!" he protested, trying to wriggle free from Sakura's grasp. "I didn't mean to kiss Sasuke, it was an accident!"

Some of the other students snickered at the scene, but most looked on in shock. It was definitely a moment that would be remembered for a long time.


Just then, Iruka walked in, bringing order to the chaos. "Alright everyone, settle down! I have an important announcement about your Genin team assignments..."

"Congratulations, you're all independent ninjas now! But as Genin, you'll need to form teams of three and work under the guidance of a Jonin leader."

The classroom erupted into excited chatter at the mention of teams.

Many eyes were fixed on Sasuke and Hayashi, and even Hinata couldn't help but glance at the boy beside her hopefully.

But as Iruka started calling out names and assigning teams, the excitement slowly died down.

Soon, six teams were formed, and the students looked on, eager to start their new journey.


"Team 7! Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke," Iruka announced, moving on to the next team.

Naruto's face scrunched up in protest. "Hey, Iruka-sensei, why do I have to be paired with Sasuke?"

Sasuke shot back, "I should be complaining, not you. You're the one holding me back."

The blonde boy fired back, "Shut up, Sasuke! What's your problem?"

"Quiet!" Iruka's fierce glare silenced the bickering duo. "Next, Team 8..."

As Iruka announced the next team, Hayashi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hyuga Hinata..."

Hinata tensed up beside Hayashi as Iruka continued, "Aburame Shino, and..."

"Yusuke Hayashi."

Her voice trembled with excitement as she grasped Hayashi's arm. "Hayashi, that's wonderful!"

He was taken aback, not expecting to be paired with Hinata and Shino. But he was thrilled with the team assignment.

Not only was Hinata on his team, but also Shino, with his incredible senses and bug-detecting abilities.

Hinata possessed the powerful Byakugan, and he had his unique Observation Haki.

Together, they formed a formidable team, known as the Perception Team.


With their instructor, Yuhi Kurenai, Team 8 was well-rounded and strong.

Although Kurenai might not be the strongest in genjutsu techniques, she made up for it with her other skills.

This balance would help them tackle challenges effectively. The original Team 8 couldn't compare to this new lineup.

Iruka continued announcing the teams. "Team 10! Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Choji, Nara Shikamaru."

"Team 11! Inuzuka Kiba..."

As Iruka finished the roster, the team division was complete.

With the list in hand, Iruka left the classroom, and the Jonin instructors began to arrive.

"Team 3, follow me."

"Team 1, come out..."

The called-out students left the classroom, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

Then, their Jonin teacher entered the room. Her gaze swept across the classroom, finally settling on Hayashi.

With a satisfied smile, she addressed the students, "All members of Team 8, follow me."

Hinata whispered to Hayashi, "Our teacher is Yuhi Kurenai." She looked surprised, having assumed all instructors were men.

"Let's go," he replied quietly, glancing at Shino, who was standing up.

Their eyes met briefly through his sunglasses before Hayashi nodded, and they left the classroom with Hinata by his side.